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Monday 23 April 2012

Mi Casa es su Casa

Today I am feeling kind of quiet, but somehow still social, but don't have a big story to tell you and blab your ear off with my no guff approach to blogging, and decide to take pictures of (parts) my messy cramped apartment and a few unique things, like I am having you over at my place.

Now I'm not going to show you my kitchen and cause I despise the cupboards, or go through my drawers or anything, definitely not  there is no top to my toilet and all the cupboards are ugggggleeeee.

But I'd love if you came over.

Y'all know who you are. <3


These two run the place. Salem and Sabbath, otherwise known as Chowies.

Interesting combination of things next to my balcony door, a pic of Matt and I all dressed up for my cousin Francesca's wedding to her man Ryan, lookin' all swank and shit, a dead plant with strange sticks, a lint roller and of course the binoculars to spy on Rosario's across the street HEHEHEHEH

Shitty picture, but this through the trees you can see a credit union next to a bar.


A shitty, overpriced calamari, shitty karaoke and unwashed hog men bar.

Yeah I said it.

I have no room for it all, but somehow I still end up taking patio furniture from both my Grandma and Mom and dad. It's a squeeze but we can all sit out there.

Dead plants from last year, with a bunch of seashells laying about.

Prehaps it's time I ask my mom what I do with these.

I used to say I had a black thumb, and my place is where plants used to go to die, not because I don't want to keep them alive, but I just either overwater, over sun, or just randomly fail without understanding.

Somehow last year I kept my herbs and tomatoes prospering, and enjoyed them throughout the summer and fall. And I am slowly (very slowly) getting a greener thumb.

Note to Mum when you read this- we need to have a Saturday where you and I get some plants and soil.

Another of Mr. Fatty Cakes, Salem the lazy meower. My sweet boy.

PLUS and my sweet BBQ- donated to me years ago by the 'rents.

A pot I tried to grow lettuce in last year, which failed, and Sabbie and perhaps Salem too, privately, use this as their "Outside litter box" kinda like pooping in the garden. Cats love it. Matt and I just let her do it the last few months and now I'm thinking I should probably deal with it....

Kinda gross, yeah?

My "Altar"- just basically a collection of my most treasured possessions, books, candles, some magical things, and lots of little boxes full of treasures.

The drawing is one of my favourite pieces of art my Uncle Bertie created-
The Anatomy of a Horse.

It is a little messy, but that's how it is supposed to be.

A collection of strange dolls I tied together years ago. There used to be a little baby kewpie doll too, but I think my cats stole her. If you ever see a strange or broken doll, and I have a birthday coming up, or you just love me, go ahead and pick it up for me so I can hang them from my ceiling.

A paper umbrella that belonged to my uncle, I believe it is actually a Japanese Cigarette ad.

I love my favourite pics in cool frames.

A shelf for more books, Pinkies ashes, my wedding bouquet, a cauldron and a bunch of special pics.

My dresser top. Not the cleanest but full of boxes of jewellery.

I'm a little spoiled, plus I collect and make it. I need a lot of room for my jewels.

My favourite wall- my strange wheel and necklaces, masks, purses, a muff...  yup.

Tattoo saving jar, bullet belt, a tiara spilling off a pink box and a loonie stuck in a bottle cap... there is a story behind that loonie... not for today.

My messy (but too small) closet, full of


My cozy living room, somehow this pic makes it look bigger than it is. It is quite cramped I suppose but I like it that way.

My embarrassingly messy and tiny salon area, I don't know why I am showing you this in this state. 
Welcome I guess!

Fun stuff on my coffee table- my burning heart candle from my FAVOURITE COUSIN EVER!
I urge you to read her hilarious blog, so pauvre, on my have blog list.


Also pictured, my majikkal and Satanic pill box full of relief for poor me after my year of being in the ringer, not that I feel sorry for myself but I rely on these pills right now, I hope not for much longer though.

That beautiful skull grinder is one of my 420 tools from a dear dear lovely friend I worship Cron with.


It was a present I bought Matt in a slew of Christmas prezzies, but I knew this one was gonna be mainly my mug. I loved it right away. She is an elf warrior and the handle is a Serpent.

Metal as fuck.

The view I have while blogging/couching, lazing about, chilling with the hubs or the cats or both.

Of course I have to show you my favourite blankie and hat!
The bear and the snow leopard together.

I gotta drink more tea and brush my kitty up nice.

Love y'all.



alicia said...

yay! i'm so happy that you're loving the candle! and yes, everyone should read my blog. NOW!

i love all your little treasures! <3

Katharine said...

Sure felt like home...especially when I saw Anatomy of a Horse! Very cozy and inviting...thank you for the tour!

Eris Ember said...