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Tuesday 13 December 2011

Getting the message out to the masses

Wow, what a day! My "agent"- a lady from the coalition I am working with- hooked me up with several interviews today, CTV news was first, then 24 hours magazine, Edmonton Sun, Calgary Sun, Calgary herald, and Breakfast Television on City TV. My message is out there and I couldn't be happier. Here are links to a couple of the interviews:

I wasn't as nervous as I thought I'd be, and managed to get my point across clearly. One thing was my hair looked like crap. That I wasn't happy about. Goes to show you how vain I really am I suppose.

I am still not quite done the day yet, another photographer is coming by to take pics of me for the Calgary Herald. I truly will never know the full impact that this has on the people that read it, but it is reaching more people than I ever thought it would when I wrote that article last summer. Super cool I do say.

It's amazing though how ignorant people can be about this disease though. One thing I have encountered is idiots who actually think melanoma isn't a "real" cancer. These people are morons, I am sorry. How can you say to someone who is going through chemo that their cancer isn't a big deal? Some people need to get their heads out of their own asses. Another unfortunate thing is I know several people who STILL use tanning beds, even people close enough to me to know the living HELL I have been through this last year. I will never get this year back, and I will spend the next few years seeing doctors to make sure my cancer isn't coming back. I can't believe my experience isn't enough for these people to stop tanning. It is a real testament to the addictive nature of these beds, it's just like smoking, nobody can tell you to quit, you have to make the decision for yourself.

On the bright side, I have had many people show their support for my cause and have heard from several people that my story got them into a dermatologist to remove suspicious moles and even stopped a few young people from using tanning beds. This pleases me. I expect that with all this exposure I will have more young people thinking about their choices, that is my hope.

Anyways, thanks for reading, and please feel free to repost those links or send to someone that needs to know my story. Melanoma is CANCER and it can kill you. If it doesn't, it can destroy your life as you know it.



Katharine said...

Great stuff Erin!
and you look beeeeutiful!

alicia said...

i work with a woman whose husband has lung AND throat cancer but refuses to quit smoking because "there is no scientific proof that smoking causes cancer". he legit thinks it's from air pollution. so, people are stupid. and if they can't learn from your experience then bad things will happen!


Eris Ember said...

Thanks guys!!!!
Lung and throat cancer, hmmmmm. Yeah thats caused by smoking. How can someone be so idiotic?! These people sound like they have a nasty case of Denial. Stupid!
<3 lovin' communicating with you guys! LOVE!!!