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Saturday 18 February 2012

Happy Birthday Miss Atom, Rest in party Zelda

It's Friday, late, and I am jacked up on the massive cappuccino I had earlier. My hubby is not Matt anymore, he's Whisky McGee, his drunk alter-ego.

I am sober except for the crack-accino coursing through my veins! I had the same problem yesterday, and for some reason I couldn't get tired last night, and I lay awake till four am! I also somehow woke up at 1030 and couldn't sleep anymore, which is super unusual for me, I get a regular 12 hours these days. I got up and went to work and I was fine until 3. I finished counting tips and I suddenly felt so tired that I almost passed out in my chair, so luckily I work in a restaurant and have access to caffeine, and I slam back  a double shot espresso with milk foam. That brought me back to life and in designated driver form for Jess's birthday bashola at Empress ale house.

So I drove up to Kt's after work, I come in, pet her cats, eat her lasagne, ice cream and brownies, and pet her cats s'mo, scrutinize her wardrobe choices and then we are off to Jess's birthday bashola.

I didn't bring my camera tonight so I didn't get a picture with the birthday broad so I am just going to be a creeper and steal some off Facebook!

So here's a birthday shout out to Miss. Jessica Atom!

Jess's everyday look

Jess being attacked by her feline familiars.

That fish plate RULES BTW.

Jess and I have known each other since high school, we had lockers two or three down from each other. Kt and I we beside each other, and then super gothy Jess and her super gothy friends Myra and Geneve. First part of the year in grade ten we stuck to our Jr. High friends, and I personally was intimidated by the ultra gothy Jess and thought she might be too cool for me. I don't really remember how everything went down, but we figured out Jess was super cool and just as weird as us. Suddenly we were a crew, Kt, Jess and I and we proceeded to do some extremely bizarre and hilarious activities the three of us. There was some strange photoshoots, short films, underwear bike rides but generally we were up to some strange shit. Running around Whyte ave at night high on candy, and being weirdos in general.

We also had one serious common bond, and girls, I am sorry but this is my blog and a place for honesty: We were all in love with our photography teacher.

Now I am not going to mention his name, but let's just say he was a dreamboat.
I will not get into the details of this strange teenage group crush, it may disturb any close family members that read this and embarrass myself and Jess and Kt, but what I will say nothing illegal ever happened.

(I am going to stop there or Kt will kill me, she managed to be buddies with him after high school for a while. Only that girl I tell you.)

So anyways, this is the BIRTHDAY SHOUT OUT to The weird wild and wonderful Miss. Atom.
We hung through high school then I left to Vancouver and she to Australia, and of course everyone says they'll keep in touch and when you're 19 you're too drunk to pick up the phone and call home anyways, so people lose touch. That's normal. If you can rekindle an old friendship and pick up where you left off, and have fun again and be weirdos together after ten years then that's a sign of that friendships power.
So yes, again, happy bday dude. Hope you are good and drunk and got some good darts in tonight.
We shall weird out soon my dear.

(I had to steal this one Jess, sorry about the creepin'. Ok I'm not. <3)


Please watch this. This 95 year old woman, a New York socialite and all around crazy cool woman, dies in her chair at designer Joanna Mastroianni's show.

People around her pick her up and carry her out.

Now some people are going to be all oh no that's tragic, no, a tragedy is dying before you've had a life like hers. She was 95 years old, she knew she didn't have too many years left in her life. Frankly, that would be a great way to die if you ask me. Living all those years clubbing and living that glamorous lifestyle, and die at a fashion show? That's pretty fabulous if you ask me. Dying in the way she lived her life. Who wouldn't want to die that way? 

Zelda in her signature look

Zelda and Snoop

The coolest woman to ever live.

Rest in Party Zelda. 

You inspired me and I plan on wearing whatever the fuck I want once I am 95 and fabulous like you were. 


1 comment:

alicia said...

why wait until we're 95??? i'm going to get a pair of those glasses RIGHT NOW.