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Monday 30 January 2012


Last night I rekindled my affair with Tequila.

I feel shameful and dirty.

Extremely hungover too.

It was our annual Ruth's Chris Staff Party, and of course I planned it at Metro Billiards. It was a blast, there was food, pool and TEQUILA! 

I was just gonna stick to pear cider on ice and water, but I should have known that it wouldn't go down that way. Everyone wants to do a shot so I ended up hanging out next to the bar and Ron and I do have an annual shot, but then ten other people wanted to have a shot too. I was held hostage and forced to drink gold cuervo against my will. 

It was worth the hangover I'd say, I slept most of the day and when I woke up I loaded up on Vitamin Donair and drank some Gatorade, which helps.

Now I am eating an apple and starting to feel a lot better!
Too bad the day is over.

So Matt and I have decided what we want to do for our honeymoon!
We of course got married on July 30th, but have not yet been on a vacation!

In July we are going to cottage country in Ontario at the same time as my parents so we can visit family! Then we are off to Montreal and Quebec City!

Along the way we are gonna eat and drink our way through Canada and I am really looking forward to staying in this hotel!

Le Château Frontenac!

So romantic.

I don't have much else to say except watch this.


Friday 27 January 2012

A couple of movies and a broken tooth

Matt and I are watching Starship Troopers and I am yelling,

Kill those things! Kill em, or they're gonna kill youuuuu!

(Jake Busey plays a really cool violin in it though)

So anyways, happy Friday night.


We are sitting around watching this horrible movie Starship Troopers- I think it's supposed to be horrible- and these stabby arachnids are battling Denise Richards.

Breaking news!

They captured the giant sphincter alien (brain bug) on Starship Troopers!

They are all celebrating!



So just a few minutes ago I was eating these yummy chips right here!

I get these delicious and healthy chips from Planet Organic. Matt and I had the munchies and whipped these babies out.
I am crunchin' away and all of a sudden I bight down on something too hard to be a falafel chip.

It is a piece of my tooth.
Or a part of the filling in it.
I yell.
Well that's just wonderful.
I knew that dentist was just a sadistic money hound.
He butchered my mouth and took all my coverage that year.
Now it's all pokey in the side of my mouth.

Looks like I will have to make an appointment to see one.
I found one that doesn't scare me too much.

Now we are watching Clear and Present Danger.

One word to describe this movie:

Sabbie Stole!!!

Laser kitty next to wedding trees.

Ok, now we have chosen to watch War of the Worlds with Tom Cruise.
I must admit those Tri-pods scare the shit out of me and so therefore I need to go watch this.

I'll be back with some random nonsense later.

Love you all.


Wednesday 25 January 2012

Queen of the random

This has to be one of my favourite scenes in Friends of all time.

I just had to start with that.
Watch it and laugh.

I have installed at widget that is a chemo countdown calendar, at the top of my page.
It is exciting to look at for me.

I am currently anxiously awaiting some "presents" bought online.

 Saturday night after Elaine's party I had the brilliant idea to go buy a bottle of sake. Inspired by sake-drunk text messages from my dear friend John, I find my way to a bottle of Gekkeikan Sake, served warm.
Half way down the bottle I picked up my MacBook and started searching for the end of the internet.
That can result in a drunken online shopping spree.

Now I really didn't go completely insane, and I won't post em all until they arrive and I can put them on.

I did buy a couple things for the husband too, to distract from all the stuff I bought. ;)

This one REALLY excites me!

KT introduced me to this site, and there is tons of cool stuff but I really wanted this cat kit!
It comes with Catnip and incense, and a pentacle collar! Seeing as I have two black cats I had to buy another for Sabbie, or she'd be jealous. They are going to look so mysterious and I will be posting pics when they arrive!

Another fun purchase, BPAL socks!

I am also awaiting my Friday the 13th oil, and my Krampus T-Shirt.

KT and I got the same shirt. We will be wearing them next Christmas.

So many creepy goodness' at:



How delightfully trashy.


Wow, that was random.

Anyways, clearly today I have nothing profound to offer my readers, so I'll just entertain you all with random garbage.

Ah, Taylor Momson.
The wannabe Satanist.
What the hell can I say about this look that she doesn't already say in her coked up baby star face.














