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Tuesday 7 February 2012

Full moon and Friends

So I am just bumming around watching my favourite sitcom of all time- Friends, 
with rollers in my hair.

I am watching the episode where Ross sends Emily 72 roses, one for every day he's known and loved her, and she sends back mulch.
One of my favorites.
Another highlight of the episode is silly Rachel telling Monica she now makes all her decisions, then going on a date with a super hot 90's guy and dumping him for Ross.

(If you don't know Friends, I apologize, as I am sure this is confusing.)

Ross + Rachel forever

So for dinner tonight, I had "Green Curry". I was feeling lazy so I grabbed a premixed package of the sauce. Plus they didn't have the usual paste I use.
This stuff wasn't green, it was brown, and it burned the crap out of my mouth and stomach.

It wasn't horrible, but once it was ready I realized I forgot cilantro, which is one of the most important parts of the dish to me. It was a little disappointing I have to say.

At least I had my gigantic secret brownie stashed away on myself.
And I knew where that brownie was stashed.
I am still high on the chocolate-t goodness, and would totally eat another one, so it's good I don't have any more.

I am doing better with the cigarette cravings today, although earlier I was feeling pretty grumpy. Matt too. So I am just gonna keep watching Friends in my couch clothes. This one is from the classic era where Monica is still in love with Richard and Joey reads Little Women. Phoebe brings a date into the coffee shop and his balls hang out of his shorts. I am laughing.

I blamed the moodiness of today on PMS, but I suspect it is THE FULL MOON this evening.

Full Moon

 Wolf Moon

Man in The Moon


1 comment:

alicia said...

friends is so great - my favourite are the "fat monica" episodes. i wish she was fat all the time.

i want brownies. <3