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Wednesday 4 April 2012

Drugs drugs drugs

So here's what's going on.

First of all I am lazy and nearing bedtime so will keep this brief.

Since being off interferon, headaches are gone, nausea is gone, taste is back, appetite is raging, thirst gone, but that damn excema.... yeah, it's worse and worse everyday.

My skin has gotten angrier and angrier, more and more burny, and the itchiest experience of my life. Like I've said (many times I'm sure) it's enough to drive a girl mad.

Well the other day I went mad. 

Itching oozing burning skin falling off, yeah that was enough.

Long story short I got in to see my whacko derm today and he put me on a bevy of drugs for the following reasons:

Hydroxyzine- For the itch and to suppress the nervous system
Prednizone- An oral Steroid
Cephalexin- To clear up infection
Ativan (Lorazepam)- To keep me sedated and not ripping my skin off at night.
More strange cream I'm too lazy to spell.
A vinegar smelling antiseptic brew to bathe in 2x a day.

I think so far my favourite is the Hydroxyzine- it's not like it totally takes away all the itch but it is much less intense and makes me zone out on other things, so that'll do for now.

So the Ativan is kicking in, time for bed.

My doctor promised me clear skin by Easter Sunday with the steroids.
We shall see, and I will of course update.


1 comment:

alicia said...

sweet, sweet drugs! they pretty much come in vending machines in america. works for me! if you need me i'll be popping xanex like they were cheetos...

i hope they help with your skin! my face has been really red and itchy lately and it's making me crazy, so i can't even imagine what it must be like!

did the mail man bring you any presents lately?