Well, I am out of ridiculousness for the day.
This week includes one more client, an cone incense making class, a girls night AND my work staff party.

More adventures to document soon!


Monday 23 January 2012

D. Randall Blythe for President, Bday shout outs, and some general random dandies

So I will begin with some good news- Lamb of God frontman D. Randall Blythe will be running for President!

D. Randall will set things straight down there.

Today I had an early morning doctor appointment. Went in a 8am to be poked and blood taken, X-rayed and examined. The usual. Then Spoke with my doctor on how I am feeling, and when I told him he said "just hang in there another ten weeks."
Ten weeks?
I thought it was twelve 
-I go
doc goes-
Nope, you're done on April 11th.
It sunk in that will go by fast and I can return to living a normal life for the first time in a year. 
I was overwhelmed suddenly and got a little choked up.

He asked me questions about my symptoms like he does every time and I tell him about how I am going out of my mind every night with my itchy skin, he nods.
He says-
Don't worry, when it's over you'll feel just great.
Well no shit.

Two special birthday shout outs:

Today was also my brother Daley's 27th birthday! HAPPPPPPY BIRTHDAY TOOOO YOUUUU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOOOO YOUUUU!

Now it wasn't easy being my younger brother, I know, I was a terrible older sister. Hitting, punching, pushing down stairs, you name it, I did it to poor Daley. I can't believe he talks to me, and seems to like me. ;)
Being the older sister, I was always bigger than him. Which made it very easy to slap Daley around. Our mother used to say to me, "Erin, one day he's going to be bigger than you and it will hurt a lot when he hits you"
I probably responded with a "PSSSHHHHH"
I didn't believe her.

Well, one day, it came out of nowhere, Daley was taller than me. It begins like any other fight, Daley's huge sound system drowning out my Smashing Pumpkins or violin practice, I fly downstairs and start banging on his door, screaming TURN IT DOWN!!!
Daley turns it up. He did have a sweet sound system that's for certain.
I egg him on until somehow he opens the door.
Now I am uncertain of how things escalated here, but somehow I end up chasing then being chased by my brother with a knife, a jug of orange juice being thrown by me on to my brother, and then I believe he may have refilled that jug with water, or maybe that was me, my brother slid a chair across our hardwood floor to slow me down, and it smashed my big toe, fracturing it- but I still carried on. I am not exactly sure how it ended but I do remember running out the front door and down the block and finally decided I wasn't gonna win this one and the best thing to do was to try and get him to hide it from our mom... or at least this is MY version of the whole debacle.
What does this terrible and violent sibling quarrel have to do with my brother's birthday?
It means I try harder today to be a good sister to Daley, and am proud to call him my brother!

Love ya bro!

Happy Birthday to Mikey Putinta.
Mike was a waiter at Ruth's Chris where I work (only part time right now) as the sales manager/my dad's secretary/napkin folder, and we also played on a pool team with a couple other staff. Mikey was the sweetest most gentle man you'd ever meet. He was polite and selfless person, almost to a fault.
Mike loved his beer.
Now this was no secret, in fact it was endearing. Mike was that guy that would have a beer and tell a good joke, but the look in his eyes was often far away.
But Mike was that guy that would let anyone talk about anything, and he would let me bitch and complain about someone or something, agreeing whole heartedly and cracking a joke about it.
He was a good FRIEND, and that doesn't come naturally to everyone.
As a waiter, he did his job, made good tips, and didn't get any complaints.
Well maybe one, but maybe he went too hard that day.

When we would play pool, he'd have his beer, but when he had the right amount of beer but not too much he'd do really well. He had a good handicap. He would kick my ass in a practice round.
Him and I would clink glasses and drink together.

He died when I was very sick from the first two weeks of chemo. 
I will never forget the time that he passed every year.

Happy birthday Mikey.

That's it for the b-day props!
I'll be doing one for everyone in my life!

So anyways, I wanna share with you all my Black Phoenix Alchemy lab oil of the week!

Bad picture!
I looked online but I couldn't find any pics of the bottles.
But here's a review.

It smells like burning leaves off in the distance. It smells like kids burning tires in an alley, spilled booze and sugar.

