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Monday 30 April 2012

Clay all over me clay all over you, CYLINDERS

Hey y'all, just finished my first ever pottery class!

I think people think it would be easy.

Well obviously it's not that easy.

I have memories of trying out clay on a wheel in a friend at the times pottery class at Vic and spinning clay all over the place.

It was a disaster and Mr. Lund was none too happy with me, being that I  was in his class for an hour and wasn't even registered in it, trying to keep up with third year students, I must have been such an annoying little part of his day. 
Or life.

Anyways back to our evening.


Lots of technical things that I am sure will take me a while to grasp, but otherwise really cool and fun. 

I'm taking this class with the most perverted siblings known to man, John and Danette.

Well, I hang out with them so I must be just as perverted.

We come in, some strange woman says HELLO!!!


Yes we are, we all say at the same time.


We go, ok, just going out for a smoke.

She goes.


I was a little taken aback, wasn't sure if it was a joke or not so kinda gave a half laugh- like
heh aheh (with a downward inflection in my voice)
I don't judge you for the obvious fact that you overeat, drink too much beer, but you're a VEGETARIAN.
Either way considering I know it's a terrible habit I shouldn't be indulging in I hang my tail between my legs and go hide on the side of the building with my buddies.

So we go in, pay for our clay and supplies blitty blah blah and this older German woman teaching the course was no bullshit and pretty much got down to the goods and showed us how to cut the clay and get it right on the wheel. 

I was a little overwhelmed and tried to take pics in my head cause it was just like-use this part of your hand and move it this way, keep it centred, oh do this, then do this now this, now move your thumb here and take this tool and pull it up and 

VOILA! Perfect and beautiful piece of pottery.


We all go, and I attack my bag of clay and John and Danette and I claim three side by side wheels and get at 'er.

John is of course a natural, and nails the cylindrical form quickly.

I struggle keeping it centred, then somehow regain my bearings, the german lady comes by and says mine is pretty much perfect, just need to smooth the edge at the top, and don't push too hard.

I do-push too hard- and my first piece slops to the wheel and IT'S RUINED!!! WHAAAAAAA

So I grab a new piece of clay- this wet one has to dry out, and I try again.

This time I am a little calmer and organic with the clay, kinda making it my bitch, and with some help from my German lady I make a near perfect cylinder!


Then she insisted we stop for tea and biscuits, INSISTED.

We had our tea and Elly (I think thats how you spell her name, not really sure...) told us a bunch of translated German jokes that didn't make a whole lot of sense to us middle class Canadians, a suspected lesbian superhippy with very tribal and distracting piercings speaking about issues in the Middle East and her desire to go there to MAKE A DIFFERENCE, in that refined hippy earthly and socially aware "accent" As I call it, I can hear one before I smell one I tell's ya. 
Not that I hate hippies or anything, I like em just fine, and will probably end up being friends with her, but there was patchouli and the whole nine, which is cool...

I guess.


I don't want to start hippie hate mail now, I've had enough controversy with this blog and my loose mouth (or fingers)

How about this:


So basically in three hours I managed to make two cylindrical pots or whatever they are going to be, one much smaller than the other, and couldn't take pictures because my hands were covered in clay and I just couldn't reach into my purse and touch all my pretty stuff in there, I decided the pics will have to wait until all our pieces are dried, fired and ready to go.


So, not mine, but similar. Smaller and not as tall. 
John's pieces are in the background, I love him so much, today was cylindrical piece day and John makes a Sake jug or whatever you wanna call it. Perfectly too. Like, he finished his first piece in 4 minutes and then just made this sake thing, boom! 

I was still struggling with the cylinder.

I will probably take some pics of my raw creations, when I don't have the the clay all over me.

May I say I had to be the smartest- (at least one of the only who considered wardrobe) 
and wore ALL GREY to match the clay?

Yes, always thinking. Always.

The best pics will be when we fire up the cylinders, ashtrays, mugs, sake equipment and "popcorn bowls' as John has already stated he wants to make. 
I will probably make a few cat food bowls with their names on them boldly, and lucifer knows what else!

That's six weeks away I believe.

The firing of the goods.

That will be exciting.

So week one of pottery class, there is a ton of cleaning to do and we do it for the better part of forty five minutes, including a spray of the floor, cleaning of the cords and then pushing the water into the well/drain, scrubbing everything, quite the chore. 

