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Tuesday 28 February 2012

No whiners

Since I am an insomniac this week I will blog while I wait to get tired.

This is "Baba in the city"

I love my city. I just wanna say, if you hate Edmonton or say you do, just move somewhere else, quit yer whining. Move or stop trashing my beloved city. People whine like, WHAAA IT'S SO COLD HERE!!! 

My response to them is 
"Yeah, you know you are in Canada right ? Canada has cold winters. Get used to it or move to Mexico. Just shut up."

So yeah, I don't like whiners. I know from experience life can shit all over you and one day you are living your life the next you face your own mortality, the snow was the least of my problems in the last year. I don't mind the -12 temperature we've had for a couple weeks, and I don't mind even minus 25 as long as I have warm socks and a scarf, and of course my car.

So yeah, if it was such a huge priority that you get away from Edmonton because of the snow you have a few options:

1. Move 3 hours south to Calgary where at least you'll have an occasional Chinook
2. Move to Vancouver and deal with then rain 300 days of the year
3. Go Somewhere else, where, I don't care

Canadians aren't pussies. We are Northern and live in the cold for most of the year, whining about it isn't going to make it go away!

Sorry had to rant that off.


I am excited for the camping party trip I am hosting May long weekend in Ghost Lake!!!

My redneck camp rules.

Nothing much more to say about this but I am ridiculously excited about this trip. The first time I heard about Ghost Lake I decided I am going there. So I created a Facebook event and invited 20 people, who knows how many will actually come but so far I have four yes's.

So yes, I have a thing against whiners. Just stay home whiney babies.


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