Now, I HAD to share this, if this offends you, don't read my blog.
It's MY blog and this is hilarious and I watched it five times and laughed every time.



Sunday 22 January 2012

Waterpark, Rosie Cat and my two favourite little guys!


Well this isn't a planned blog entry. I am righteously buzzed on some Geikkeikan Sake served warm after a sober driving weekend. On a whim I picked some up on the way home from a day of activities.


OMG so fun. Me, Matt, KT, Mike, Pete and Mopar went to the waterpark on tickets we bought for ten bucks a piece from ATB. First we rode the Tropical Typhoon- I call it the toilet bowl- you shoot down a tube and into a bowl where you swirl around clockwise and then get flushed down a hole, I love this one cause everyone always falls in an awkward way into the pool, then water is falling on your face and you just belly flopped into the pool.
KT hated it and banged her head somewhere on the slide so she wasn't all that impressed. We went on a more mellow slide for Miss KT. 
After riding the corkscrew, blue bullet and jumping through waves in the wave pool for a bit, we went and got junk food and a drink.
After the drink I finally had the balls to ride the crazy new slide, THE CYCLONE!!!

So, you get in a capsule, the top of the slide, and a glass shield closes over you.

You don't even have time to scream in terror!
It's like you are falling down a tube and not a slide.
Now if you look at the picture above you fly at 60 km an hour into this crazy almost totally upside down loop. Most people make it through the whole loop and back down. I didn't.
I went down the tube, excuse me, FLEW down the tube, then half way up the loop and something happened and I went backwards all of a sudden and back into the tube!
A young boy working at the waterpark lifted me out of the tube, and I was confused for a moment!
I look around and realize I didn't make the whole loop.
Loved it.

That was a serious adventure and I still feel like I am in a wave pool.

We came home all tired from stairs to water slides and wave pool shenanigans.

I slept in today because I had my shot last night, and of course it makes me sleep for a long time.

Once I finally wake up, I get some bad news.

My Family's beloved 18 year old cat Rosie (aka ol' Row)
Had to be put to sleep.
She had kidney disease and wasn't eating.
Poor girl, we didn't want her to suffer.

Rest in peace my sweet old kitty.

 Rosie is the sleeping one.
Mitssy is standing next to her up to no good.

In her last days.
Photos courtesy of my awesome brother Daley.
Thanks bro. <3

I loved this cat, and her and I had a special connection.

I'll miss her.

I had to have some time with my kitties after that.

Then we had some things to do!

First, to ACT pool in Rundle park for SILAS'S 2ND BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!

He turned two this week and he totally loved opening all his prezzies.

He used both hands to rip out the tissue paper! SO CUTE!

 This was so funny and cute. Silas opens this present and it's books, and he goes "BOOKS!"
Then drops them on the floor and motors off.



So fun.
I got him a train book, a Seuss book, and my favourite book as a child, The very hungry caterpillar!
I got to meet a bunch of cutie pie 1-2 year olds, and I made friends with little Brody, Mel's little boy! I need a picture of him, he's a cute little thing!

All those sweet babies today made me want one for myself!

A year and a half and I can have one if we are ready. Mini Erin/Matt hybrids?
That child will be crazy person royalty.

We had to go straight to St. Albert for Elaine's "End of school"celebration!
We had a delicious dinner made by Maggie and Dennis (Elaine's Dad and stepmum)
Lasagne, Alfredo, Caesar salad, greek salad, bread and butter and Creme brûlée for desert. So good!

I got to play with Dylan who calls me auntie now, he's two and ready to rumble! Dylan is doing summersaults, playing with gadgets, and chattering away.

Here's a couple of my fave pics of Mr. Dylan!

 Dylan and I in the summer! He was so small here! He's a big boy now! AUNTIE ERIN LOVES YOU DYLAN! XOXOX

Little skunk!
So cute!
Dylan is such a smart little thing and he wraps you around his little finger and is always having so much fun!

I had a fun day with the little guys in my life and it helped with coping with the loss of Rosie cat.

Since this entry was inspired by Japanese Rice wine, I am starting to fade from the bottle and am ready to close my eyes.

Much love to all of you lovelies.