We will be doing this every week but I think it is the ultimate way to truly learn the ways of a craftsman owned studio, and how to keep from having a clay dust covered building, which I imagine isn't a good thing.

I am a novice to this art but find it fascinating and absolutely something I have immediately enjoyed a lot! 

How exciting! 

K well, my Sims game is calling, my Sims have some strange relationships and all kinds of wild parties and fun outfits, so I gotta go, plus Salem is stomping around here like he wants something, not a banana, not a fun, no butt scratch, not an anything, just some meowing and strange running about the house.

Well I shall update soon, you know I will.

Thank you lovely hearts for reading.


Sunday 29 April 2012

Celebrating with my loves, getting lost and alone



YAY FOR THE ONLY PICTURE OF ME TAKEN LAST NIGHT- I got to the party and realized i left the memory card to my new cam at home, but I felt the need to take a pic of my dramatic liquid eyes, I was feeling fairly dramatic. So why not? I was on my balcony priming for my partaaay with a little smoke and a little cocktail.

THE END OF INTERFERON PARTY (Official/close friends/family celebration.)

It was a lovely evening, full of laughs, margaritas, food, and my favourite
My mom got the mini ones and I betcha I ate at least ten of of them last night.

We (as in my mom, me, and Ryan) celebrated Mexican Style since my dad is in Mexico, or because I was craving tequila... maybe both.

I got lovely and touching cards and gifts and a new charm from my mom and dad
 (I'm a spoiled daughter MAJOR)

Shitty pic, but it's a little champagne in a bucket! 
To mark the end of a long year, one that I got to say was over yesterday, with those who have stood my me, and took this journey with me.

I was barely able to stand up at the end of the night, I was officially in MargaritaVille, smoked some holistic herbals with my besties and laughed into the night, and once people had to go me and my mum and I had a little time to talk just us and then I went and passed out in my parents guest room- my former room on the futon somewhere around 2 am.

Slept in till late and felt ok when I woke up, considering there was no tequila left and that lime stuff was super sugary, and once I'd finally had enough last night I took a sugar dive. 

Went home feeling a little lazy, a little restless.

Matt was sleeping off the Whisky, and I felt like going somewhere.


Kinda felt like driving my car till I was lost.

Weird, but also natural.

I sort of just wanted to be 


Following the Yellowhead to range road nowhere.

I blasted these tunes hard.

Once I was sufficiently lost I pulled over for a smoke.

Lost in wedges. Fabulous.

Nail polish too, uh oh.

So when you're lost, it's always a great plan to go sit in the bushes a while.

Bordering on emo, I felt the need to take pics of me after crawling into a bush.

Call me an EMO, I don't care, this BE MY BLOG RIGHT HURRRRR .


There I said it so you don't have to.


Time to go, a storm approaching.

A few white knuckle moments ahead , a little bit of hydroplane action, (right here I see my mothers face turn several colours of concern, but don't worry mum, I slowed down, checked my blind spots and avoided the pools of water, and bent down to get a good view of the road.
I of course turned up this:

I made it home safe, had to pull over and get out my GPS once, but I found my way out of my self induced lostness, and actually had a lot of fun doing it.

You should try it too.

A wonderful weekend for Miss Ember, on to the week at work, YAY!


Saturday 28 April 2012

Just a quick few words

Just I before I head to my END OF INTERFERON party at my parents house, I want to say so much I've enjoyed having this blog, but it has also brought more drama to me then ever before, and turned some what I thought were my close friends that understood me-
against me.

I will be celebrate this evening with everyone I haven't somehow offended with this blog.

I don't know what else to say, except that I am surprised at myself in a way that I am saying so much, voicing my opinion, and not being afraid to stir the pot.

I am not trying to hurt anyones feelings, I am simply putting it my way because this is my BLOG it is where I express myself and my sense of humor and view of life.

It is not meant to be a malicious tool to point out faults in others by assuming a "in general, not naming names" kind of way. If I am having a problem with someone I consider a friend, I would tell them to their faces, not letting them discover I hated them on my blog.

That's not what this is about.

Writing has brought some closer to me and pushed others in a different direction.

Words are powerful.

I won't apologize for anything I say on this blog, just so you all know.

That would be lying and concealing who I am and what this blog is about, and I believe life is too short to not enjoy it being yourself and saying what needs to be said.



Don't forget, it's always love.


