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Thursday 15 December 2011

Lemon Drop Down Ho Down and other random musings

So after a busy last couple of days I am super tired today. I had my fifteen minutes yesterday doing all those interviews, and I was super wired after all of that last night and was awake late. Woke up exhausted then went to work for a couple of hours, but left early to see my dermatologist. I went to see him because I have spent the last few weeks in an itchy hell covered in excema! It is just getting worse. Normally I'd just deal but I can't anymore. I tried every natural remedy and drugstore cream you can imagine, and everything stopped working. I had to start the steroids. It already feels much better. This horrid rash started on my neck and is now all the down my chest and up to my chin and on my eyes. Yucky I know. It itches so bad I scratch it in the night and I go batty in the day. My doc promised me I'd be clear by Christmas. Thank zombie jesus. I'll keep my fingers crossed about that one.

This week has been a whole bag of craziness, and it's only Wednesday! On tap for the rest of the week: Tomorrow I'll be doing my soon-to-be-bride cousin Francesca's lashes for her wedding on new years eve, and Friday I am going with Katie to a private shopping event at Holt Renfrew... which is totally something I'd normally never do but since it is the christmas season I should buy myself a present I think. Then Saturday I am going to my Grandmas bday celebration and after that going to the Chinese Gift Exchange and potluck at John's. Wow, I hope I feel ok the next few days cause it's gonna be a doozy!

I had my shot tonight and I expect the side effects to hit by 4 am, it seems to happen like clockwork. I wake up to my toes aching and a wave of feverish pain washing across my body. I hate that part of my week.

In other news I had a Vietnamese sub for dinner, watched a few episodes of one of my favourite shows of all time- Friends, (I know, corny but so hilarious!) Also, my Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab oils are on their way! For those of you who don't know what BPAL is they are an online gothic perfumery, heres a link:

Katie introduced me to these oils. She told me one day that she bought a few of these goth perfumes, and I am usually funny about buying any beauty products online because I can't smell them so I pish poshed KT and forgot about it. Then I am over at her place- skyview  RV storage and trailer park- and she shows me her goth oils. I am instantly enchanted and decide I need a few of my own.

Well a year later I have thirty oils and always have a couple in the mail. They are precious to me and I find myself obsessing over them. It's like they now have a power over me. I even have my husband wearing them. Please check out their site!

Wow, that was random news, this entry is so "diary"!

How about I end this random newsflash with some random pictures!


 OHHH MAN THIS WAS A FUN EVENING. Summer 2010, Raygun Cowboys 10th anniversary show. I started the night doing lemon drop shots with a lesbian, danced my ass ragged, partying hard with some of my besties. I had so much fun, I don't even remember getting home. Once I somehow got back to my apartment, I believe the party continued until I woke up on the living room floor at seven am with a very big headache and thirsty as hell. The next day I lay in bed with the taste of vodka lemon and sugar in the back of my throat and I truly wanted to die. Good Times. From Left: Elaine! This girl is givin' er in this pic. I love it cause she's actually fairly mellow lady, she's a mommy with the mostest, but when she parties she gets wild and I love it! Love ya lady! Next is me of course, full of vodka, causing a righteous ruckus. The guy next to me is my best gay John. He was a walking party that night. Look behind me at the creeper with the glowing eyes- that's Lucas! He is my non-biological little brother. I love my Lucas to pieces! Anyways, this evening shall be known as the Lemon Drop Down Ho Down. That was a once in a lifetime party.

 I love these creepy windmills in Southern Alberta. Matt and I broke up once and when he courted me back to him he took me on a trip to Nelson and we drove the scenic route. These were scattered all the way down the highway and they look so cool, so haunting. Something romantic about them...

I had to post this. My husband is so lovely. After I had a major surgery for my melanoma I was sad cause I sat in a recliner for two months and couldn't reach my toes. I felt so wrong not wearing nail polish. My sweet husband offered to paint my toes. Of course I said yes but I thought "this is going to be a mess" but he did a great job! What a sweetie. Love ya honey!
I am sorry, I am not anti vegetarian, but I believe I need meat to survive. I am a carnivore. Without animal flesh I simply will not live. I find with my blood sugar issues if I don't get protein every four hours I faint. It is a curse passed down to me by my lovely mother. So yeah, this girl is a meat eater. Monkeys, koalas toucans- you name it. Deeeeeelishhh.


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