Wednesday 18 January 2012



So I watched this video last night. It is the creepiest thing ever.
Strange sounds are being heard all over the world and this is a compilation of multiple videos of this unidentified sound.

I watched this with my jaw on the floor. Watch the whole 15 minutes.
Then I showed it to my husband and he was horrified, and he said he has heard it.

Just five minutes ago I heard that sound myself. I rushed to the balcony to record what I heard.

Now in order to hear it you have to listen to it very closely, and you'll hear what sounds like a violent wind through a pipe or something, or like whales or a beehive, except the trees are completely still. You can hear it best on your phone and listen closely. If it comes back I'll get in on my real video camera.

It was loud enough for me to hear it from my couch and I stood up and opened my balcony, and by the time I got my video camera on it was quieter.....

Tell me what you think!

Day two of this cold snap, and I believe Hell has officially froze over. Now, after living 24 years out of my 28 on this planet in this wonderful city of Edmonton, I expect and tolerate the cold. I say layers layers layers my friends. You must bundle up. Don't be foolish and wear a coat made for a chilly summer evening, it's January. I am apparently one the only Albertans that just shuts up and wears more sweaters. I don't whine and complain about something that we cannot change, IT IS COLD EVERY YEAR. IT SNOWS EVERY YEAR. YOU DON'T LIKE ALBERTA, GIT THE FUCK OUT!
Ahhh I feel better. This has to be said. 
But that being said, there are of course this type of brutal weather brings with it some new challenges I haven't had before- my car dying.

So I decided to run errands this afternoon after staying in feeling sick all day, I felt better and ready to go buy gifts for friends babies, and I of course slap on my sweaters, scarf and Holt Renfrew Black Bunny fur earmuffs and I go to warm up my car, and she didn't wanna turn over. I kept trying for a couple of minutes and finally she purred for me. I drove around for about 15 minutes to warm 'er up and then to the mall. I knew what I was getting the babies I was shopping for, so I was in and out of the mall within ten minutes. I come out and put my key in the ignition- nothing.
Shitbox express was dead, and I have no booster cables.

Shit, I said, and went in the mall to call my hubby to bail me out.
I called him, no answer, tried another ten times, then, with my blood pressure rising I text hellllloooo about 30 times in a row before I called Kt. Mike told her to tell me to open the hood and jiggle the things on the battery, I went back out, tried that, still nothing. Then Matt called me and he was like why did you text so many times? At this point I really want a cigarette and I am like, Shitbox is dead! I need you to get here to boost me! 
He did, and it's all good. But I learned a valuable winter driving lesson today, I am going to Canadian Tire to get booster cables. 

I have to say I do prefer having to boost my car than waiting for a bus on the side of the road, I would deal with the bus if it ever ran on time. Unfortunately in Edmonton it seldom does, run on time that is. It makes me so mad I don't even know if I can go into it!
It made me burn inside when I'd wait an hour for a single bus. In this city they don't even have to apologize for this terrible service. It disgusts me that they get away with it. It has only gotten worse in the last couple of years, so forget it, I am going to increase my carbon footprint and drive everywhere. Screw public transit.  

So after my day I decided to order in a Veggie pizza and something meaty for Matt, well actually Matt ordered it online on his phone.
I forgot that pizza made me feel ill.
Definitely feeling sick right now. I guess I should have known that would happen....

I get my shot tonight, so I get more of the same for the next day, but on the bright side, February first I will only have 3 months left where I will have to be injected with poison. 
I am so excited to be finished.

I know I will be elated to be over this treatment, but I also think adjusting to life after the medicine will also be another challenge. One I am all too happy to have, of course.

Being limited this last year because of the surgeries and chemo has really been a wake up call for me. I realized you have to consciously take care of yourself.
Treat your body like a playground and things like cancer happen.

To conclude this evening, I really wanna know what those strange sounds are, and why this isn't on the news yet.

Keep listening my friends, and share your videos!


Tuesday 17 January 2012

Chicken for a cold Canadian winter

'Tis a cold winters eve!
The low tonight is supposed to be minus 47, and I am happily warm wearing my pi's with my warm blanket and cup of tea on my couch! 

Tonight I made an easy winter dish.

