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Wednesday 19 September 2012

Wednesday Update



Yeah I know all of you have been riveted by my last couple entries about the jiggity-jank leg, checking Hex every hour on the hour, on the edge of your seats to hear the reason of this mystery pain, but I don't know anything yet.

The scan was actually 3 seperate scans.
John took me so I was in the best possible company, and I waited a little while then they took me down the snakey hallways of the Hy's and sat me down and had me sign a waiver for the radioactive shot I had to take in my arm (Not my favourite kind of shot if you know what I mean) and so I fill out this short waiver and then the girl tells me to go back to the main waiting room to wait for her to call me in about 10 minutes. I was like, uhhh ok... thinking, couldn't I just sit here? K whatever bitch I'll go back.

Probably 6 minutes later they call me again and I go back to the same chair way in the back of this huge place, and this time I get my needle.

A radioactive shot is really weird.
First you have a weird metal taste in your mouth then you feel like you're wetting yourself, last time I had a warm rush up my whole body but this time I didn't... then this girl tells me to go shopping or something and come back in two hours.

TWO HOURS? I said, but much more politely than this looks, but inside I am like


It takes a couple of hours to make your bones all glowy and stuff
 she explains, in a longer more non-laymen term kinda way.

That was ok though, I was hungry and John and I both wanted to shop, so we went on down to Kingsway for some retail and Tim Hortons therapy.

We ate up 2 hours pretty quickly being the retail whores we are, and before you know it it was time to go back.

Come back in, wait some more, had a really burny blue piss, (from the radioactive shot) wait some more again, then get taken in for a full body scan.

This circular thing slowly scanned me from toe to head, and then hovered above my head for 5 minutes, which with my claustrophobia issues made me freak out a little inside, obvs I didn't show it, but I was relieved when it slowly moved off my head!

It hovered around me silently in different spots for about 30 minutes total. Kind of creepy. Once that was done I waited a little more and then got another scan where you just hold your leg up to this thing while it does it's thing and about 20 minutes later that's done.

MORE WAITING for the doctor to come back and see if they got enough pictures and shit, then they finally let me go, a total of almost four and a half hours, GERRRD!


My leg started to feel better Monday and today is Wednesday I haven't taken any painkillers for a couple of days now, so I see this as a good sign. 

I am SO not worried now.
I was, but then I realized I was ignoring my true intuition, and when I just tune out all the crazy shit in my head and focus and think clearly I can be much more rational, and just threw away my worries and 
FUCK IT, at least I am taking action on these worries instead of sitting around letting that feeling fester.

I'm not wasting anymore time dwelling on what COULD happen.
I am just going to stop worrying and be awesome instead, it is so liberating to stop and let go.

I did manage to make the papers yesterday, not for being a maniac or anything, at least not this time!

I am a Melanoma star, I know.


The 3 cheap-o t-shirts I bought Monday have really brightened up my week!
If you are ever planning on buying me a present and you don't want to spend more than $10, just buy me a ridiculous t-shirt and I'll love you forever.

Here's some Instagram Pics of the T's in different cool looking filters!

Ok this one is hands down my favourite, my cat tux tee!

I like this one cause it's so sassy, like me!
Why be difficult when you can be impossible?

Today's Tee.
I swore that I would never buy a dumb KEEP CALM AND... t shirt, but when I saw this one I caved and spent the six bucks.

 You must be so jealous right now, either that or thinking that I am too old to be wearing silly t-shirts, but really I will never be too old for a t-shirt.

So don't worry, as soon as my doctor calls me to tell me that there's nothing wrong with ol' jiggity-jank leg and it is allllllll just in my imagination, I'll let y'all know.


Our good buddy Oakland plays the standup bass and part time vocals in this band, and they are world fucking famous now, touring the globe with their rockin' brand of Psychobilly ROCK N' ROLL!!! SO PROUD of these guys!!!

This is off the teaser for their 3rd album, COWBOY UP!

When the album drops I'll get a copy straight from these boys and share more with y'all, in the meantime chew on this!


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