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Friday 14 September 2012

All Jiggity-Janked and stuff for distraction

So I've had a lot of concerned calls and texts about the jiggity-janked leg, here's what is going on.

I had the ultrasound to check for any blood clots- yeah that scared me, but yay!
No blood clots.

 Wednesday I went to see my family doctor who actually cares about what's going on with me and she has ordered an emergency bone scan, which I am having on Monday, and this will show if the pain is caused by lesions on my bone or (worst case) a tumor. 
Not trying to scare y'all, just being honest, the worst possibilities have to be ruled out first.

I will admit it is a little frightening still.
At least this doctor really cares, I feel like I am in good hands with her.

As far as worrying...

At this point I get that there is so much 'hurry up and wait"and one thing that has helped me is to stay distracted by other things and not count the days. Lose track. It isn't easy to do, but overtime I've learned how to do it most of the time, and it works for me.

Even if I am going to receive bad news, I still got to live happily without that reality. Sounds kinda morbid but that is how I have to see things now, and just wake up everyday to enjoy my life and loves and nothing else.

Who knows what it is, but I engaged in some retail therapy and a poutine for todays distractment, tomorrow I will go to Noorish for din din with my momma, and Saturday I go to Calgary for a: 


My sister in law's family has one every year, and her dad is a pro pig roaster, and I am not against rotating just about any animal on a spit, well, no cats dogs, beavers deers or anything cute.

Pigs can be cute but they can also be delicious when roasted nicely.

I won't pretend to not be a carnivore.
I couldn't ever be a vegan because vegans are so pretentious and usually alcoholics, I just hate the attitude most vegans have, and they try and shame you for eating meat and why you shouldn't eat red meat, and how it's cruel to eat their cheeses and wear their leather shoes....


A big FUCK YOU to all you pretentious vegans out there.


Go drink a beer and get fat off your microwave vegan meals.

God I've been wanting to say that for sooooooo long.


Mmmmm...monkey, koala and toucan stew... so... endangered....

NOT sure how that turned into a vegan rant, ok, I like some vegan food but I need meat or I would die. Without protein I'm sick, fainting, puking, I need chicken, I need meat.

SO ANYWAYS- Back to the Jiggity-Janked leg!

I am obviously relaxing, stretching my leg out when I can and I am not to drive or do jumping jacks or hike, ya know, climb walls and stuff like that until we know more about what's happening.

It was very frustrating that the emergency doctor fuckface or whatever his name was wouldn't give me even a few t'3s. 
Tuesday I had my ultrasound and I got a different doctor, a young, more sympathetic young woman.
She gave me a thing of t3's, five I believe, well, thanks, I guess...

So it is wonderful that my family doctor didn't want me to live in pain and prescribed me something nicer. 

So that's all I know right now, only tests will tell and that takes time.
In the meantime I am going to do whatever I please and do my best never to feel sorry for myself.

How about some random pictures?

Yeah, I have no fucking clue what this means, but it still makes me laugh.

A very very old snap of our girl Lindsay, around 1999.... she was the best goth ever.
She would colour her contacts red with food colouring, as you can see in this picture, that's not red eye from the camera, those are her rose coloured contacts.
She made us laugh by telling us how the red came out in her boogers and stuff when she blew her nose.

So obviously I fancy myself a sort of a witch so I have an alter that is dedicated to her right now.

This is a necklace I gave her sometime in high school, and going through her jewellery I found this and had shivers down my whole body. I grasped it and said, I gave this to her.
I gave this to her.

So here it is, I am just keeping it safe for her, it will always be hers.

I found this crazy angry two headed monster guy candle on her counter and had to have it, but not to burn it, she wouldn't burn a candle like this because it's too hilarious.
It will sit among the other candles though, always.

So this is a scary lady I found and said, oh my gosh who is taking her?

Everyone in the room said-

You are.

I imagine Lindsay had a hilarious name for her no one knows, but I can't help but think of her as LINZY
 Her high school goth persona. That is what she represents to me, kinda weird, maybe a little morbid really, but also comforting.


Here are some things that have been keeping me sane during this crazy mixed up time happening here, first is miss cuddle princess Sabbie.

She always knows when I am taking out the camera to take a picture of her, and often she will open her eyes and pose a little and look right at you. She's the cutest kitty ever ever ever!

So I always have new MAC lipsticks, it is sort of like a treat I give myself for having a good day, or having a really bad day, or just "a DAY!"  maybe bi-tri-monthly ok maybe more.... anyways this one is from their pro longwear line which I highly recommend.
I have a few of these lipsticks and they DON'T COME OFF.

I wore one called Approaching storm, a dark rusty red in Montreal, and even after a night of excessive drinking and greasy poutine I STILL had my lipstick on, no bleeding or fading, it just stays in place.
 I never promote anything on my blog, but buy some MAC pro long wear, it rules.

These boots, errrmmrrrrgrrrrddddd these boots!
Scored 'em at the slut emporium... I mean SIRENS LOL.
For $40 baby, who could say no? 
Well clearly not me.
It's weird, but I prefer to wear higher healed/wedged heels in the winter because it keeps your feet off the cold cold ground! Of course you can't wear the high boots all the time and sometimes you are going to need something more practical, but to me looking like a rockstar all the time is more important than being 'practical" PSSSSSHHHHHH.

So that's all folks, I am loopy with el painkillerinos so it's time to hit the hay!

I shall keep you all updated about my jiggity-janked leg and what my neat-o bone scan says!


1 comment:

Katharine said...

I'm going to save all my T-3 prescriptions so you never ever have to go to Emergency! I don't like that place! Take good care! Have fun with Mom and at the Roast!