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Wednesday 28 November 2012

Crazy hair

TODAY I realized my hair is actually really growing back in.

Of course treatment for Melanoma took my hair, my safety blanket, my everything.
I am very obsessed with my hair. I wasn't pleased.

For the last year and a bit my hair has been thinner than a girl I know nicknamed anorexicka that shall remained unnamed, I've had hardly any hair in the front, practically had a receding hair line forever, and NOW my hair is making a come back!

Since I've really been insecure about my hair loss I've hid it with fake hair, and I find it funny when people see me with a different hair length and colour every couple of days and say, 


Like dude, it's fake.

I took out my extensions tonight and thought I still had some in cause it felt like I actually had hair which normally when I take em out I feel bald with baby whisps of hair left. 
I was very happy.

Since I have baby hair growing into teenage hairs, and everything is thickening up, it's all at different lengths so it looks a little crazy, well, really crazy, like Alberta Hospital crazy.

I think "Escaped mental patient" is the words my friend Randie used.


You know what's nice? NOT being bald in the front of my head, yeah, that's enough to make my week, even my month.

Not typically a problem women pushing 30 have, it's more of an old man problem.
Or weird old Chinese lady problem.

ANYWAYS, I thought that was worth sharing. 
If you've wondered for months if my hair is fake or not HERE YOU GO, this is what I really look like. I have to say I like it a lot more than this time last year.

Once you start recovering on the outside, it's easier to recover on the inside.


Sunday 25 November 2012

The burning heart


We are here in each others lives for a reason.
Once we forget that then we end up taking those for granted.
If we go about life without gratitude we do not deserve it, or those around that are grateful for us.

Once you step over some lines it cannot be undone.
What will be will be and what is designed for us is a puzzle, a challenge, a maze.
It is to be navigated by the heart, like a sail boat in the wind, protecting the boat with sails opposing dark winds and harrowing legs of the journey.

I believe we are our own keepers.
The keepers of our heart and soul and the keepers of our minds, why would anyone else have the reigns on our lives, or how could we be saved by any outside force?

How is any outside force even created?
Through the imagination and the emotions of all around us, and primarily our own spirits.
Through those we intrust our hearts to, we let those we love take our hearts and that is a huge responsibility, to keep someones heart.

These winds of humanity can be dangerous, and where do we go if not home, to where our hearts were born, where do we go? 
The home of our deepest morals and survival instincts, our intuition about self and heart.

So if this is how it is, do we even have a choice where we go?

Yes, I believe we all do.

We sail against the storm.

We take ourselves home, stand up and protect our spirits, let our hearts be our guide.

If not for the power of self and heart where would any external forces come from?
All of us have the power to change the world, change love, change life and how we value it.

If you forget why you are alive, how can you go on?


Saturday 24 November 2012

Hexy weekend

Saturday is ALSO FATURDAY, where you can eat and drink whatever you want, it's the rule!


I'm a weirdo-what's new

I found me some Pinot Noir, my signature drink

My socks match the walls

Awesome T-shirt of the day!


Wednesday 21 November 2012

Toy monkey

I can't think of anything interesting today, it's kinda like my mind is a barren field of nothingness right now, like nothings going on but a toy monkey banging a drum, banging that drum, functioning at a very basic level, attracted to shiny things and light but unobservant for the most part.

Since I am normally always buzzing like a bee in my head or just actually buzzing around like a bee I like to give my mind a little "dumb-cation" from time to time, where I leave the building in a figurative sense, and it is lovely.

I find that very hard to do if I am extremely stressed so it is kind of after the worst of the stress settles that I can tune out and just be a little dumb, giving one word answers, not doing any heavy reading and staying the hell away from crosswords and sudoku in order to "keep the blade dull" if you will.

I also pretend I don't understand French or any math.

It is nice and we all deserve ourselves a dumbcation from time to time.
I know you've heard of the "staycation", when you take time off and hang around town, but a dumbcation you can have ANYTIME YOU WANT!!!

Now you're like:

Erin, how do I go on a dumbcation?

It's as easy as this.

1.Smoke a joint or if you are not a partaker in the garden of wonderful then have a couple glasses of wine. If you don't do either you're lame.

2. Wear weird but comfy clothes, I suggest many different polka dot items and a winter hat, even a wool poncho and get ready to relax.

3. If you must do any chore, make it one a retard could do.
No offence but I feel like using retard.
This blog never claims to be PC.

4. Perfect that "Dear in the headlights" look in your eyes, with a dumb smile and wide saucer eyes.

It don't cost noooo money, and there are many rewards such as total bliss.

People will probably leave you alone to be void of intelligent thought and let that toy monkey bang that drum.

Lazy webcam photos pour vous!

Wearing an awesome T-shirt but what's new there

Nuzzling my precious Sabbath the prettiest kitty that ever did meow!

My Curious babe

This cat wants to jump on something!

YEP, smoking. 
My favourite pass time and great friend.
I know I have to quit, I have to, we all have to, but I won't deny that I love smoking soooooooooo much and my life wouldn't be the same without it.
How do you look like a rock n' roll rebel badass without a cancer stick hanging out of your mouth?!

Found this old gem, my Grade 12 school ID card!
I'm giving a thumbs up cause it was the last year of high school and I was excited to get 'er over with!

