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Saturday 11 February 2012

Fucked up Friday, Satanic Saturday

(by fucked up I mean drunk)

So, last night was LACED UP and that we did!

Now, I missed half the show because there was a queer system where they had people with tickets in the same line up as those without tickets, what genius thought up this idea? We froze our corseted asses off outside Empire Ballroom at West Ed.

Melissa and I couldn't handle the freezing so we went to the washroom by the casino entrance to drink the cider we brought with us and on the way we met some dude named Silver Dave. He asked if we were going to the cabaret. We said yes but we aren't standing in that line up and so he went and stood for us. We had a couple ciders and had a bathroom photoshoot.

Unfortunately most of those pics are on Melissa's phone, so I can only tell you they are amazing of course, bathroom shoots always are, but here's the basics:

This girl MOSHES in those boots. Definition of a badass metal head. Miss Diva here is my ultimate party buddy. When we get together it is sure to be trouble. That's why I love her.

That's a weird look on my face... I probably had to sneeze but my corset was too tight I couldn't!

What I didn't take pics of was the burlesque performances, which I am not usually keen on... my opinion on this could offend people. So I'll just shut my mouth on this one. But I must say, the headliner chick Raquel Reed, who is a very interesting looking model, burlesque dancer, did an amazing fan dance that captivated the audience. She was really really good.

She pretty much ruled.

I of course didn't take a picture, but here is what she wore, photo courtesy of Facebook creeping.

Fucking insane.

From Left! Miss Randy (Rachelle), Jess and meeeeeee

Once we finally got in we missed had missed the fashion show! That was a little disappointing because my foxy friend Jess walked in this beautiful purple number I wish I owned.
This is of course the only pic where you can see my corset! I should know better to get myself at good angles... but you get the picture. 

Jess, random guy- (it was his birthday!) Randy
(I now call you Randy, Rachelle)

Jess is seeing the party in 3-D after dancing' the night away.

I got this beautiful custom metal Petrine Cross from a cool guy named Micheal Scorpio  who is a photographer/ metal fabricator here in the city. He was selling them at the show. It has a purple sheen.
I think I will turn it into a rosary.

End of the night drunk duck faced bitches.

Jimmy's going- How did I get such a hot wife???

Bottle service Bitch!

They all got dranken. Don't worry.

This is what too much fun looks like.

End of the night squinty eyed drunken beast bitches.
Waiting in the longest coat check line EVAAAA.

So luckily I was there with this crazy bitch and she knows EVERYBODDDYYYYY. Everybody in Edmonton. There was a gothy, weird but cute young guy who's name I don't recall but I feel like it was simply Xe, offered us a ride home and claimed to be straight edge therefore sober, so of course we accept.
First he drives us to Mickey D's which is always a mistake, a glorious drunken mistake, then then to drop off Melissa, and then me. I told this kid my life story, well at least this last year, and he thought I was crazy when I told him I narrowly escaped death from skin cancer, he didn't apparently know anything about it. I think he thought I was just nuts and had to be lying about the chemo, because I still have hair.

I get home and it's 330 am. I decide it's too late to take my shot, with Matt sleeping and me being a wobbly drunk I decide against taking it.
(I will pay for this on Monday with my next shot, it is bound to be a horrible day Tuesday....Good thing all I have to do is go in for a blood test....the rest of the day will be a write off.)

So, I get home, smash the big mac I bought in my face and then am overwhelmed by a sick, yet satisfied feeling, and decide to hit the hay.

Now I am lying there, unable to shut my eyes. I lay awake till about seven o'clock, feeling almost wide awake, like I had too much Pepsi, or someone put liquid cocaine in my drink, one or the other!


I wake up at the super early hour of noon, and somehow pretty alert, a wee hungover but not what I had expected! I call KT and she is back from the desert and we've missed each other, so I hop in my car to get us Starbucks so we could drink coffee and be funny, and so I could pick up my new oils!

Smut 2012
Friday the 13th

Smut is one of my favourites, and this years version has more cherry in it, less boozy, I really like it.
Friday the 13th started off amazing, I could really smell the nutmeg and frankincense, and then the Irish moss started overwhelming it. It's still interesting, I'll just put it in my box and take it out another time of the month, and it will will smell different. That's what I love about these oils, they change.

My collection grows!!! CACKLE!!!

I love a goat on a Saturday afternoon.

Mr. Mauser cat showing me his bottom

Little Miss Fookie in her condo

Miss Miso hanging out being pretty

Random squishy boob ball

MauMau may being loved up something fierce
(KT didn't wanna show her face, she was playing shy)

So then around five today, I tell KT I am hungry and gotta go home to eat something and see my huzbee, and KT had to go to a party, so I drive her downtown and drop her off and head to the grocery store.
Two minutes later I get a phone call- it's KT and she got her dates mixed up- the party is tomorrow.

I come zipping back to pick this crazy biatch up and take her home and feed her fried chicken from Safeway and we make a delicious salad of mixed greens, cherry tomatoes, dried cranberries, feta cheese and avocado.

Now I am relaxing Saturday style watching that dirty bitch Lisa Lampanelli, snap! The mouth on this woman.



alicia said...

so many smokin' hot ladies! i'm moving to edmonton NOW so i can weasel my way in...


Eris Ember said...

PLEASE DO!!! Move here so we can hate people and eat cupcakes!!!<3

Sandy Joe said...

Ahhhhh! This looks like the best time. Your cross necklace and Jess's skeleton dress are to die for.