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Thursday 29 March 2012

Bitches brew and drunks in general

This will be a drunk post.

Why, I'm drunk that's why!

I made and drank a couple peach cocktails with REAL peaches last night, but wasn't feeling the drinking thing. Today I was having such nervous excitement and anxiety (in a good way) that I had to have a couple (or six) cocktails! Refined and redefined from last nights blended concoction, this evening I was much too lazy to wash the blender by hand waiting in the dishwasher to be washed, fuck that noise. I have sprite and Passionfruit juice, Ice and peach vodka. Fuck yes.

So I had one and thought I'd stop at two. But one and two tasted so good that two wasn't enough. So three it is. My sweet husband is in the background offering words of advice, dunno, something about not pouring too heavy and remembering I have to work tomorrow. Four... five... six....there was a look of concern but I think he was enjoying ultra excited and happy Drunken Erin. He is lovely and knows I am enjoying my freedom from shitty yucky cancer poison, shit, I want to poison MYSELF for a change. It is much more fun than the latter.

So I must say I almost feel like an 18 year old discovering alcohol again, loving the effect and craving:


Usually Coolers, cider, whatevs, but I consider Bitches Brew to be anything that a straight man wouldn't want to be seen drinking. Girly glasses and straw kind of drinks are on my crave list right now, maraschino cherries and grenadine with fruit and ice purees and juices. I usually enjoy my wine but my exit from cancer treatment has me craving all kinds of things.
Bitches brew does the job housewife style.

So yea, did I mention I am drinking Peachy Passion cocktails? Well I am, and maybe I should finish the one I have and not pour another.

Isn't that always the downfall of the Thursday night beverage consumption? You think, bah, tomorrows Friday. I can have a couple. But you end up having too much fun until you look at the clock and it's 1230 and you're like SHIT I WISH IT WAS FRIDAY! I have seen so many bars who have great drink deals THURSDAY nights and want you to come drink drink drink. I live across the street from a bar and have to listen to Thursday night rowdies every week. A couple of times in the summer when someone was singing loudly outside -we have ALL windows open it's so hot- you have to listen to these drunk idiots, and at one (or two) points I said fuck it. Went out on the balcony and yelled:

and another time

I don't even know if this registered with these Thursday night drink specials victims, that they suck at singing and are completely tone deaf and need a music lesson, oh wait, you can't teach tone deaf, then theres the old skeezee tradesguy who has been drinking since four, losing one game of pool after another, plugging the machines and getting rejected by the same washed up ol' VLT hag drinking Pil.





Fuck you.

These guys are rare, but angry drunks come out of Rosarios on Thursdays and will most likely disturb your quiet time.

Or sleep.

I haven't gone there since I got a shitty plate of calamari for $10 bucks.

Matt swears that is was half eaten, and it almost looked that that, a big bowl of dip and crumbs of Calamari.

I was sober at the time, and that was the only thing I could enjoy somewhat sometimes, and so I was PISSED.

Fuck you Rosarios and your shitty overpriced calamari.

I don't think I'll return.

Why would I need to go to a crappy bar and pay them for their shitty service and surround myself with weirdos who sing karaoke so wrongly and gross disgusting pigs of men who eye diddle you when you walk past them, like they have a shot or something. Fuck that. Yuck.

But the weekend is ahead of us, and of course there are some more fabulous party plans. First there is a show tomorrow I have been SO EXCITED FOR:

Devildriver and 3 inches of blood
(and some other bands, Dying Fetus being one of them)


So I'll be rocking out with friends tomorrow night, I'd like to run around and climb on my hubs shoulders, maybe have a shot of tequila and enjoy seeing two of my fave bands, something I haven't been able to do for a year, OMG.

SO stoked for 3 Inches, they are so exciting to listen to cause they embrace that same old school metal a la Iron Maiden and bring it to a new level. And they rule live.

Live music is so important to me. I will fill my heart and head tomorrow night and love it.

So my buzz is wearing off and I have two options:

Go to bed 

Have another drink

I suppose you will find out next entry which one I chose.

Night lovelies.


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