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Monday 23 January 2012

D. Randall Blythe for President, Bday shout outs, and some general random dandies

So I will begin with some good news- Lamb of God frontman D. Randall Blythe will be running for President!

D. Randall will set things straight down there.

Today I had an early morning doctor appointment. Went in a 8am to be poked and blood taken, X-rayed and examined. The usual. Then Spoke with my doctor on how I am feeling, and when I told him he said "just hang in there another ten weeks."
Ten weeks?
I thought it was twelve 
-I go
doc goes-
Nope, you're done on April 11th.
It sunk in that will go by fast and I can return to living a normal life for the first time in a year. 
I was overwhelmed suddenly and got a little choked up.

He asked me questions about my symptoms like he does every time and I tell him about how I am going out of my mind every night with my itchy skin, he nods.
He says-
Don't worry, when it's over you'll feel just great.
Well no shit.

Two special birthday shout outs:

Today was also my brother Daley's 27th birthday! HAPPPPPPY BIRTHDAY TOOOO YOUUUU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOOOO YOUUUU!

Now it wasn't easy being my younger brother, I know, I was a terrible older sister. Hitting, punching, pushing down stairs, you name it, I did it to poor Daley. I can't believe he talks to me, and seems to like me. ;)
Being the older sister, I was always bigger than him. Which made it very easy to slap Daley around. Our mother used to say to me, "Erin, one day he's going to be bigger than you and it will hurt a lot when he hits you"
I probably responded with a "PSSSHHHHH"
I didn't believe her.

Well, one day, it came out of nowhere, Daley was taller than me. It begins like any other fight, Daley's huge sound system drowning out my Smashing Pumpkins or violin practice, I fly downstairs and start banging on his door, screaming TURN IT DOWN!!!
Daley turns it up. He did have a sweet sound system that's for certain.
I egg him on until somehow he opens the door.
Now I am uncertain of how things escalated here, but somehow I end up chasing then being chased by my brother with a knife, a jug of orange juice being thrown by me on to my brother, and then I believe he may have refilled that jug with water, or maybe that was me, my brother slid a chair across our hardwood floor to slow me down, and it smashed my big toe, fracturing it- but I still carried on. I am not exactly sure how it ended but I do remember running out the front door and down the block and finally decided I wasn't gonna win this one and the best thing to do was to try and get him to hide it from our mom... or at least this is MY version of the whole debacle.
What does this terrible and violent sibling quarrel have to do with my brother's birthday?
It means I try harder today to be a good sister to Daley, and am proud to call him my brother!

Love ya bro!

Happy Birthday to Mikey Putinta.
Mike was a waiter at Ruth's Chris where I work (only part time right now) as the sales manager/my dad's secretary/napkin folder, and we also played on a pool team with a couple other staff. Mikey was the sweetest most gentle man you'd ever meet. He was polite and selfless person, almost to a fault.
Mike loved his beer.
Now this was no secret, in fact it was endearing. Mike was that guy that would have a beer and tell a good joke, but the look in his eyes was often far away.
But Mike was that guy that would let anyone talk about anything, and he would let me bitch and complain about someone or something, agreeing whole heartedly and cracking a joke about it.
He was a good FRIEND, and that doesn't come naturally to everyone.
As a waiter, he did his job, made good tips, and didn't get any complaints.
Well maybe one, but maybe he went too hard that day.

When we would play pool, he'd have his beer, but when he had the right amount of beer but not too much he'd do really well. He had a good handicap. He would kick my ass in a practice round.
Him and I would clink glasses and drink together.

He died when I was very sick from the first two weeks of chemo. 
I will never forget the time that he passed every year.

Happy birthday Mikey.

That's it for the b-day props!
I'll be doing one for everyone in my life!

So anyways, I wanna share with you all my Black Phoenix Alchemy lab oil of the week!

Bad picture!
I looked online but I couldn't find any pics of the bottles.
But here's a review.

It smells like burning leaves off in the distance. It smells like kids burning tires in an alley, spilled booze and sugar.

Now, I HAD to share this, if this offends you, don't read my blog.
It's MY blog and this is hilarious and I watched it five times and laughed every time.




alicia said...

happy birthday daley! i remember seeing him when we were kids and then all of a sudden he was huge. and by all of a sudden, i mean 12 years... ;D

Daley said...

Thank you Erin! You remember the exact day the tides turned. I think we called it even from there. I love you! Can't wait until early April!!!!!