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Tuesday 11 September 2012

Mixed Nuts

One thing I can never say about my life, it is never boring.

These last 24 hours were just nuts.

This story starts out around 1030 last night.
I had dinner at my parents house then talked and laughed a while and I come home, thinking I would just go to bed, I was feeling tired.

Well I turned on the TV and started relaxing a bit, and I got to thinking about my recent urge to go back to school. I have been thinking about Athabasca University, where I can take university courses online.

I go to their website and about 45 minutes later I had signed up for a three year bachelor of arts majoring in Psychology. 

Yes this is real, I am going to FUCKING UNIVERSITY, this is something I said I would never do, mostly based on the fact that so many university students think they are better than common uneducated folk, and alllllll wear Mountain Equipment Co-op coats and Lulu Lemons, fucking U of A hoodies and Uggs or shabby ass flip flops.

At a young age I decided I hated University culture, and just said, 
I don't wanna go to school for 4 years, I just did 12, 13 if you count kindergarten.
Fuck it 
I said, I'd rather make money now and do whatever I want,

So here I am, still enjoying my job but yearning to LEARN, and accomplish something I can be proud of other than being the star of my beauty school a few years back and finishing a year of cancer treatment.

So I will start in January, and I will be taking courses for 3 years.

Technically I will never be attending a class so I won't become a lazy sloppily dressed University person who doesn't even have time for a coat of mascara.

One cool thing is I'll get to learn why I am so crazy!

So I woke up this morning for work very satisfied with this decision and excited to share the news with loved ones and friends.

It was enough to take my mind off my hurting leg for a little while.

If you haven't heard about my leg problems see my last entry, I go on about them for a good while.

Here's when things took a turn.

Half way through the day, my hip all the way to my knee started to hurt.
Took some tylenol and it didn't do SHIT.
The pain got worse and I was still pretending it wasn't too bad.
When I left work and got in my car, it hit me that the pain was getting worse and worse, 
I just started driving to emergency.

It isn't a feeling I've ever felt, and parts of it aren't easy to pinpoint the pain.
I feel a deep throbbing but push in the spot and it is too deep to reach, it radiates up and down my leg and when it is the worst it it radiates down to my foot and into my toes.
It has been steadily getting worse and today it was the worst I've felt it yet.

I get to the damn hospital and wander in, just wanting it to be over.

I didn't have to wait as long as I thought I would to get a bed, and Dr. Jerky came in shortly after.
I knew he was a jerky doctor as soon as I saw him, I am getting good at reading doctors.

He quickly examined me and then said I will have an X-ray in a bit.

I wait around, and then go in for a quick x-ray, then I am back in my room waiting waiting waiting waiting waiting waiting waiting waiting waiting...

Dr. Jerky busts in like Cosmo Kramer as I am finishing up on the toilet, nice, then gives me
"A minute"-
maybe 10 minutes later he's finally back.

He says
Your X-rays are fine. 
One thing it could be is a blood clot.

Oh fuck. Isn't this something 75 years olds have to deal with? Not a 29 year old.

He explains to me that there is a risk for blood clots with the type of surgery I had, and tells me they would call me tomorrow for an ultrasound- because they don't do them at night, and turned to walk out and I said in a desperate and loud voice-


Dr. Jerky goes, take some Advil extra strength.

I was like


Dr. Asshole ignored that and said we'd figure out what's going on first and left, as I was like 
um, uh, but, it hurts, uhh.....
 he walks out and I turned red with fire inside and call my mom upset and pissed off about that, and my parents are super alarmed by this possible blood clot and can't believe I am not being admitted. Of course I understand why they feel that way but at this point I just want to get the fuck out of this Misery-cordia hospital and home popping muscle relaxers or something.

Lucky for me they have a low dose codeine over the counter at London Drugs and a few of them have dulled the pain a little.

I am still mad about Dr. Jerky Fuckface and hope I can see him tomorrow so I can be more aggressive and force him to prescribe me some good painkillers so I can sleep, sit down without horrid pain and function until this is treated.

So there you go, you have shared in my misery yet again.
Like I said don't feel sorry for me.... well maybe a little.

So these damn Acetaminophen and Codeine pills have CAFFIENE in them, I just looked, and it's no wonder I am up and blogging, another wonderful thing about this day, wow.

So stay tuned to see what happens to my leg, when I got home and talked with Matt I said to him, 

What's next? 
They chop it off?

My poor right leg, it has been through the ringer, yes I feel sorry for myself.

Well, I am not going to end this entry on a miserable self-pitying note.


Saturday Lindsay's mom hosted LINDSAY'S BOUTIQUE.
A few of her closest friends from over the years came to her apartment to take some little pieces of Lindz.

I made new friendships and shared some of my fond memories with Lindsay, told her mom Leslie stories about us playing soccer together and the silly things we would do, me as the brick wall goalie and her as the mean striker.

I took many things of Lindsay's I felt were meant for me, now that she is gone.
I found a necklace I gave her in high school, that was a little emotional, but everyone said I needed to take it home.

That girl had some very unique things, and some great movies and purses.

The group of us polished off a big bottle of Yager in honor of our Lindsay, and posed for a group picture of all of us with something of hers, and a shot of Jag.

I am the one in the giant sombrero, and I will be wearing it from time to time for parties to channel my lovely and hilarious friend Lindsay. 

We will never stop celebrating our friendship with you Lindsay.

There are no ways to explain how much you'll be missed, but I am comforted to have others that loved you just as much, and things of yours to always remind me of our sisterhood.


1 comment:

alicia said...

doctors are the worst. i hope that you're ok! just wear the sombrero when you go back to the hospital and demand to be taken seriously. <3