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Thursday 15 December 2011

Stolichanya and zombie golden girls

So one year ago today I was diagnosed with Melanoma. I can't believe the year I've had, surgery, chemo, needles and blood tests, X-rays and biopsies, it has been difficult. But I thank Lucifer I am still alive and cancer free. I remember last year when I found out at nine am the feeling of shock and disbelief hit and a few hours later a feeling of fear set in. I went the next day to see if there was metastases in my organs. I remember a feeling of dread washing over me and thinking, if there is cancer in my organs I am going to die. That is the scariest feeling you can imagine. It hadn't and thats why I am still alive. I must say I do appreciate living day to day now a lot. So this next year will be one of the best ever, I am certain of it!

Anyways enough about cancer! ON TO THE RANDOM NONSENSE THAT IS MY BLOG!

                                            ZOMBIE GOLDEN GIRLS                                                

 A pic from a messy evening from summer 2010 at John's place. Yes my belt is open cause I was bloated with PFK otherwise known as KFC. I believe I even drank that whole bottle of Stolichanya. I used to love that shit. It's poison but it will get ya drunk. If you are looking for a party, grab a bottle of Stoli and it will start. Give me a bottle of Stoli and you may have to call the cops. Just kidding, I'll probably slur your ear off and open my belt. Back in these drunken days I'd say I could drink full grown men under the table on a good night. Ok, on a Saturday night.
 An old ass photo from high school. This came out of Katie's archives. This is at the arts barns in Old Strathcona. I am on the left laughing so hard that I am peeing my pants I am sure, and then there is Katie and Jenn and Jenn is biting Kt's ear. That was good times.
Me and my attendants. Jess is coping a feel and Katie is touching me in a creepy way. Weddings are fun.
Ok, I'm obsessed with this band. They are an electro-industrial band, which is a genre I used to listen to more of but in the last few years I have been more of a rock and metal girl. These guys are still heavy but they have a really haunting keyboard guy that makes it really melodic and also lots of fun to drive fast to! If you are into industrial or even if you aren't check out this band!

So that was a little random... seems to be a theme here. I think I am gonna go to bed! I am about to have a busy weekend so I doubt I'll update for a few days, but you will hear all about my adventures next week!


1 comment:

alicia said...

i'm so happy that a year later you're doing so much better, and i hope that 2012 will be the best one yet! <3