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Sunday 22 April 2012

To Calgary, to get smash drunk and fish!

Wow, what a weekend!

Matt and I went to Calgary Friday after work to visit with my Brother Daley and his wife Alicia. 

Alicia made a beautiful dinner and we ate, drank, was merry, very merry, celebrated 420 and drank some more. We all pretty much got hammered, which is par for the course and had a super blast. We played Monopoly on Wii and then Daley and I stayed up till like 4 am talking as we do when we get together. Just a lovely time all around. 

I brought my Camera, which is like one of the original digital clunky ass cameras people don't even use anymore, and started using it but then got too drunk to remember to take pics, and the next morning Daley said:

Oh Erin, we were looking at your camera and decided we couldn't let you keep using this.

They gave me a little Nikon Coolpics and I laughed and said, you're right, this thing is unnecessarily large. Thank you guys for the camera. <3

Here is what I took Friday, in between glasses of wine.

Drinkie poo's.


Such a cute big boy kitty.


Wake up feeling like a bucket of stir fried assholes.

Pretty much totally still intoxicated from the wild night.

Ordered my poor husband around out of general hungover grossness.

Later apologized for being bitchy.

We say goodbye to the bro and sis and hop in the truck to head to Matt's mom and her boyfriend's place.

Now I will attempt to upload a shit ton of pictures, I used my new camera shamelessly all day and night.

Posey -posey hangover face- complete with greasy hair.
Husband spitting spitz in a cup. Wonder if that would qualify for a Distracted Driving....

We arrive at Laurie and Alex's and find Miss Mean Meowie Abbie, who is an angry pretty kitty that won't let you just love her . For the past five years I've know Abbie I've tried to get some love, but no, it's all hisses and swipes and bites. I just lovvve her cute lion cut though, it makes want to cuddle her more!

Matt has an app on his phone that has a bunch of different meow sounds, like sad meow, angry meow, hissing meow, kitten meow. Matt started using it to fuck with Abbie and sure enough she thought it was me she needed to attack. She jumped up a punched and clawed and bit me about three times, full on chomp trying to rip out a chunk of flesh. Ah, Abbie, I still love you though.

My husbian and my mom-in-law. We just sat out in the sun for a couple hours.
Ate a yummy quiche and Matt had a few beer.

I am not the biggest fan of my chub face in this photo, but I thought it was kinda cute.


This doesn't look comfortable but somehow it was. I almost fell asleep and had one of those scary falling off the earth feelings so I went to the upstairs deck to sleep on the comfy couch up there.

At the end of a delicious meal, face timing Alex and bugging him about him finding tire biters driving around a Jag in vegas.
Tire biters!

During dinner we drank two bottles of DELISHISSS La Crema Pinot Noir.

 Me feeling posey and loving my clearing up skin, not having the horrible fiery burning itch so I can wear t shirts again, here's my KRAMPUS Tee.

It's time to go fishing, so I camera whored a minute or two before heading out.

So shameless and myspace.

I made a delicious very strong purple drink, topped it up with club soda and we walked down to the river.

Matt the natural fisherman told me to watch him, and I was eager to try but he was like let me throw a few more.
That was ok, I got to drink my purple drink and look through rocks. I love searching for special rocks and always take a couple when I get a chance to look at a bunch.

I was starting to get a little wobbly off this purple drink.

 I was starting to get a little wobbly off this purple drink.

My turn!
I sucked at first but got better, and now love it and want to do it often!!! Fishing is fun!!!

Just me holding up ma balls.

Found a not quite perfect Heart shaped rock. It was actually a really special and romantic moment for me and my fisherman.

So I throw a few and learn fishing is just common sense.
And it is totally relaxing.
Matt threw a few more, but after an hour if was dark and I was drunk and had to pee.

Ok, if you really know me you know I don't need a toilet to pee. I am totally a natural kinda girl, not like a dirty hippy, well maybe a little.

If you don't want to know what I use for toilet paper out in the bush, turn away or scroll down...

A stick or a rock does the best job.

Ok now you all think I REALLY am some dirty hippie, I more think of it of being a wilderness badass.

We didn't catch anything, but I learned a lot about it, and it is really very simple.

