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Sunday 8 April 2012

Eostre, beware the bitchy bunny


WOW! How do I sum up this crazy easter weekend? With pictures and dumb captions, perhaps even by telling too much. I dunno I am all over the map today.



Russian Tea room.
Nothing Russian about it.
More Filipino than anything else.
They did have some cool weird piggy banks at the front that I didn't buy...

No pics there.

Next on to Flash Nightclub, for a Drag show... or the Madhatters Gala apparently, or at least that's what the poster I ripped off the wall said.

I took the Poster off the bathroom wall whilst my best girlfriend Miss KT puked her brains out after too many shooters in a row, typical of her. Go too hard and end up praying to the porcelain god wayyyyy too early.

Anyways, I don't want to embarrass her or she'll make me take this post down, but she was a mess. She wanted CHOCOLATE HURRICANES and she got one, but then I could see the sickness overcome her. 20 minutes later and her parents arrived, we went outside for a party smoke with Roddo and then next thing I know KT is apparently face in toilet.

So I go check on her and she won't let me in, she later admitted she didn't know it was me and thought I was her sister Sandy, and she was full on Princess Pukey.

I decided it was time and went and grabbed her Leathers (aka her Louis Vuitton I'd die for and her Jacket)
 and lined up her husband to get the car, all I had to say is "That's it, home time." It took me ten more minutes to coax my way back into the stall to dress her, straighten out her Tiara and pull up her panties.
 Just kidding about the panties.

Put her in the car and then she proceeded to puke in a homesense bag or something.

She wasn't happy in the morning, but she was up earlier than me that's FO SHO.

My partying continued.

Long story short there was a table full of old skool very drunk lesbians that bought me drinks all night, didn't even cop much of a feel, just told me they like Reds with that creamy white skin. 
Works for me, I didn't take a dime out of wallet all night.

Our time at Flash ended with the "bouncers" aggressively kicking out my husband and then myself and few friends left after he used his knife under the table to try and remove a loonie from a bottle cap, and it was me who escalated the whole thing. I walked up and some guy was already yelling at me about my husband apparently "Brandishing" a weapon, ok, maybe so, but holy smokes, these guys were so angry and bitchy in my face that I gave them a show. I started off on them about all the other bullshit happening in the bar, not to mention the lack of seats on the women's toilets, disgusting and illegal, and all the other sub par shit about this crappy bar, the blatant drug use in the bathrooms, really I don't care, but I think I was just bored and wanted to create a good ol' fashioned scene. I haven't had the energy for a year to act like a fool in public, and I always enjoy a little trouble with all eyes on me, I will admit. I'll be quiet and sweet until I erupt like a volcano. That's just me.

Or it could have also been the combination of VodCran's, chocolate Hurricanes and prescribed Steroids. It really made me CRAZY, they warned me the Roids would be a bit of an upper.
I had no idea they would make me into an angry gym bunny.

Here are some of the random shots taken by the ever camera ready Best Gay and Friend ever, my heart, JOHN!!! Thanks babe!!!

Me with Demon eyes, with the ladies and Angie.

The party people, and an awesome Drag Queen named Felatia in the background.

John right after the butt judging competition.. he always judges 'em. Boys only.

Me off the chain with a very annoyed looking Matthew.

So yeah, my husband and remaining friends were "bounced" out of this bar, and it was on to Buddy's nightclub.

More debauchery ensued there, and it's a good thing there isn't any pictures of that, more lesbians were lovin' me and buying me drinkie poo's and it is mostly a blur of me dancing to Nicki Minaj while my sweetheart hubby held my purse and looked super annoyed that his wife was on the rampage... but it's ok he is over it now.

So I omitted several details from this this crazy evening so as to not scare y'all, if you really want the dirty on my craziness email me for the DEETS :). JK. I pretty much summed it up.

Oakland ended up on our couch after this BANANA evening and Matt passed out while we watched weird bands on YouTube and drank champagne, great end to a crazy night.


No pictures, just shame.

Dirty dirty hungover shame.

Three Gatorades, two pizza pops, several samosas, a bunch of dried apples a couple black teas my prescribed drugs and I was good to go.

Went to hang with a bunch of queers, men and women at John and Jers, then I brought John to my house where Matt and Oakland were lying around pantless, full of Pub Style Buffalo chicken bites and nursing their shame with the rest of my Vodka and Matt's whisky.

I had to pop a bunch of pills to relieve the itch and then pretty much passed out.

End of the Saturday story.


Slept in but got up to make butter tarts from scratch for dessert tonight.

I for some reason am really good at tarts of any kind, and find myself making them for many different holidays and parties.

Plus I know a butter tart can make my dad smile, so I love to make them for him.

We ate, we drank, talked about the ultra-nakedness of Kinsmen change rooms and how everyone just walks around totally nude for no good reason... for hours... lotioning and using strange talcs and even removing hair in a wayyyy too public manner in sinks and under the dryers. Fucking disgusting and unnecessary if you ask me.

Club fit and World Health you never see that.
Most people make an effort not to be tooooo naked.

That was a large chunk of our Easter Dinner convo this evening, ahhh, good times.

I seriously appreciate this Easter dinner this year.

Last year I was on the couch, 20 pounds lighter, sick as hell and not wanting turkey, ham, potatoes or any other rich yummy holiday foods anywhere near me.

This year I helped my mother host and ate "A Dad plate"- a plate completely covered in food, not an inch of the plate showing, with TONS of gravy, it was wonderful. Ate it all too.

One extra special part of the evening was my new necklace from my parents OMG OMG OMG
Cutest Betsy J. Black cat charm three tier necklace.

Please ignore the rashy excema skin in the background.

A close up, I do love that necklace, the red wine lips, not so much.

I personally hate this pic of me but I am only putting it up here cause Matt said it was pretty.

Overall, a great weekend. There has been so many fun things to do on weekends since I stopped treatment, and I am going to soak it up and yes, go crazy.
I understand my brand of crazy can be a little scary at times, but really I don't mean any harm and just could care less about being judged by the things I say and do, especially now that I value life SO much more.

Crazy can be scary, but it can also be very good. If I am not crazy I am not Erin.
That's when you should be afraid.

(Me finding Mini Eggs and eating them.)

This is my song this week.

Listen to it, I promise it will move you.



alicia said...

for some reason most of the pictures don't show up for me - i don't know why! i want to eat your butter tarts - puppa would be proud!


Eris Ember said...

I have fixed this dumb photo crisis!
Post office opens tomorrow and I can't wait for my prezzy!!!

When I make butter tarts and shortbread I feel poppas spirit around me. Plus my dad believes they cure all that ails ya... I believe our Great Grandmonther told him that!!!


alicia said...

i feel that way when i make his jam! awww i love puppa. <3

i agree that they cure everything! that's probably why great grandma lived into her 90s!

i hope you like your little gifty! <3