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Friday 2 March 2012

Birthday Shout out to my Husbian

Happy Birthday to my husband Matthew.

As I promised, here is the story of our meeting and courtship.

Now I was 23 years old, about 5 months out of a long long relationship, no more details there, and in school for aesthetics. One night a couple 18 year old girls that were in my class wanted to hit a bar or ten, they were from small towns and wanted to see some real city bars. 

I took them to Whyte and we went to several places including the Black Dog and then I suggested The Commercial Hotel, otherwise known as Blues on Whyte.

They didn't know anything about this establishment, and if you don't, basically it is a hotel with a dirty bar at the front, where you can dance like a crazy blues hippie to some of the best musicians out there. 
There are a lot of older folks, bikers, old biker bitches, some rough looking folks, blues hippies, local personalities, musicians, young people, and even teachers from my high school- (one time I saw a former boyfriends dad high on drugs and shirtless dancing like a maniac at a Rockabilly show. It was grand.)

All kinds of people thats for certain.
So I get these girls in the bar, we go looking for a table.
As soon as I started looking around I can feel someones eyes on me, and look down and see Matt and his best bud, Slimbo (John) and Matt is grinning from ear to ear with an almost goofy smile. A very cute but serious ear to ear smile. I was a little wary of men so I kinda smiled but also rolled my eyes a little.

Aha! We spot a table right next to the stage. 

The three of us sit down and it took 30 minutes to get a waitress. We finally got our tray of tequila shots and a $10 jug of shitty beer and started partying. 
Pete Turland was playing his hot brand of Rockabilly git-tar, and though I don't usually go to Rockabilly shows I happened to be at one of the better musicians shows that night and I had a great time.

We are sitting there drinking, and Tia goes to me, "Erin, that guy in the shirt with the flowers on it is staring at you."

I turn around and see that big ear to ear smile and I laugh a little, but also see that this man is quite handsome. 

I am like "Oh no creepy."

Still, I was suddenly interested. 

So like I said before, smoking has brought me together with many people over the years, and me and the girls I was with were smoking, so we went into the little smokers cage in the back. 

Matt and Slim are smoking too, of course, and Matt doesn't waste any time sliding in next to me and charming me. I said I was cold and he opened his jacket to keep me warm.
I told him he just wanted to touch me.

He was acting coy but smooth, and asked me to dance with him.

I said, "I don't dance." With a smile.

He smiled and went inside.

He went inside and started charming a 40 year old scenester, and suddenly I was jealous. 

Ten minutes later I am going back out and motioned to him to come with me.

He smiles and follows me, and leaves the old lady he was charming, all jealous and giving me the stink eye.
Talking with him I felt already like he was an old friend. A kindred spirit.

Once I was sufficiently charmed the bar was closing and the night ended with me giving him my number, and me and these girls dashing down the ave freezing our inappropriately dressed asses off.

He made me wait 3 days.

Just when I thought, he called the 40 year old instead, he calls me up.

The first thing I notice about Matt is his booming voice.
It was low and loud.

He asked me to go for coffee sometime.

I was like? Ok, not dinner, coffee, sure.

Well I am going to post the best way to describe this date, Miss Kt Karpetz's speech to me at my wedding.

Hi everyone my name is Katie and those of you who know me, will know that I am not a fan of speeches so I am going to try and make this quick.

Erin and I have know each other since we were in brownies, we did not really start hanging out till about grade 10. Erin would come over eat all the jujubes, all the sugared cereal, all of the dads oatmeal cookies, and then proceed to drink the pickle juice straight out of the jar. Once she was finished eating anything that resembled sugar or salt she would leave.

Erin & Matt's first date was at Muddy Waters Coffee Shop, and I my friends was a part of it. Erin had just moved back from Vancouver and was slowly reintroducing herself into the dating scene. She called me that night in a panic, "KATIE I HAVE A DATE AND I DON'T KNOW IF HE IS A PSYCHO I NEED YOU TO BE THERE" OK I thought I don't mind being a buffer, little did I know, I would end up being a buffer for two guys instead of one.

I arrived at the coffee shop and Erin rushed out to tell me that Adam our old Jr. High friend was there and would not leave, now Adam is a nice boy, but he is also one of those people that had smoked a wee bit tooo much marijuana in high-school and was still baked 6 years later. Erin kept telling him that she was meeting a guy for a date and Adam would just not leave.

I stayed there until Matt arrived, decided he was not an Axe Murderer and because I love Erin so much, I told Adam that I just had to see his new apartment, he was excited, as we walked there he kept telling me about his guitar, and songs he had written. I went there and had to listen to him strum his guitar and mumble wail about God knows what for a half an hour. I can't remember how I escaped but I did..

I totally took one for the team.

Erin & Matt you guys better be together forever because I can never, ever, ever, buffer Adam again.

All the best & Congrats

Best speech ever.

So basically that's what happened. Goddam Adam wouldn't go away, and I needed KT to bail me out cause I actually liked this guy.

So we got on so well that night that he asked me to go for dinner with him the coming Saturday.

He took me to the Lingnan for Chinese, and from that night onwards I was his.

The two of us have been through a lot together, ups downs and all arounds. We did split up for 5 months due to issues we couldn't resolve at the time.

Matt found a way to get back in my heart and marry me.

He took care of me all year and shot me up with medicine 3 times a week. He watched me lose 20 pounds during my IV chemo treatment. He helped me walk after my surgery. He is special because there are a lot of men who would leave, not wanting to be burdened. Not my guy.

We have so much fun together and have been known to party until we can't even stand together, and we love nature, music and our cats. This guy is my everything, the centre of my universe and the best husband a girl could ask for.

Love you honey pot, Happy Birthday #32 and our first as a married couple.

May we enjoy many more together during our life as husband and wife!

(Corny me. There's the birthday shout out to my hubs.)


1 comment:

alicia said...

awwwwww! happy birthday matt!

i'm so excited that we both have handsome, long-haired, bearded husbands! <3

i want to see more wedding pix! your dress is gorge!