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Wednesday 22 February 2012

Some alternatives to tanning and some of my beaded creations

Hey y'all, how's about a random mishmash of whatever I feel like spewing out?

Well, either way that's what this entry will be.

I had a request to post tanning alternatives for those of you who like to have a bronzed look.

Here are a few.

1. BE PALE!!!
 Just let your natural skin colour shine. It's the tanning industry and Jersey shore that make you think you need to be tanned. "A healthy glow" isn't healthy at all. Even if you don't burn, when you tan your skin you are still damaging it. Not only are you risking your life using a tanning bed you will look old before your time and leathery and wrinkled.

Please don't aspire to look this this broad.

If you absolutely need to look like you've been to a beach try this self tanner, my friend Jess uses it and the other day, I looked at her and she looked brown, and I said to her "you're not tanning are you??"
She says no, using this:

There is nothing orange about this glow, I am actually impressed. Things have changed since I used these.

Ok, again, I like the number one option of just being pale but again, if you must have a tan, go to a tanning salon and get a spray tan.
I would personally not go to any salons that offer the UV beds, because they are going to try to sell you a tanning package, and they could care less about the risks, they are going to sell you accelerators and cancer.

Go to a salon that does spray tanning only, some spas offer it too.
Going into a Fabutan is just putting money into the cancer machine, and supporting a company that LIES TO YOU and makes you think you need a tan to look "Healthy".

4. For those who use tanning beds for excema, other skin problems or seasonal depression, this is how I started tanning. The never-ending rain in the Lower Mainland made me feel as grey as the sky. I found a rush of happiness came over me with regular use of tanning beds.
I have both excema and seasonal affective disorder, and I deal with both in alternative ways.


Go to a dermatologist. If you have a mild case, try using a cortisone cream. Yes, there are drawbacks to cortisone, when used regularly it can thin out your skin quite a bit. I use it for a couple weeks then stop and use a mild moisturizer like Eucerin cream. If you have a severe case the derm will prescribe you steroid grease. That's what I call it. You'll use it for four weeks and you'll be clear up in five days. It is the only thing that can deal with my excema, which has flared up majorly with my treatment.


When a client asks me about skin problems, the first thing I ask is if they use a scented product. You have very sensitive skin if you deal with rashyness and excema, and you should be using something very pure and UNSCENTED. I like 100% pure organic shea butter, it is the best. When you buy a moisturizer, avoid anything with PARABENS:
 Methylparaben, Propylparaben, IIsoparaben, Butylparaben. Parabens are a group of chemicals widely used as preservatives in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. They have been linked to possible carcinogenicity, as well as an estrogenic effect from being exposed to the continued use of parabens as preservatives.
                                                Also avoid anything with Titanium Dioxide -now FINALLY   declared a carcinogen, 2001.

If you find none of these work as well as a tanning bed, go outside. Put on sunscreen and expose your skin to sunlight for a little while. Trust me I know this works, with at least the excema on my face.


Now I am not a doctor, but there are alternatives to tanning to combat the blues. First of all, there is a difference between the winter blues and depression,  and all the tanning in the world isn't going to help depression. You may want to see a doctor to figure out if you are depressed first, because there are lots of drugs that work out there! For the blues try exercise, healthy food vitamin D and St. Johns wort, and Vitamin B12 for women.

Please try these tanning alternatives. Now nothing is guaranteed to work for everyone but at least you won't be raising your risk for skin cancer by using a tanning bed.

Oh Donatella... you look like a cooked turkey.

These girls look dirty. Like covered in dirt.

It isn't just girls that abuse tanner!

I would laugh in the face of a dude that was this tanned. 


In other news.
I am getting increasingly nervous about the appointment for my hair cutting off on Saturday. Wearing this mangled ass hair is like dragging around a dead horse. 
It has got to go. 
I go from being pumped to being upset, as any woman knows, her hair is precious, I know many a dude that feels the same way about theirs. There is one thing that I just keep telling myself- it will grow back.

Me a few years ago.

So I have been having fun with my new hobby:


It keeps my hands busy so I don't smoke. 

Here are some of my latest:

My pretties


A little nautical number I plan to wear to a lake house seafood restaurant in Ontario!

My Petrine Cross

Black as my soulless heart

A very busy beach necklace for my mommy's birthday next week!

So that's all for now folks. I am going to go shovel pudding in my mouth and watch that movie Girl Interrupted, even though I don't much care for Angelina "The Homewrecker" Jolie.



alicia said...

i'm going to have donatella nightmares tonight. GET OUT!!!

i love the anchor (obviously) and if i'm in ontario when you're wearing it, imma steal it. :D

it took me a year to convince bear to get his hair TRIMMED. in the end he felt so much better once the rat's nest was cut off and it looks so nice and healthy now! also, you would look hot rocking any style - i'm excited to see your new look! <3

Eris Ember said...

Maybe I will make a matching one for you, then we will have cousin necklaces! That would be fun!
Yes, I have a serious rats nest and it is got to go. AND THANKS!

Sandy Joe said...

My favourite? BE PALE! I can get behind that. Also... upside down cross necklace is amazing. I like your new hobby.