Matt told me about a fishing trip he took with his dad years ago where they brought minimal food, like a few canned veg and beans maybe, and you bet your ass, if you want to eat, you better catch a fucking fish.

I think this may be in my future, except I'll hid some kind of protein in a cooler I will somehow hide in my pack.


Now back to the games room in Laurie and Alex's fun booze filled basement, to play sloppy drunk games of darts and pool, until the shots of cabo wabo started and a was to wabo-ley to play bar games, and instead we started listening to music and singing, even dancing.

Here's the purple drink that made me sing with Wanda Jackson over and over for about half an hour.


I did get my antioxidants in my Oasis berry drink, so I kinda felt like I was drinking SMART.

Drunken shenanigans with the hubs

Singing to this song.

We ended up making popcorn in this old timey treasure, we got some and I melted butter on it but lots was burned. I guess drunks shouldn't handle old timey popcorn machines....

I threw a few times and sucked so badly I quit.

Usually I am the Dart champ of the night.... last night, not so much.

All over the board.

Getting hungry, sneak upstairs and find these Italian S biscuits I do take a sniff before I eat it.

Hmmm not bad!

Alex's hog. I thought about taken it for a ride cause my drunk hardly able to stand husband had gone to bed, but then I realized playing with my Sims would be a better choice.

The masks we wear.

 At this point I was drunk enough to talk to myself in the mirror, and find water and choose to do the wise thing and have some.
There are no pictures but I was dancing and singing to this song.

Ridiculous late night shots.

Showing off the masters cup, because of course Alex went to the masters or something,

Now for another snack. I head upstairs and cut some moulding delicious cheese and wrap several in salami. For some reason when I am drunk I need that meat and cheese hit at the end of the night, and always feel like I'm doing something that will prevent a hangover, somehow I alway believe this.
It could be pizza, donair, and just random cheese wrapped with meat, cheese and meat feels like vitamins when you're sauced, and I just gotta get it in ma belly.

At this point I was drunkenly singing, knowing I didn't need any more tequila, but then this bottle caught my eye. Unfortunately it was wrapped in a plastic seal, and I was much too intoxicated to break into this, so thats when I decided- hmm it's 3 am, probably time to go to bed.

I got in bed with Matt and started drunkenly slurring lovey things and he was snoring and basically I woke him up and he got all annoyed! So then I rolled over to die for 7 hours.


Wake up again feeling like that bucket, the one full of stir fried ass, and come to breakfast late looking like a rooster with my hair just standing in the air and half an eyebrow left on one, the other totally gone.

I looked like a real classy lady lemme tell you.

Anyways, we showered, hung out a little bit, and then had to get on the road to E-town. 

We get on the road listening to wire tap and heading to Le Baron de Burgers in Red dear for a greasy mushroom burger.

Laughed about a podcast about Goofus and Gallant.

You'd know who they were if you read Highlights Magazine.

Goofus was the bad boy and gallant was always perfectly polite.

You would open the magazine to see what Goofus was doing, and Gallant was always just such a dweeb.

So now I am on my couch, still wide awake thanks to the prednisone I am prisoner to for a couple more weeks of weening- it is incredible how wired and wide awake until a very late hour... I have already done a year of a brutal drug, I can handle a few more weeks of this.

Matt had to do a shutdown and went to work around 8, but the boys got er done early and he was home by 11. 

After he left I was lazily sitting on the couch but feeling disgusting.

I looked down at the growing belly I got going on, the fudgee-O's I have my eye on, and then look outside and really it was the perfect time and weather for a "yog"

So I forced myself to run straight for 25 minutes, and it hurt but felt so good too. I sweated out all the dirty shots and mysterious drink and came home sweaty and spent.

Well, that means I have to go tomorrow, and again and again. Until I am an awesome runner again.

Now I am just taking an Ativan in hopes it's going to settle me down enough for bed.

I did have a blast this weekend, and will make my way to C-Town more often for fun with the bro and sis, and the mom-in-law and some more drunk fishing.

Right now there is a smile on my face.

Night pretties.



alicia said...

THANK YOU DALEY AND ALICIA FOR GIVING HER A FUNCTIONAL CAMERA! haha now i can actually SEE every picture you posted! love it! <3 <3 <3

alicia said...

also, this: