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Tuesday 27 March 2012

New Jeans, hair, and a high calorie treat

Today was an awesome day.

I cruised around running various errands, stopped in to shell shocked for some screens and papes, cherry, bubblegum, candy cane and rice papers, stopped in at Capital Tattoo to book a thigh tattoo for the end of May, ran into all my beasties along they way, stopped in for some Cron worship with my bestest gay, made a yummy dinner of caesar salad, sesame fried chicken, and cheese sticks for a side, got my new hair extensions and did some online jean shopping.

My first pair of Lucky brand Jeans!!!

(Couldn't find a pic I could use of the back, the pockets are cute with a feminine slightly western flair and long boot cut. LOVE.)
Hope these puppies come soon, I've got plans for these beauties....

I HAD to order a new pair of jeans because everything I have is a little too small around the area of my lymph node removal surgery scar, and I find low cut jeans push on the top of the scar, which still hurts a year later. So obvs I needed to do a little Jean shopping, plus I heard great things about Lucky Brand jeans, so YEAH!! HURRY TO MOMMY MY PRETTIES!!!

I also got extensions, with copper auburn and bright red streaks throughout, I have a couple sets of exertions but one set is too long and the other set tangles too quickly. (Getting old.)

Since my hair is now shorter and still really thin, I was afraid they would be hard to conceal in my hair. But I did them a little differently to disguise the short bits.

Basically I just section my hair to put them in, and you have to leave a layer of shorter hair underneath all of the extension, and that is hard to hide if you hair is shoulder length or shorter. So if you are moving your hair around there is a chance someone will see that, and it looks weird. So my suggestion is to take a couple bobby pins and pin that bottom layer up (at the nape of the neck) with a couple pins and give it a hairspray hit. 

If you haven't done clips ins before here's how you do it- based on a seven piece set.

Pin hair up and section a layer from the bottom up.

Give it a little backcomb and then clip in the two clip extension.

Section out a thin layer of hair to cover the first extension. Backcombing it will ensure it will cover the seams.

Take another layer and give that a backcomb too, and clip in either a three clip piece or a four clip ( this should be right around the top of your ears) and then repeat by adding another thin layer back-combed to cover the seams again.

Repeat with the sides, with shorter 2 clip pieces and then I add one on the crown of my head to cover the last track since my hair is quite thin it is harder to disguise. Most people don't need to do this, but if you wanna do the clip backed bang thing this looks really cute. Basically you leave out your bangs and give em a good teasin', a good coat of hairspray and grab those bobby pins and pin to disguise the seams of the crown extension. 

Add as many clips as you want, longer thicker hair needs less but thinner or shorter hair will need up to seven. 

Sorry for not posting pics of the process, but if anyone wants me to post an instructional pictorial let me know I'd gladly do it :) My comment forum is open to anyone, no matter if you are a member or not, so just let me know sugar!

I'm loving my short locks but I get bored easily. I need to switch up my style so often, I find that some people don't seem to recognize me often.

Extensions are funnnnn.

Oranges taste so good after a year of them being on my yucky taste list. I just ate two.

Everyone who knows me well knows I smoke weed. I am not ashamed of it, it helped me through my year of cancer treatment and made the difference between lying on the couch sick and being able to run errands and visit with friends. It should be legalized in my opinion. Gateway drug, perhaps for some, but most adults I know who smoke pot don't like the effects of harder drugs and drink less and are generally cooler, more mellow folks. Though I am finished cancer treatment I won't be quitting the ganga anytime soon. 

Strangely lit shameless no makeup self portrait.

So in other news!

I will be attending the BIG BURN event at Kingsway tomorrow, (well, today, since it's after midnight) educating grads about the dangers of tanning for prom. I believe I will be there to speak to reporters about my story mainly, but otherwise I am not certain what I am going to be doing. I am excited and ready for anything. I have lots to say about my disease and can talk for hours about the dangers, my story and regrets so I am ready to try getting through to youngsters about those warm coffins.

I will of course let y'all know how that goes! It looks like I'll be on the 6 o'clock news again...
Amazing how much attention you get when you have a story like mine. I don't care about anything other than getting my message out to young boys and girls about the HUGE risk they are taking when using tanning beds. 

So here was todays treat to myself.

Oreo McFlurry with a Oreo Cream pie all smashed in there (still warm) from McDonalds. 

This could be a new vice of mine.
Watch, give it a month and I may need a Oreo Intervention.

They are new those pies and two go for $1.39. I had to do it, and I don't regret it.


1 comment:

alicia said...

oreo pie mashed into oreo mc flurry = we're the same person.<3