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Thursday 5 January 2012

Hanging at the parents, strange yogurt, running

My parents are in Vegas so I get to take care of their Kitties!

I don't mind lying around their place eating their hummus watching their TV and smoking weed in their basement. Mittsy is a super cute, super crazy kitten who runs into and up walls, and just wants to play all the time. Old Rosie girl is off sleeping somewhere warm, and Mittsy lives to torment her. Ol' Row swats at little crazy boy and gives him a warning growl. That's pretty much what happens all day in that house.

Mittsy in a rare moment of stillness

 Mittsy thinking about going for a fly

Mittsy running up the cabinet

 Mittsy having a brief snooze before resuming mission Terrorize.
 So, you gotta raid the fridge. There was very little of interest but there was soy yogurt which is like sorbet to my mom, as she doesn't eat dairy or sugar, so I thought I'd try it out.
 I couldn't eat it. The texture was just not right, it seemed like it would make me gassy and it was clumpy and yucky. Sorry mum, I just couldn't eat it.

Next is some cable Tv watchin'

Obligatory bathroom mirror vanity shot!

 More bathroom VANITY SHOTS!!
Time to go
(Just kidding, I'm captain sober for a few weeks. I didn't take my dads wine ;))

So I have decided I need to get back to running. I really got into running a few years ago and found I started to love it.  When I was running I felt like I was in good shape, and loved the way it feels to blast music and just give'er. So good!
Problem is right now I lack the motivation.
Intron a raped me of motivation to exercise. 
It's just that jarring movements will make me ill, 
and sweating makes me nauseous,
my muscles hurt on a regular basis, they hurt more after exercise.

One thing that I thought yesterday that may be enough to get my ass off the couch, is to organize a run for Melanoma research. I think it would be cool to do it and hopefully get attention from the media, get people thinking about this disease!!!

Anyways, I am off to KT'S for a couple of hours, she has some witchy new products she wants to show me... 

Tomorrow is stew night! I'll be making stew for some dear friends. I am going to be balls deep in stew. It will be delicious and there will be a recipe up soon. I can't give you the recipe yet or you'll make your own delicious stew and all my friends will go to your stew party and love you forever! 

Stay warm!!!


1 comment:

alicia said...

oh man, soy yogurt = POISON. to me anyway...

i want some stew.
