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Wednesday 18 April 2012

Yay for my average day!


There has been trouble in friend paradise obvs, but I am determined to move on without animosity or holding a grudge. I don't think I could honestly. 

It takes too much energy to perpetuate discord.

I'd rather let it fly in the wind or burn in the fire, become one with the sea or dissolve into earth.

That's where I will leave it for now, in the earth where it may become organic again.



Well, most would say that I had an average day, nothing too spectacular happened really, but I went to work early and alive and ready to be an awesome employee, and smile and greet customers and genuinely care that I am there. I love to see the same faces come again and again for lunch, and speak with the same loyal dinner customers who come regularly for years.

It really makes me look even more to my dad for the talent and warmth he has for these customers, who just love him and follow him around- for a reason. He is a truly selfless host who make his customers look forward to a meal at his restaurant, and I model my business personality off of his, and admire him greatly.

His passion and drive for the job, which isn't always an easy one, and that's an understatement, has ignited my passion for this business more than ever, and now that I near 30 with several years in this industry under my belt so far, I have the goal to one day fit Brian Welsh's shoes and make him proud.

I love my job and couldn't do anything more fulfilling at the moment.

So I was in a great mood all day, and instead of thrice heated staff meal leftovers that they wouldn't even serve at the remand centre, I had me a lobster bisque and Tenderloin salad, and had a smile on my face till I left the building.

(Don't worry, I'm still smiling.
I don't think anything could get me down today, and seeing as there is only 20 minutes left in this day, I doubt at this point it could be ruined.)

I did have to leave work a little early for the dermatologist, and when I get there Dr. Salopek comes in with 4 aspiring Salopeks, all asking me questions and looking at my skin with overly open eyes and their hands on their chins.

The first guy says:

You just had a rash not melanoma, right?

I laugh and say, I have a rash from Stage 3 melanoma treatment, otherwise known a whole year of INTERFER-ENCE.

Hahaha joke.

They gasped when they saw my skin, which is WAYYYYYY better than it was 2 weeks ago, before the prednisone, which I didn't want to take but have found it is the ONLY relief from the itching and burning.

I told them I am honestly afraid of going off the Prednisone, that I am just going to return to rashy hell.

All these aspiring Salopeks nod.

Then Smylie (my oncologist) comes in and goes-

You're always on TV. You're a star.

Then Salopek goes-

You're like Edmonton's own Melanoma beauty Queen!

I laugh and say, sure, I'll take that title.

He writes me up a prescription for the WEENING of Prednisone over 3 weeks, hoping this will keep the bitch itch away, some other strange greasy cream and a mumble or two about having a dermatology meeting at Ruth's Chris, like he does every time I see him.

The room full of wide-eyed future nutcase dermatologists all turn and let me dress, sheesh, Salopek even commented on the peircings I have in my boobie parts, said some garbled shit about me being a free spirit and we can't take those out. Hahaha. I am always entertained by this crazy guy every visit.

From there it was to the pharmacy to fill more prescriptions of course, then to a brewhouse to have a beer with Miss Melisiah and then home to stir-fry dinner.

I tried out a bottle of wine called Ruth's Blend (as in Ruth from Ruth's Chris, who smoked 3 packs of ciggies a day, random fact.)

It is supposed to be the perfect pairing for several items on Ruth's menu, and I could really dig it with a Rare filet and asparagus with hollandaise and sweet potato casserole. MMMMM.

So really this reads like a normal day, but to me it was a lovely day.

I enjoyed it so much I am excited to do it all again tomorrow.


I leave for some time in Calgary with my Brother and Sister in-law, and a night at the in-laws! 

So I may not update until Sunday or Monday, I've got more partying to do.

Thanks to those who want to celebrate life with me.

I love you all.


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