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Monday 27 February 2012

Black alert and some other junk

First of all let me begin with a black alert:

KT Karpetz has gone missing. I have attempted to contact her through text, phone and Facebook, nothing. Where is the world is Katie Kat Karpetz? 

I have four guesses.

1. Eating popcorn
2. Watching Supernatural drooling over pretty boys
3. Under a Mau Mau
4. (and most likely option) working her fabulous ass off.

All four are possible, in combinations. I am awaiting her call so I shall keep you posted. 

Oh! Here we go she has texted me. I have made contact with Mz. Karpetz and she is charging her phone up for a midnight blab fest with me. AWWWWZZZ.

Ok so I thought this was going to be big news, I was going to give you all my email to send me KT spotting reports, but the situation is resolved and KT is not dead.

So now I am watching a documentary on CBC to try and get some learnin's in my brain, some brain learnin'. I figure if I am not going to read I should watch informative television.

About me not reading, I thought about it the other day. I read maybe a book a year, two at the most. 
I am going to be honest. 
I don't always finish books either, I may come 30 pages from the ending and lose interest. It either works that way or I am just unable to put it down till I finish it. I am notorious for reading a chapter and being enthralled and not coming back to it.

You could probably say I have some kind of attention problem, or maybe I am not picking exciting enough books. When I was a kid I loved reading, but I tried to read a few classics and I found them so BORING. Jane Eyre? Really? What would possess anyone to read this cover to cover? It made me yawn the first line of the book, and on the second page I had not a clue what the fuck was going on. I just brought that back to the library and got MAN PLUS instead. I wonder if Jess Atom would remember this book.

Now at least I have read books, and a few important ones. I think the most challenging book I ever read all the way to the end was Nabokovs Lolita. Now some of you literary snobs will pshh that and say, 
"Well I read War and Peace once a week cover to cover."
With your noses in the air.
Fine. I don't care, I certainly don't want to try and read War and Peace just to say I read it, but it takes a lot to keep me interested in a book and actually FINISH it. 

There are some people who have never read a book for their own enjoyment, and that isn't quite me. I read a lot when I was a young girl and teen, but then something happened where in the last few years I have only read a few books cover to cover. 

I am seemingly the only honest person about the reading thing, I hear a lot of people say that they read all the time, but the totally don't. Or they will start books and just never get around to finishing them, just like me. I am more likely to read parts of non-fiction books that I can read a few pages and call it a day with that book until I reference it later. No biggie to me. This is just the way I would prefer to read.

People say, oh, just get your books online, and I say, no fucking way! I am sorry but if I am going to read, I am going to put my phone DOWN.
 I can't fathom this electronic reading thing, e-books. Or whatever.

So there you go, I am one of those people who don't read enough.  Maybe you are one of those people too,
or maybe you are thinking "oh, I couldn't survive without my books, how could someone NOT read?" 

I don't know. I always get an urge to read when I travel, when I have the time and not television. I am sure I will find a book during my honeymoon, and if it bores me I'll forget about it and not waste my time trying to get it down, I'll do something more fun. If it is a good one, I may just finish it... you never know.

Maybe sometimes I am way too honest on this blog. 



My dear friend John got me this AMAZING PRESENT!




John knows me so well. I am going to scratch it no matter what people say, so he is just being a good friend by enabling my habit. I was almost finished my fork on a stick, but this bear claw is much better.


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