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Sunday 18 December 2011

Festivus 2011

What an amazing Festivus.

So last night was Festivus Celebration at John and Jer's and we had a merry old time. As you can see I've got a cider and a cigarette (holding it for KT) and my friends KT and Charlene and The Christmas Cowboy are getting holiday wild with me while I pose strangely. As soon as we were walking up the path you could hear the buzz of a party, and the house was full of familiar faces and a couple new ones, warm with booze and holiday cheer. Very festive I must say. These people are my chosen family, and all of us together in one room is where I want to be the week before xmas day.

We did a Chinese gift exchange- don't ask me why it's chinese, but you get to pick a present and then the next person gets to pick one or steal yours. First I got a candle holder with a coven of dogs around it, and I loved it right away, and of course that was KT'S gift, but it got stolen from John! Then I got riot gear and a cap gun and I think Matt left these items all over the house before we left. There was a puker, won't say this poor fellows name on here as I doubt he'd appreciate it, I'll just call him Pukey Mgee, and Pukey Mgee was already three sheets when I arrived. He then grabbed my wine and proceeded to pour most of the bottle in his cup and smashed that shit back fast and ended up painting Seth and Seth's bed with Merlot red. Beautiful. Hey, I remember those days... but I've never puked all over someone. That's pretty pukey dude. Pukey Mcgee locked himself in the bathroom and puked up a storm and then took a long long shower. Poor  guy. Good luck with that hangover dude.

I remember a snakes and ladders game with shot glasses instead of game pieces, having a sip out of a bottle then someone saying Erin you're bleeding! I look at the bottle and I had chipped it by vigorous cheering and being overly jolly. Silly me.

We carried on with this merriment until the wee hours, and here's where it gets fuzzy. We are all piling into Lucas's car, who is stone cold sober and putting up with the tomfoolishness of a bunch of drunk-asses, and someone suggests we go to Oakland The Christmas Cowboy's and Charlene. We should have probably just gone home cause we go back there but I fell asleep on the bathroom floor and then my lovely husband took me to a bed, and I didn't wake up till one, when Matt went and got the truck and let me sleep. What a sweetie. So yeah, there was the real holiday piss up of the year. Good times for sure. I love all of you that were there with me. We sure are a rowdy bunch of crazy people,  I am lucky to have such fun friends.

So here are a couple shots from the party! Now everyone don't get all upset about the cigarette, I'm not back to smoking I just had a couple in the name of festivus. No biggie K?

 Me and my lady Charlene- girl you are a great friend and I am so happy we have become close pals! I am so glad you got the awesome glasses I picked out cause you rock those so hard. Fuck yeah my girl!
Showing off my riot gear 
From Left: Charlene the rockstar, Miss Kt Kat, and Oakland The Christmas Cowboy. Love you all!

So as you can imagine, I am nursing quite the hangover today and feeling that guilt for the over indulgence, as lately I have been super sober. I woke up in pain at one and went back to bed for the rest of the day. It did remind me why I shouldn't drink. Ah, tis the season.

Anyways, I am so compeletly wrecked and will need more sleep in order to work tomorrow, so I am off to bed. That's my weekend. I have a whole 7 days ahead of me full of more festive adventures.


1 comment:

alicia said...

i wish i could have been there for the airing of grievances and to witness the feats of strength! happy festivus! <3