A van full of Birds of Prey

Lazy, not feeling all writer-y and stuff, so here I am throwing random pics at you.

And if you thought that there would be birds of prey in this entry, I'm sorry to let you down, it's simply a line I heard on wire tap a few days ago and laughed about it for quite a while.

These are simply Photobooth photos, god I love having a photo booth built into my computer.

Sooooo muchhhhh fuuuuuuuuun!!!!

Rockin' the Amy Winehouse wings with the MAC liquid liner and they tried to make me go to rehab and I said 
sure, sure sure
(sounds like a vacation to me)

Oh man I am totally showing off my blue blue blue nails, damn they look good.

Come over here and I'll paint your nails, any colour of the rainbow.

Here it is:
Bagels with cream cheese is the ultimate quick solution to munchies/low blood sugar/ empty tummy,
so I always have them on hand, usually flax seed or twelve grain, and toast them to 4 and put em on the bagel setting on, the one Matt hates so much, and I think is the smartest thing ever.

I always buy full fat cream cheese though, the light stuff SUCKS!

Here is me taunting Miss Sabbath with the bagel, she goes bananas for cream cheese.

A sort of still moment....
Rare for Miss Sabbie.

Nicknamed Sabbathon.

Blurry bagel in the corner, Sabbie plotting her way to the bagel.

How bout some more silly photo booth pix???

Well they are happening.

Keeping Cancer away with an apple a day.

Whenever I have that, over salted, over meated, fresh from a bad and embarrassing cookie binge,

I reach for an apple.

So refreshing and restoring.

I will admit I do sometimes have dreams that I bite an apple too hard and break off teeth, and with my current losing teeth out of nowhere- a lovely intron a side effect- no bigs, booked a dentist appointment.

Gala and Red Delicious are my very favourites. 
Green apples don't quite do the same for me as a red one.

SO! I bought these cheepo sunglasses at some mall ten buck store, you know, Claires or one of the others, and found these glasses for something like ten bucks, and I can treat them like crap and they haven't broken yet, and still look good. I wished I had bought a few pairs, because sometimes when I find something perfect for me AND on sale I will buy a few.

Same glasses right?

Well yes, EXACTLY the same, EXCEPT in a dark brown colour.

I found this new pair at Wal-Mart a couple weeks wandering the Supercentre with John yessiree.

I can't tell you how much it excites me that I have a few (I bought two brown and two black, cause they were even cheaper at wally world.)

Accessories horder? 
Yeah, kinda...

Ok here's a confession-

I'm a hand sanitizer.
It didn't start until I started chemo and was warned to avoid getting sick, and always wash your hands, there is hand sanitizer all over the chemo rooms at the Cross, and with all the "sick" happening around you, you feel the need to use the sanitizer often.

I started collecting them for my purse, and went to Bath and Body works with a friend around Halloween and they had these spooky pocket sanitizers for like 50 cents or something, so I bought a ton of them.

Right now I'm using the best smelling one ever-

"Chocolate Chew- choccolahhh"

With a ghosty.

Cute and makes my hands smell like chocolate chews, literally.

I recommend you find this! Fentimans Rose Lemonade.
I bought it at the hippy mart, aka Planet Organic.

Here's the fun effects of my mac's Photobooth: Warning I look pretty fucked up in some.


Twisted Sisters

This is what our elementary school photographs should have looked like. That'd be awesome.


I kinda look Christina Ricci-ish here.

I don't think I can let my husband see this pic, it's like the ugliest I've been-
well, on the outside anyways ;)


Unfortunate accident?

 I once glimpsed apon a gentleman with some unfortunate affliction that made his face look pretty much just like this. It was on a train years ago and the image is stuck in my mind forever. 
Here I am recreating what I have to see in my mind everyday.
Well not everyday.... but sometimes....

With this neck I'd be super desirable in Burma... I think it's Burma...

Slightly cheesy thermal camera (not really, but cool anyways) pic to say goodnight.

I'm up way to late and could stay up taking more dumb pics but I have a big day tomorrow!!!

 I work for about four hours, zip to the Liquor store, come home and doll up ridiculously and await all the wonderful people who came to my side and helped so much with dealing with the surgeries, chemo, and all the crap.

I am gonna get Hobbema Valentine Drunk.
(Only a few of you will know who she is.)

Well, not until later, when things start getting messy.

