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Tuesday 13 March 2012

New Shoes

So I really don't have anything interesting to say today, but I cruised through Wal Mart earlier and found a couple cute pairs of shoes! So of course I had to show them to you.

These felt numbers were like, made for me I think. 

 These look so cute with my knee high stirrups!   

 I will wear these puppies to work most likely.
(don't mind my crumby table...)
That's all I really have to say today, nothing profound happening in my life worth writing about today.

Back to Real housewives of Atlanta.



Katharine said...

Bit quiet at work today and I was shopping at Gravity Pope for some red shoes! Couldn't find any I liked or could afford and decided to visit you...and there you were showing your new shoes!
Hope you are as good as can be!

alicia said...

i really wish i was blessed with the narrow, petite feet of the welsh women. nothing that cute goes on these aircraft carriers!

also, my mom should buy ME some red shoes. agreed? agreed.