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Monday 19 March 2012


So here it is.
The day I've been waiting for all year.
It's over.

I went in for my checkup this morning, and upon seeing how rashy I am my doc said that's that, stop interferon.

Being that I would have still had 10 shots left, I didn't believe him for a second, then I just smiled and it hit me! It's done. 

I would have done it to the end otherwise, I was set on finishing that shit, even though I am Rashy McGee and Miss Pissed.

Here is why my doc finally stopped this poison. 
(Sorry if this grosses anyone out, it's more for my archives really.)

A rash, a really really bad rash is why.



(I'd show you all more but you get the picture here.)

I walked out in a daze, and the nurse lady at the counter looked at my file and said, 
"Oh wow, stop interferon! You must be happy!"

"I am just in shock right now..."

I said it was great cause I was going to have a shot tonight, and now I don't have to, then she says, well you should have a different kind of shot!

I almost don't even know what to say, this all hasn't sunk in yet.
I have been giddy, excited and completely blank today, but I have a smile on my face and can't even tell you how amazing it was to NOT get a needle in my stomach tonight. 
It is going to be hard to control myself once I have my normal taste buds back again, I am going to be eating and drinking everything. I fully expect to gain a few pounds, and probably get too drunk a few weekends in a row, fall down a flight of stairs, make a fool out of myself, eat a bunch of donair, possibly A & W, might start a riot, light fires, go looting, end up in jail...

Ha ha just kiddin' about the riot.

So I really must go back to basking in the fact that I am going to be feeling better soon and rubbing weird greasy stuff on my super itchy skin, but looking forward to going from sick to awesome by next week. I must say though, I am happy to be alive and finished the hardest thing I've ever done in my life, for my life.


1 comment:

alicia said...

YES! i'm so happy that your nightmare is OVER! if you ask me, you should be able do whatever the hell you want for the rest of your LIFE after that bullshit! love youuuuuuuu!

back pain buddies 4 lyfe,
love alicia