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Monday 12 December 2011

December 12th, 2011

So I am a little nervous tonight because tomorrow I will be waiting by the phone to be interviewed by various forms of media because of an article I wrote in the summer about my skin cancer journey. I can't believe all the attention I am getting for it, and feel excited to be a spokesperson against underage tanning. There needs to be some kind of regulation, if you can't buy cigarettes until you're 18 the law should be the same for other known human carcinogens, which tanning is. I know my decision to use a tanning bed at 18 raised my chances significantly of having Melanoma. Looking back that was the hugest mistake I ever made, going to tanning beds, and even as I was using them I did think once or twice: How will I pay for this later? Still, I was naive enough to believe the worst would never happen. This is the problem with young people, when you are that naive you never think the worst could happen. There is a reason why this disease is the top cancer killer for people under 30. Using a tanning bed is like playing russian roulette. When it spreads to your organs you have a death sentence. It scares me to see how many young girls and guys are in tanning salons, and to think that one in six of these kids will get melanoma? How frightening. So I am doing something I never thought I would do- speaking up about my story so people can put a face to the disease, and hopefully that will help some people stop using those cancer causing beds of death! I will of course update you all tomorrow on how the interviews go! EEEEEP!

Now for some unrelated photos.

                                                     ... WHAT A SKANK

                                                      MY MAN!!!!!!!!
                                           CHIEF WANNASNEAKAPEEPEE

                                                  NOT MY CAT BUT ISN'T HE PRECIOUS!!!!



alicia said...

good luck with the interviews - you'll be great! i really loved your article, because as i long standing advocate against tanning, i thought it was really important for young people understand that the worst CAN happen. (and that you if it does, you can fight it!)

also, those are some pretty great unrelated photos!

Eris Ember said...

Thanks cuz! It's true, we never think the worst will happen to us. It has and I am fighting, but it's unfortunate that people are so blind to what they do to themselves. I just hope to impact a few young people and put a face to the disease!

Many more dumb photos to come!