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Sunday 22 January 2012

Waterpark, Rosie Cat and my two favourite little guys!


Well this isn't a planned blog entry. I am righteously buzzed on some Geikkeikan Sake served warm after a sober driving weekend. On a whim I picked some up on the way home from a day of activities.


OMG so fun. Me, Matt, KT, Mike, Pete and Mopar went to the waterpark on tickets we bought for ten bucks a piece from ATB. First we rode the Tropical Typhoon- I call it the toilet bowl- you shoot down a tube and into a bowl where you swirl around clockwise and then get flushed down a hole, I love this one cause everyone always falls in an awkward way into the pool, then water is falling on your face and you just belly flopped into the pool.
KT hated it and banged her head somewhere on the slide so she wasn't all that impressed. We went on a more mellow slide for Miss KT. 
After riding the corkscrew, blue bullet and jumping through waves in the wave pool for a bit, we went and got junk food and a drink.
After the drink I finally had the balls to ride the crazy new slide, THE CYCLONE!!!

So, you get in a capsule, the top of the slide, and a glass shield closes over you.

You don't even have time to scream in terror!
It's like you are falling down a tube and not a slide.
Now if you look at the picture above you fly at 60 km an hour into this crazy almost totally upside down loop. Most people make it through the whole loop and back down. I didn't.
I went down the tube, excuse me, FLEW down the tube, then half way up the loop and something happened and I went backwards all of a sudden and back into the tube!
A young boy working at the waterpark lifted me out of the tube, and I was confused for a moment!
I look around and realize I didn't make the whole loop.
Loved it.

That was a serious adventure and I still feel like I am in a wave pool.

We came home all tired from stairs to water slides and wave pool shenanigans.

I slept in today because I had my shot last night, and of course it makes me sleep for a long time.

Once I finally wake up, I get some bad news.

My Family's beloved 18 year old cat Rosie (aka ol' Row)
Had to be put to sleep.
She had kidney disease and wasn't eating.
Poor girl, we didn't want her to suffer.

Rest in peace my sweet old kitty.

 Rosie is the sleeping one.
Mitssy is standing next to her up to no good.

In her last days.
Photos courtesy of my awesome brother Daley.
Thanks bro. <3

I loved this cat, and her and I had a special connection.

I'll miss her.

I had to have some time with my kitties after that.

Then we had some things to do!

First, to ACT pool in Rundle park for SILAS'S 2ND BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!

He turned two this week and he totally loved opening all his prezzies.

He used both hands to rip out the tissue paper! SO CUTE!

 This was so funny and cute. Silas opens this present and it's books, and he goes "BOOKS!"
Then drops them on the floor and motors off.



So fun.
I got him a train book, a Seuss book, and my favourite book as a child, The very hungry caterpillar!
I got to meet a bunch of cutie pie 1-2 year olds, and I made friends with little Brody, Mel's little boy! I need a picture of him, he's a cute little thing!

All those sweet babies today made me want one for myself!

A year and a half and I can have one if we are ready. Mini Erin/Matt hybrids?
That child will be crazy person royalty.

We had to go straight to St. Albert for Elaine's "End of school"celebration!
We had a delicious dinner made by Maggie and Dennis (Elaine's Dad and stepmum)
Lasagne, Alfredo, Caesar salad, greek salad, bread and butter and Creme brûlée for desert. So good!

I got to play with Dylan who calls me auntie now, he's two and ready to rumble! Dylan is doing summersaults, playing with gadgets, and chattering away.

Here's a couple of my fave pics of Mr. Dylan!

 Dylan and I in the summer! He was so small here! He's a big boy now! AUNTIE ERIN LOVES YOU DYLAN! XOXOX

Little skunk!
So cute!
Dylan is such a smart little thing and he wraps you around his little finger and is always having so much fun!

I had a fun day with the little guys in my life and it helped with coping with the loss of Rosie cat.

Since this entry was inspired by Japanese Rice wine, I am starting to fade from the bottle and am ready to close my eyes.

Much love to all of you lovelies.


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