Chicken for a cold day

You will need

Chicken thighs, breasts or drumsticks, 4-6
All purpose flour
10-30 cloves of garlic
Balsamic vinegar
Chicken stock
Mini potatoes
Crimini mushrooms
Corning ware

Preheat the oven to 400
I start by mixing the flour on a plate with the Rosemary, paprika, and pepper, about a tablespoon of each, I add more rosemary- and coating the chicken with the mixture.
Then I braise (brown) the chicken in a frying pan with a small amount of vegetable oil on medium to high heat. Just brown each side and take off the pan.

Put the chicken in the corning ware and fill 1/4 way up with chicken stock. Add about two tablespoons of balsamic vinegar. Slice the mushrooms and potatoes and put the garlic in where you can, I put in all around the chicken. make sure you get the broth on it.  
I know you're thinking, 10-30 garlic cloves? Unsliced, unpeeled?
That's right. This dish isn't the same without the whole cloves of garlic. You can squeeze out the garlicky goodness on the chicken, it makes the dish completely.
Put the lid on and cook for an hour and about twenty minutes.

This will keep you and your man (or woman) warm, full and happy. I make extra so Matt can take it to work for lunch.

Today I spent five hours cleaning up my apartment. Geez, it was getting messy. I'm still working on laundry so I gotta go to fold a load. 

Stay tuned for more adventures this week!


Monday 16 January 2012

Eyebrows. Not something everyone does right.

So this one has been in the works for a while, as you know I am a beauty professional and operate my own little home "spa" (a bed in the corner of my apartment) and if you ask my clients and friends, I am a good waxer of the eyebrows. I just see what would look best and shape them accordingly, a skill not possessed by everyone apparently. That is why people like me do brows, to de-uglify the world. The women I see around with bad brows look too scary to try and photograph, so I instead found a few examples of the common ways these women shape their brows, and how they make themselves look like complete idiots.

 HAHAHA Oh man this girl looks so stupid. How in hell could someone look in the mirror and think they look good with this eyebrow??? I knew a girl one time who's name I won't mention, she deleted me off Facebook so it's not like she's gonna read this, she was quite the pretty girl... if it wasn't for her sperm brows! I wanted to tell her she looked like a complete fool but never knew her well enough.

These eyebrows are bad because she took wayyy too much out of the inner corner, and needs to grow all that in. If she did that it would get rid of the "comma" look she's got.

 Not sure if this is a woman or a drag queen, but in any circumstance this is not ok.

What's wrong with this other than the obvious? Too big, too close together, too far up the forehead.

 Don't improvise a new brow shape that is drastically differrent from your own. You will wind up looking like this crazy bitch.

These brows are showcasing one of the worst things women do to their brows- draw them too close together and not following their natural arch. Not sure what she is going for here.

Well I had to put this pic up for obvious reasons.
And to point out how ridiculous women look when they try and change themselves too much.

Do I really need to explain why this is bad? No ones eyebrow is naturally like that except spock. If you want a higher brow you can always take your pencil to the top of the arch, and fill in the upper area down to the tip. That'll bring the eye to the highest point.

This is ok if you want to look surprised all the time. I can't imagine what it's like to wake up to her in the morning....

Again, don't try and move your eyebrows to a different part of your face. 

 Just don't.

We know that colour in your hair is not natural, you don't need to try and look like a natural "Fire engine redhead" cause nobody is going to buy that. This is only ok under very few circumstances, if you have an extremely gothic subculture look, and if they are very thin and well shaped. I have only seen one woman who did it well.

Now I haven't been a fan of this home wrecking beast since she split up Brad and Jen, so I am using this chance to bash her dumb looking brows. Her makeup artist must have been on team Jen.

The inner corners are too close, once again! Otherwise the brow is fine, a little angular but ok, unfortunately this brings the eye to the nose and the angle brings the eye to her jaw. 

Ok, so now you are saying, Erin! I think I look like example number two!
I need help!

Well you could start by coming to me and getting schooled in the art of a proper brow shape, in many case women have to grow parts of their brow in first. Starting with more to work with is the best way to rehab broke ass brows.

I suggest women grow them in, and then see me for a good shape. But if you are ambitious and wanna become a reformed bad brow girl then heres my advice.

Once your brows are grown in, you will be able to see your natural shape. 
Depending on that natural shape is how you will decide where it starts and ends and where the arch will be.

