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Sunday 25 December 2011

Make the Yuletide Gay

Merry Christmas everyone!

What a fun Christmas this year! I ate, drank and was merry. Last night was the real party at my parents place, every year we have a wild party on Christmas eve. My brain is still sitting in a bucket of wine, so I apologize if I seem slow in this entry.

We had a great turnout this year! The house was full to the brim with people. This year my husbands mom and her boyfriend came from Calgary which is new, it was their first Christmas Eve at the Welsh household. So glad we finally got them over. My brother and his wife also came from Calgary, like they do every year, and we had a blast together! The Karpetz Family came over, KT and Sandy have been over before but not the whole family. So that brought up the party factor. The rest of the family was there of course, all a merry time was had by all!

Since my family wasn't doing presents this year, there wasn't a big haul this year but I did make wedding albums for the parents and my Grandma Frannie. I think they were very happy with that. 

I also made Matt a photo album, but instead of wedding photos I gave him boudoir photos I had done a few weeks ago, I also gave him "Love coupons" and a gift certificate for Edmonton's Best Tattoo shop Capital Tattoo. Matt gave me a beautiful leather bracelet that wraps around the arm, really cool. He also gave me a gift certificate to Nightshade Corsets! I was really excited about that one cause I have been wanting a new corset and nightshade has some of the best in town. 

Today was pretty much a write off for me. Since I am "not supposed to drink" I took it "easy" but still wound up with a hangover. Really I was more tired than hungover. My brother Daley and I stayed up late - like 5 am kinda late, we kept that party rockin' till dawn. I definitely pay for drinking and staying up late because of the interferon, so my booze intake was about half of the usual. Usually I get so hammered that I have my face in the toilet by noon the next day. Not this year but I still found a way to wreck myself. When I finally went to bed, I slept on a futon that was pretty much folded in half with my parents cat Mittsy under my blanket. Perfect. 

Woke up by eleven for brunch with the family before my bro and his wife had to take off for her family celebration, and promptly got back into bed and slept till four. Then we had dinner which temporarily brought me back to life. By dessert though that triptofan or however you spell that, hit me, and I had to go lie down again! So yeah, that was home time. Well, that's Christmas for another year! 

Tomorrow is Boxing Day, and I of course am a good little consumer during sale time. So yes, I will be shopping! KT and I will be hitting up stores like Mars and Venus, I like accessories from that store, Sanctuary- Edmonton's Witchery and Goth General store, which over the years I have spent many dollars in, and a friends subculture store Redemption Boutique. I am quite sure I will find a few items for myself and perhaps the husband as well. I may decide to get the hell out of there if it's really bonkers, like I think it's gonna be....we will see.  I have been know to soldier through the crowds to get a good deal. 


 WEDDING ALBUMS!!!!! So I spent 4 hours putting together albums then a couple more making cards and making them look purdy. I felt like it was appropriate to give all the parents one and they waited long enough! So yeah, that was by far my most crafty christmas in years!
 The sweet ass bracelet my kick ass hubby got me! He's got incredible taste when it comes to picking me out accessories for me. This bracelet is special and unique. Just like me HEHEHEH
 NIGHTSHADE!!!!! So excited. I love corsets but I haven't bought one in a few years. I have my eye on a beautiful black under bust there. I dropped a few hints to Matt a while back, and reminded him again recently. He says he feels intimidated when he walks in there so he got me the GC so I could pick out what I want. Now that's a good guy.
MY CHRISTMAS PRESENT TO MYSELF (Or one of them) OMG OMG OMG my oils came early! KT and I figured they'd arrive after Christmas, but to our delight they arrived on the 23rd! This was a pretty large order, I got Midnight Mass 2011, which smells like traditional roman catholic incense burned at midnight mass, The Gorobble, smells like burnt marshmallows, yum, Yule 2011, which has red holly berry, mistletoe, juniper, frankincense and myrrh. I also got Diable en Boîte which means Jack in the box, which is a seriously spicy and intense fragrance, which just didn't smell right on me, but it smelled great on my man! So that one is for him. I also ordered another for Matt, John Barleycorn, with beer, blood and whisky, but he thought it smelled "girly" on him. So I kept John Barleycorn and gave him Diable en Boîte. BPAL OBSESSION! 

Good times this year, I enjoy celebrating with the finest. Next party is NYE at my cousin Francesca's wedding. I bought a very pretty dress for the evening I am excited to wear! You will of course see it later on in pics! Now I am going to cuddle with Salem the kitty and watch a Christmas movie with the hubs. I might even smoke a Christmas doobie too. Heheheh. MERRRRRRY CHRISTMAS! HOHOHO! <3



alicia said...

i'm happy you had such a lovely christmas! when do we get to see the boudoir photos? ;D


Eris Ember said...

I hope you had a lovely christmas too cuz! I am thinking about posting one or two, my brother reads this so I'll have to pick one that isn't too racy heeheheheheh <3