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Saturday 31 March 2012

Living the life of a crazy lady

Quick summary of my insane evening:

Saw several bands with names such as Dying fetus, 3 inches of blood and a local band I cannot remember the name of.

Had a couple shots of tequila and got to see peeps I haven't seen in some time and drink and laugh away the itchiness I live with day to day (at this point my flesh is literally falling off of me, how metal hey) and relieve some of the insanity I have been feeling for a few days (months) but intensely over the last week. I am starting an intense olive oil and tea tree oil regimen and I hoping this will keep me off antibiotics or god knows what I'll have to go on if I get an infection. This is entirely possible with all the trauma my body has been through in the last year, and it almost feels like I am starting with a new (and very fucked up) body and immune system. Which makes sense considering I was on drugs that "boost" your immune system.... Sorry I am getting off track here! I was talking about the show.

Anyways, I was into the VodCran's and the Cuervo's tonight and then thought I'd check out a great band that played tonight's merch at their booth. So I wait in line with everyone else and when I get there I ask to see the sizes of two different items, money in hand and this asshole merch guy starts yelling at me like he was high on speed going- "Just tell me your fucking size! What? You don't know your fucking size?" Then starts to help the guy behind me. 
Well this troll clearly didn't understand who he was being rude to so I said to him "hey buddy I have more questions for you, what the hell??" 

He looked at me with burning hatred in his eyes and I asked him if he had a small in two different shirts, smiling.
And starts helping out someone else again.
If this idiot thinks I am just going to walk away being disrespected so blatantly he's wrong.
I stand next to the merch booth and loudly heckle this angry man rudely for 5 straight minutes.

Then I proceed to make jokes about him with every customer waiting in line for merch at this booth, and even manage to get a couple people to walk away and give this guy this finger. I disappeared for another five and come back and shouted random obscenities as I walked by casually, something about him and midgets then farm animals.... 

His head went lower and lower until I stopped by again and told him I was just here to support the bands I love and not going to purchase shit without seeing it.

He apologized profusely and then offered me a tour T shirt for 3 inches at 5 bucks off.

HA! I laughed as I put it in my bag. But also felt like an evil bitch for harassing this guy all night, but clearly it was worth it as a consumer who just wants some muthafuckin' respect for the dollars I will spend. Matt was mad at me for accepting his apology, but smiled when I told him this dude then gave me deal and skipped me ahead of the line, and seemed like he was truly remorseful... or maybe not but that doesn't even matter. I got a 3 inches shirt for cheap. 

I also went balls out into the mosh pit tonight and got to see half the show from the very front, right in the bands face. SO GREAT. I love when the guys in the pit let you smash by them to see the show. You do have to take some squishing and watch out for flying elbows, but them's the perils of the pit and they must be respected. YOU ARE IN THE PIT. EXPECT TO GET HURT. Thing is most metal heads are super awesome with chicks in the pit and whenever I get knocked down someone helps me up. Which is another part of most pit etiquette. This exists believe it or not.

Anyways, I am at the stage and this grey guy goes "hey girl wanna go up?"

I'm like FUCK YES, and I step on his hand and onto the crowd, and got to crowd surf about five feet before the bouncer guys got me. Then head banged next to the stage for a couple seconds before the bouncer guys gently tossed me out.

Is it a coincidence that I am missing a piece of one of my teeth? Am I scaring you?

But here's the thing, I am fine, other than my tooth, and scored cheap merch, shots of tequila, and had a great time with my huz-bee and some very cool loving and rocking ass friends this evening, and that's all that really matters to me. I would rather live my life crowd surfing and fighting with merch booth dudes and being half deaf for three days at a time because I know I am living life without prejudice, loving every opportunity that arises to just LIVE and enjoy it, rowdy, hyper, happy, angry, silly, stupid, possibly inebriated, yelling, saying what everyone wants to say but won't, and loving people in an embarrassingly cheesy and over the top manner. I don't give a shit if anyone thinks I am crazy or a complete fool, I just want to take every chance to live it up and make every day a unique and integral part of my life.


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