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Thursday 9 February 2012

Sleep day, random night

What a stupid day.

So I take my shot last night as usual, take my "concomitant" medications- Tylenol extra strength and Metocloprimide. (Anti-nauseant).
I went to bed fairly early for me because I started feeling really tired. What happens is I can't stop yawning and I am overcome with this intense exhaustion-lights out for me.

About 4 or 5 am I wake up with pain all over. Completely nauseated. Head pounding, horrible feeling of general malaise. I slam back more concomitants and do manage to pass out, but then I sleep without opening my eyes till 2 in the afternoon.
I know you're thinking, "2 in the afternoon? That's a lot of sleep!"
It doesn't stop there folks.
I get up at two, feeling very drowsy, make breakfast, eat a few bites, then pass out on the couch till four.

Now I wake up at four, still feeling yucky, I think maybe a shower would bring me back from the dead, like it always does when I am hungover. I almost fall asleep in the shower.
I get out of the shower and think, hmm, maybe I should exercise, that'll help.
Then I wake up and it's 630.
I passed out again!

Now I know what you're thinking now, Erin, you're on cancer treatment. When you sleep you are healing.
I know this, but it still sucks to have to sleep your life away. You wake up so late that everything is over for the day, I have to be productive in the later afternoon/ evening, and I deal with this, but 630????
Fucking ridiculous I think.

Anyways enough whining.
So now I am wondering what I am going to do to get to sleep tonight, at least I am cozy with my amazing knee high witch stockings and purple dream slippers.

You're jealous. I know.

(I look like neon big bird's lower half.)

So as I mentioned earlier this week, I will be LACED UP at this event tomorrow.

Honestly this isn't my "thing" per se, I feel like events like these are for scenesters mainly, but my girl is walking in a corset and honestly I want an excuse to wear one too and window shop the very expensive corsets. I do plan on having a couple of cocktails too. ;)
Don't worry I'll drink lots of water.
Kt will be mad when she reads this.

Speaking of KT she has been in the desert the whole week, and I miss our night time chats. We get on the phone and blab about something, then go off and do our own thing on the phone ignoring each other then sporadically talking about some other non sense. Usually each conversation involves us talking about oils we want, oils we ordered, and oils we like.

My delicious scent of the week is....

Midnight Mass.

It smells like Traditional Roman Catholic incense, a slightly soapy mix of frankincense and myrrh. I find it haunting.
Now I don't go to church but I have gone to a few midnight mass ceremonies. I love the carols, I find it so beautiful, but I think I would make a terrible Catholic.

If only there was smell-o-vision. I would have a scented blog.

I have a bottle of Friday The 13th coming too. There are 13 accursed ingredients and I look forward to seeing how they smell together. Hehehe!!!

Sorry I haven't had any recipes lately, I best be getting' my ass in the kitchen and doing some wifin'!
I promise one soon.

I should probably work on "relaxing" and I don't think NACHTMAHR is going to do that for me. I have enjoyed them this evening though.

I have been deep into dark electro lately, and this is one for my car for violent cruising.

Rad. So anywhoozles,

I promise to take pictures of the spectacular party tomorrow evening, but first I'll need to load up on one of these:

Fried oyster po' boy at DA-DE-O BAYYYY-BEEEEE!!!
(And sweet potato fries.)




alicia said...

you basically described what most days are like for me and i'm NOT having cancer treatments... that could be a problem. :S also, i have those slipper boots in pink... ARE WE RELATED???


The Witch said...

Bad ERIN!!! BAD! I lolled at the phone calls its so true I also miss that. I will be back sooooooon my pretty