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Wednesday 15 February 2012

Me and my idiot box

Hi everybody!

So I am just kicking around watching Roseanne, I have forgotten how awesome this show is.
Roseanne Barr rules man.

I just realized I have nothing witty or silly or anything to say really. So maybe I will do a top ten shows of all time post. My very favourite ways to be lazy. I hate when people go, "I never watch TV, I just have a TV for movies."
 I say, bullshit! These people totally watch TV. They know about funny commercials, and reality shows... I REALLY hate the people (that are always pretentious dickheads) who say they don't watch TV "Except Lost and the news."
 My ass.
 So when you are done watching CBC news you put your pants on and get off the couch? 
Not buying that shit.

So in the name of couch dwelling I will attempt to list my ten favourite TV shows ever, in no particular order.

10- The Golden Girls

I first started watching The Golden Girls when I was about 13 or 14, I remember it would be on in the afternoon on a lazy Sunday. It wasn't the cool show to watch so I don't remember really talking much about the show, but these women pretty much rule. Now I watch it with my Gays- watching Golden Girls is called "GAY CHURCH." This show has many loyal fans, as you can see by this shitty tattoo that people love those witty old gals.

9-The Simpsons

My brother and I grew up on this show, and it has shaped the person I am today. I have never laughed harder in my life when I saw the episode where Homer has a jug band playing in his head, or the one where he joins the NRA and gets a gun... Without this show I have no idea who I'd be.


If you ever read my blog it is no secret I am a Friends addict. Last year I rekindled my love for this show by watching it everyday when I was housebound from surgery, and again for my intense chemo. I would come home from chemo and watch Friends, and again in the evening before bed. Now if you think Friends sucks I don't know if we can be friends, this was the best show of the 90's! I do think Rachel was funnier in earlier episodes, she kinda turned into a whiney dumbass in later seasons.


Now only Roseanne can be that trashy, abrasive, and hilarious. She is an evil and disgusting woman, and I love her.


Here's another show that helped raise me. My parents watched it and I picked up on it a few seasons later. One of my favourite episodes is when Kramer gets a hot tub, and when they have a contest to see who was "Master of their domain." Gold.

5-The Sopranos

This is pretty much the only drama I've been into on Tv. And one of the best shows ever made in my opinion! I have all the seasons of this show and find every time I watch it I catch things I missed the first, second or third time I watched it... Tony Soprano is the biggest bad ass ever, somehow he is totally sexy and the story is just so intricate and enthralling, I obsess over this show. If you haven't seen this show you have got some catching up to do.

4-Married with Children

Next to Roseanne, this is the trashiest bunch of people in a sitcom ever. Kelly Bundy is my ultimate trashy hero of all time, and was flattered when I was told when I am blonde I look like her. My favourite scene from this show ever is the one where Bud comes downstairs and goes:

"What's for dinner?"

and Peggy goes

"Toaster shakin's"

Best. Ever.

3-Trailer park boys

Obviously I love this show, I have seen every single one and it never really gets old. The best part of the show are the "Rickyisms."

One of my favourite moments of the show is when Bubbles calls Philadelphia Collins that he is a
 mustard tiger.

2-Jersey Shore

I know I know, this show is complete trash. That is why I love it. Everytime I watch my jaw is on the floor, I cannot believe there are people in this world like these gaudy guidos. The girls are idiotic tramps, and the guys are so so gay. I wouldn't touch a man that looked like these guys with a 30 foot pole, they have more shapely eyebrows than me and seem so gross and greasy. Whenever I hear a girl say they think one of these guys is hot they are instantly unfriended on Facebook.

1-Medical Mysteries

Now if you know me, you know I have a sick penchant for the macabre, and I wanted to be a nurse a few times (mainly because I am not smart enough to be a doctor) to be a operating room nurse sounds like a cool career to me. I am fascinated with any having to do with disease and death...
This show is usually on in marathons, and I will go all the way with this one. Only marathon I've been known to do is TV ones...

Wow, writing this post made me realize what a lazy sod I really am.

So I am going to get back to my couch activities, I am not ashamed to be a TV watcher.
I will be back soon with some other random nonsense.

I love you all for reading.



Daley said...

Hahahaha! "Toaster shakin's"

That took me places.

Another Simpsons great:

alicia said...

toaster shakin's is one of the best things that ever happened. i also love "there are two things peggy bundy doesn't do. number 1: cook, clean, sew, vacuum,iron, and parent. number 2: exercise." my hero.

i want to watch ALLLLLLL these shows with you! <3