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Saturday 31 December 2011

Last day of 2011

Since my post yesterday was a bit of a downer, tonight I am not gonna go on about cancer or crazy dreams or anything depressing! I am up late and figured since it is now the last day of the year, I would list the best things about this year.

 MY WEDDING DAY! Aka the royal wedding. HEHE just kidding. But seriously, it was the best of the year for me. I married the sweetest man and my soul mate, and then we celebrated all night and did the party our way. It was so fun and magical it is my "happy place" because it was everything I had ever dreamed of!

GETTING MY DRIVERS LICENSE! As you know, I took my time getting my drivers license. Honestly I didn't get it in BC cause there was no point. Public transport is how you get around. I like that about that city. I come back here and the transit system sucks so badly it's not a reliable way to get around, and in the last year before I finally got my license I took cabs everywhere, yes that's expensive. So getting my drivers was really a great thing about this year. FREEEEDOM!!!

HALLOWEEN! Halloween was a blast this year cause my BFF KT married her lobster. It was a spooky and joyous occasion and I danced my ass off in my witches costume.

DALEY AND ALICIA'S WEDDING! Ok, this was a great wedding on October 1st, my brother married his lobster and I cried several times. It was very sweet. The wine was delicious, and they had sliders with bags of garlic fries at midnight - Nice touch guys, that helped me power through three more hours of drinking. The hangover was brutal. LOVE YOU TWO!!!

GOING BACK TO WORK! I took almost 4 months off and was going batty by the end of it. The surgery had my foot and ankle swelling and I could barely walk, so I couldn't work. I spent my days making chain maille and reading, watching lots of garbage television (except for my FRIENDS marathons, love that show) watching lots of movies and drinking ginseng tea. Even though I am not working full time I still enjoy my job and look forward to coming in 3 days a week. Going back helped me feel like things were getting more normal.

BECOMING A RED HEAD! Hahaha ok so really though, this is up there with the wedding, it was perhaps the best decision I made this year- when it comes to my extreme vanity. Who says blondes have more fun?

GIRLS NIGHTS! So this year KT, Jess and I have had some great hangouts painting each others nails (I paint their nails) and we bitch and cackle and eat chips. Very good times ladies.

GETTIN' THE MESSAGE OUT! Working with Indoor Tanning is out- Alberta as a spokesperson was really exciting for me. I wished I had seen someone like me going through melanoma years back when I was using a tanning bed. Things could have been different. But my chance to tell my story was so cool and I plan to stay involved with this coalition!

THIS RAINBOW CHIP COOKIE I AM EATING RIGHT NOW! Omg omg Angie (my token asian) made me some delicious cookies for Christmas, and gawdamn! These Rainbow chip cookies rule so hard. I feel bad cause I have nothing for that sweet girl, and she made me these magical cookies. This is the last cookie I will eat this year, and it is fuckin' tasty!!! MMM MMM!

So I am up past my bedtime, I better get to bed cause I have the new years wedding of my cousin Francesca and her lobster Ryan. We will be doing the countdown and celebrating their LOVE! Whoop! As I imagine I will be falling into the wine, so I anticipate a good time. There will be photos.

For now, check out a few hilarious photos that come up when you google 2012.

Apparantly a bunch of nut cases think tomorrow these images will come to life. Yup.... we'll see about that.



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