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Sunday 11 December 2011

Ode to friends

With the season of giving and boozing approaching, I thank Satan for my awesome friends. I feel like I have so many I'd like to shout out, but I'm gonna narrow it down to a few that support me everyday, love me for my tendency to be awkward and not care, they're never embarrassed to be seen with me even when I make the choice to eat space cookies and go to west edmonton mall, then proceed to act like an idiot- thank you Miss Karpetz- and still loved me the next day. Now that's friendship. So here is my holiday card to all of you- My Besties. (In no particular order.)

John Dixon
Dude, no words can express how much I need you as my token gay for LIFE. I love laughing with you and just being disgusting human beings in general together. Oh the times we have had. I love you for life my friend, let the good times roll, we rule!

Katie Karpetz
Katie, you are my oldest friend, we go all the way back to brownies. You have always been krazy katie and you are the only I know who can remember the details of a fight from 13 years ago. We are sisters in witchery and I would stick with you in a zombie apocalypse.

Jess Wright
I don't know if I ever told you this, but when I first met you I was totally intimidated! You are such a badass and such a beauty, and you make being a superwoman look effortless. If there was a zombie apocalypse I'd want you next to me,  you'd be a rad zombie slayer!

Last but not least! Mum, you are the coolest. You taught me so many things that made me the person I am today. I hope I can be as awesome mother to my children as you were to us, (even though I didn't always seem to appreciate you) I am sorry for being a beastly teenager! Meow! Kitty cat! Meow! Muthafuckin kitty cat!

Now there are many more of you that mean the world to me, and if you've been a part of my life in these last couple of years living through my ups and downs, thank you all for the good times and let them never end. I cannot wait to get totally drunk with you guys this Xmas maybe even smoke a reefer or twelve. I will appreciate this holiday season more than ever. I am grateful to all that are a part of it with me.

Wow that was totally corny but sometimes you gotta be! Love you all!!! Feliz Navidad!!! Hail Satan!

                                       Me and my witches                              

Me and the best gay a girl could ever have, and Elaine too! Love ya girl!

                                                    Me and my hot mom! She taught me how to have style!


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