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Wednesday 7 March 2012

Today's news and a little advice

So I'll start with some cool news:

On March 28th I will be speaking at an event that Indoor Tanning Is Out Alberta is holding at Kingsway Garden Mall! Woooo! So my media "agent" or whatever she is to me, wanted a picture of me for the site, not like I haven't already sent them a million, but so many of my pics I have blonde hair or doing the old myspace angle, so I had Matt take a picture of me so it's up to date and stuff.

So yeah, I am super excited/nervous about talking to a group but I am more excited than anything. Over the years I have had to get up in front of lots of people to preform music and have also been in leadership roles that don't allow for shyness. 
You know how they say to picture everyone in their underwear? 
Forget that. 
What I have always done is this:
Tell yourself you are better than everyone in the room.
You are cooler and more interesting.
This may not be true, or at least not completely true, but if you tell yourself you're the shit and ain't nobody in this room that has jack on you, you'll have the confidence. That's what it's all about. You don't have to be snobby and mean, but it helps to just think, I RULE! THESE PEOPLE WISH THEY WERE ME! GIVE THESE PEOPLE WHAT THEY CAME FOR, A WICKED AWESOME DISPLAY OF COOLNESS AND ABILITY! 

I know, I'm ridiculous. But this works I swear, I've been doing it for years. 

So what else?

I am watching cops, drinking delicious and refreshing Perrier water and happily doing laundry.
I actually like doing laundry most of the time. I am good at laundry. It's one of my many wifely talents.

KT and I are going to be making some vanilla infused vodka to drink on our trip to ghost lake this May long, and I need vanilla bean for it and I have convinced the Sous-Chef to give me a few beans. YES! Oh my god I am going to be so deliciously intoxicated on that trip whoop whoop!

So with that I am going to get back to my screening of COPS. There are so really really fucked up drunks on this one. Lovin' it.

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