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Sunday 29 April 2012

Celebrating with my loves, getting lost and alone



YAY FOR THE ONLY PICTURE OF ME TAKEN LAST NIGHT- I got to the party and realized i left the memory card to my new cam at home, but I felt the need to take a pic of my dramatic liquid eyes, I was feeling fairly dramatic. So why not? I was on my balcony priming for my partaaay with a little smoke and a little cocktail.

THE END OF INTERFERON PARTY (Official/close friends/family celebration.)

It was a lovely evening, full of laughs, margaritas, food, and my favourite
My mom got the mini ones and I betcha I ate at least ten of of them last night.

We (as in my mom, me, and Ryan) celebrated Mexican Style since my dad is in Mexico, or because I was craving tequila... maybe both.

I got lovely and touching cards and gifts and a new charm from my mom and dad
 (I'm a spoiled daughter MAJOR)

Shitty pic, but it's a little champagne in a bucket! 
To mark the end of a long year, one that I got to say was over yesterday, with those who have stood my me, and took this journey with me.

I was barely able to stand up at the end of the night, I was officially in MargaritaVille, smoked some holistic herbals with my besties and laughed into the night, and once people had to go me and my mum and I had a little time to talk just us and then I went and passed out in my parents guest room- my former room on the futon somewhere around 2 am.

Slept in till late and felt ok when I woke up, considering there was no tequila left and that lime stuff was super sugary, and once I'd finally had enough last night I took a sugar dive. 

Went home feeling a little lazy, a little restless.

Matt was sleeping off the Whisky, and I felt like going somewhere.


Kinda felt like driving my car till I was lost.

Weird, but also natural.

I sort of just wanted to be 


Following the Yellowhead to range road nowhere.

I blasted these tunes hard.

Once I was sufficiently lost I pulled over for a smoke.

Lost in wedges. Fabulous.

Nail polish too, uh oh.

So when you're lost, it's always a great plan to go sit in the bushes a while.

Bordering on emo, I felt the need to take pics of me after crawling into a bush.

Call me an EMO, I don't care, this BE MY BLOG RIGHT HURRRRR .


There I said it so you don't have to.


Time to go, a storm approaching.

A few white knuckle moments ahead , a little bit of hydroplane action, (right here I see my mothers face turn several colours of concern, but don't worry mum, I slowed down, checked my blind spots and avoided the pools of water, and bent down to get a good view of the road.
I of course turned up this:

I made it home safe, had to pull over and get out my GPS once, but I found my way out of my self induced lostness, and actually had a lot of fun doing it.

You should try it too.

A wonderful weekend for Miss Ember, on to the week at work, YAY!


1 comment:

alicia said...

i love the eyes! i would end up looking like gene simmons if i tried to do that.

i also have a charm bracelet! i bought ALL of the charms for myself after several NOT AT ALL subtle hints were ignored. sometimes (all the time) if i want something i have to do it myself! i love the champagne bucket - perfect for your party! <3