This is the ultimate guide to eyebrow shaping.
Follow this guide and you'll never do wrong. 
Even if your brows don't have an arch naturally, you can fake it by taking a little more out of the arch, and thinning out the ends a little, and when I saw a little I mean taper the ends. No need to go too thin, or before you know it you'll have half brows. Not good.

Another trick you can do at home is draw the shape you want on and use it as a guide. 
I'd just come to me and have a real brow lesson.

Yes I'm using my blog to plug my business!

Brows will make or break your face. If you have bad brows people will notice, and something about you won't look quite right. It's like when you put on a pair of sunglasses and they aren't right on you. You wouldn't buy those sunglasses would you? So don't walk around with something that isn't you on your face! You'll look like an idiot.
Like these unfortunate ladies above.


Sunday 15 January 2012

Space toilet and Titanic, charms and herbs

Happy sunday everyone!

It is the Black Sabbath.

I had a great weekend.

Friday KT, John and I took a class in herbs for incense burning. I chose mistletoe- which I didn't know was toxic, oops, and everyone in the class burned a little bit of their chosen herb. The room became full of smoke and we all had to go out and get some air, but it was super cool. Next class we are doing cone incense. We are taking the course at a little metaphysical store called Where Faeries live on 124st here in Edmonton.

Yesterday was date night with my husbian!
We went to the Telus World of Science and saw the Titanic artifacts. At the beginning you get a boarding pass of someone who was on The Titanic and at the end you find out if they lived or died. I lived! My Husband died.  It was really cool! Of course no cameras were allowed, and there were too many people around to break the rules I couldn't get pics of the exhibit but I whipped it out in the other parts of the science centre as it was virtually empty.

 This thing is supposed to make you feel motion sick and it did to me right away! Matt didn't feel it. I told him that's cause he has no soul. ;)
My hubby enjoying SPACE TOILET!!!

Then My husband and I went out to din, to an Italian restaurant named Il Forno. Delicious but over priced. We filled up on pasta and calamari, I even split a bottle of wine with Matt and on the way home I felt like I was going to fall asleep. So overall a good experience.

We came home and watched a movie, The Change up with Ryan Reynolds and some guy. It was funny though, I suppose, for a movie with the same old concept of somehow two people switch bodies and they learn lessons about love life and those around them, blah blah blah but this one had great toilet humour to keep you watching. Good for a laugh when you don't want to have to think too much!

Overall, a lovely date night with my husbee.

Today was a lazy day, it was too cold to do much other than hang out under a blanket and cuddle with a kitty. So that's what I did. Matt went to the flea market and I sent him to look for preserves for me, to no avail. All the ladies with Jam were packed up and gone home for the day.

Then we went to my parents place for dinner. Nothing better than a free dinner you don't have to cook at mom and dads on a lazy day. They were recently in Vegas and I watched over their puddy tats. They brought me back a little something for that!

 It was hard for me to get a picture of it, but next to the gun is a Las Vegas Charm you can only get it Vegas! I thought It would look good between my Gun and my black cat!

My mom and dad gave me this charm bracelet when had my big lymph node removal surgery back in March, and three charms to go on it- The shooting star, the heart with the crown and a dragon that is not on here right now cause the clasp needs fixing. Then I got the red shoe from my Grandma Frannie and the Just Married heart from my mom for my shower present. Matt got me the gun, then mum got me the black cat, and the skull with horns I picked out for my dad, and a pretty flower for my mom.
I love my charm bracelet!

This week ahead of me is going to be busy and fun!
The highlight of the week will be Waterpark triple date with KT and Mike, Jess and Jimmy and Matt!
I am going to go on the upside down slide, you go down this thing at 60 km/hr!
This is what it looks like!


Stay tuned this week for a recipe of some kind and I will be also posting a blog entirely dedicated to the art of eyebrow shaping, and will be featuring examples of brows gone wrong. There are some silly women out there who make themselves look ridiculous with their silly shaped brows. I AM HERE TO SAVE THEM! TAKE NOTES IF YOUR BROWS LOOK LIKE THIS:

We have a problem here. That looks silly.
I will be giving you sacred beautician secrets, so take note.
