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Tuesday 25 September 2012


Well I sure left y'all on a bleak note, but the new news is.....


(Imagine me speaking in my Alberta/Southern accent, the only accent I can do)

So ENOUGH about the Jig-Jank, it's good sometimes and bad other times, but thats ok I can deal with it!

This week has been pretty good so far, well the last few days at least, and I even got a suprise prezzy from my husbian.....


I've wanted black moccasins for a while, since I became a slipper person last winter.
Matthew knows me well, so he found these and brought em home to mama!

So I got moccasins, payed and officially registered in the psych program at Atha U, got my very first CREDIT CARD that is MINE, and not my parents or Matt's really!

I won't post a picture of that because only fools would put their Credit card numbers online, I'm not that stupid!

Now don't worry now, I have this Credit card for school mainly, it ain't gonna be cheap to get me an edumakayshins.

Then Matt and I had a delicious lamb slider dinner at my 'rents last night, and went to sleep with a happy wine buzz.

Started my work week today with unusually bright eyes and bushy tail waking up refreshed though I shouldn't have been because I was a night owl last night and stayed up later than I normally do.

That to me says the universe is aligned and I feel in balance and grounded.

New Moccasins help with that.

But like I said, I am tired of hearing myself complain and I am going to move on for the moment and quit m'bitchin', and start this entry off with the best french toast recipe you've never had! Why? Because it's my SECRET recipe!!!

Oh and I haven't shared a recipe in a while, and it would be cruel of me to withhold this recipe from the world!

I rarely feel like eating french toast in the morning, I feel picky and easily nauseated in the morning, not just when I'm hungover!

I think French toast makes a wicked dessert or midnight snack.
I developed a maple syrup fetish while on treatment, I don't really know why but I would sometimes crave it, and when I did it was in the evening.

That's when waffles, pancakes and french toast became my midnight snack choice, and I would just gorge on it until I felt pukey.

I call it


(In that accent again)



A bowl
A frying pan
1 egg per slice of bread
A fair amount of butter, don't be shy with it now
LOTTA Cinnamon - The most important ingredient! Think four good dustings.
Brown sugar- a good crumbling
Maple syrup of course!

Turn up that element you prefer, everyones got one, for the frying pan I need the back left.

Turn it up to a medium high heat.
High medium heat? Ya know what I mean. Then slap a fattening amount of butter in there and let it melt, it's ok if it burns just a little, makes it more delicious!

Crack your eggs in a bowl and add the cinnamon and brown sugar, sometimes I even add a little melted butter... 

Take a fork and whip the shit out of those eggs, until the yolks are mixed in and there is no lumps.

Dip your bread in that egg slather, which should be brown from the cinnamon, if it's not add more you didn't add enough.

I should mention that thicker slices of bread work best, less likely to fall apart.

Soak the pieces of bread in it, then toss em in the hot butter in the frying pan, giving each side like 3 minutes or so, it's finished when its dark brown and crispy.

Drown those puppies in maple syrup and chow down.

You know Elephant ears you can get at the midway or folk fest, with cinnamon and sugar, that's what these amazing french fry breads taste like, and if yours isn't 


Then you did it wrong, but come on over here I'll feed you some of my french fry bread!

Lets see that glorious fry bread again:

When the munchies strike, make some fry bread, hot diggity that shit be delicious!


This last weekend was a good ol' time with my homey J. Atom, and her entourage of Siamese kitten children.

Jess and I went to high school together, and ever since those years way back everytime I come to her house she shows me weird movies and cartoons, we dig through her old pics and we talk about music, tattoos, girl stuff, crazy cat lady stuff, ect.

She also showed me how to navigate the Athabasca University site and library, and the textbook of the course I am registered in and her meticulous notes and different shades of highlighter.

We drank enough beer to have us drunkenly exchanging "all the shit that bugs us" about whatever, always a great time with J. Atom!

Anyways here's a couple of her cats!

Not the best picture I ever took but this is Grendel the Tonkinese, he is lovely and has the best
Not quite a meow, a mellow grumble.
I love him!

This is Buster a Lynx point polydactyl, look at his thumbs!

He's precious and handsome and likes warm spots.

Here's Grendel aka Grumbles turning away from the camera, he doesn't like camera flash, what a beautiful meowy though!

There is two more, Melville and Willie not pictured because they were just too fast for my drunk camera maneuvering.

Jess and her man mate Chris, or just X, which I think he should totally go by, I'll have to share that idea with him.... anyways they introduced me to THIS BAND, which I have to say rules and this album is fucking rad. 


If you've ever seen the movie Trollhunter then you may recognize their Norwegian brand of Black n' Roll brutal and melodic hammer in your face metal!


So Kvelertak is my band of the moment, if you see me driving by I could have it blaring offensively out of my car, that's the best.

Ok I gotta admit, I've been keeping up with the latest Here Comes Honey Boo boo and it's totally on right now so I gotta close with this:


1 comment:

alicia said...

i think i need some moccasins because i hate everything.