Contemplating eating all these sprinkles now. 
They make me ridiculously happy. 
There's a guy on instagram from Japan or something that always does art with sprinkles, and every one of his creations make me squeal in delight!
I love sprinkles, on or off the cupcake, as long as they're in my mouth.

Let that toy monkey bang that drum. Mmmmm.

"What's the operators number?"


Monday 19 November 2012

Whispers and screams

Hello world, I am sorry for not being a good blogger.
I have been slacking on my duties as an over-sharer, and for that I am sorry.

Thing is lately I have been in the day-to-day and doing the auto pilot thing.
It's easy to slip into that, but for me writing is my creative RELEASE and I start to feel like a big ball of crazy if I am not writing everyday.

I have to write to you, write to myself, write to others, I am better at expressing myself through writing and though I can type a million words a minute I can't always talk a million words a minute. 
With me it's more like I talk your ear off for two hours to the point where you are putting on your coat and leaving, smiling but thinking, God will this bitch ever shut up?

It's most likely we either smoked a doobie or had a few beers, so then my dialogue just flows. At work I use routine words and methods of discussion because the company I work for silent shops the chains and if you aren't saying what you are supposed to when you are supposed to you can get a really bad mark and get fired.

Shit! I don't wanna get fired, especially by my dad!

So I just operate like a robot, and it works for me.

Then there's life and the fly by the seat of your pants using your instincts and best judgement, which can be clouded at times. I know this now, but have found my instincts to be true in 99.9% of situations or people or even food.

Like you know when you smell some food and you're like, hmmmmmm this is kinddddaaaa offffff.... but then you take a second smell and decide to EAT THAT YOGURT....

Six hours later your stomach is doing flips or knots and you feel ill, or you might even puke to get it out, you know, and you're like,


Well, the same rings true with your instinct on just about everything else, don't ignore it.

My instincts have guided me away from a few really messy situations, let me not have to name them because I don't want to implicate people or sound like the asshole I really am, but seriously I believe in the power of your own intuition.
Well, at least I believe in my own.

The problem with life is that it has the power to block intuition and instinct.
Being "normal" and not "weird" means we have to turn that off from time to time to adapt, whether that means in a workplace, school, or in certain relationships even.

There's always that girl that's with a jerk that is blinded by her insecurities or his looks or something, whatever that be, that keeps her with the jerk, same with men and turbo bitches, who put their balls in their woman's purses and everywhere you go you can hear the sound:


Like a slap!

Because they are MEOW whipped.
I won't say the word but you can insert it where the meow is!
These meow whipped men and foolish women are all blinded by something, even knowing this person can't be good for them they keep on with the relationship.

I think it can be a challenge at first, but if you try and live by your instincts and what your heart tells you, you will never be wrong.

I don't usually get all inspirational on this trashy blog but there you go, I impart my wisdom of "the voices" on you so that your life can be better.

I'd say that's fucking inspiration enough.

Just listen to those voices sometimes.
It doesn't make you a schizo or psychopathic, it makes you human, and if we were given any gifts naturally it would be our basic instinct.

There's a movie called that I think but I am not exactly sure what it has to do with what I'm saying, but really, I can't believe looking back what I let blind me to my first impression or intuition about someone.

I'd like to say never again but because of the social situation we live with it is possible for anyone at anytime to fall prey to some jerk/bitch because of our need to be normal.

Well I speak for all the people that are crazy and they know it, listen to those voices.

Then come tell me how they serve you.


Tuesday 13 November 2012

The lost shots of All Hallows

I know! But I realized aside from a few Instagram Shots or what not I haven't made my Halloween 2012 experience a part of your life yet officially through my own form of indoctrination via Hex blogging.

Lets just say we celebrated Halloween just about every weekend of October.


Lost Halloween Bonanza Pics!




Cherish is loose, the skank in the pink....

I was a hissing and very mean mean mean bunny

After I decided to cut the fingers off my gloves, my blood was extra crusty after a second layer, me and my zombie pirate friend Elvis aka The King!

Elvis and my darling friend Amanda, she was a Musketeer but was called a she pirate all night.

Ms. Mel and Myself, bathroom camera whoring!

We had us a good ol' dance too, I unfortunately don't have photos of this hilariousness, but let me assure it was an awesome display of skills.

Here is one song that we repeated several times:

And another:

The Saturday before Halloween we of course played more dress up, lazy dress up but still dress up!

I tried being original and drawing a Scarlett emblem on my chest to see if anyone knew what my costume was, then off to a Haunted hike featuring lots of dumb Sherwood park teens and a freezing cold wait for a bus to take us there but worth the wait with manikins that came to life and a guy with a chainsaw, dead kids, undead kids, people crawling on the ground grabbing your legs, a scream and a laugh, and back on the bus.


John and I got evil kitties as our matching best friend tattoos, for Halloween!
Who wouldn't get a Halloween tattoo or two on Halloween?

My second tattoo, I couldn't just get one, a witches broom flying past the moon.
This one didn't hurt, just felt like it jangled up my brains around in my skull from the vibration of the tattoo gun.

Thanks to Casper of Showdown ink for these bangers.

I leave you with the beautifully haunting work of Kefkism design from that chilly November day out in Glenvis.


Stay shiny my loves!


Friday 9 November 2012



I just spent an hour browsing drunken celeb photos since it's THA WEEKEND BAYBEE!


I did.


I don't know who the fuck this is, but I would call this position "The drunken scorpion"

Miss Janice Dickinson, the queen of the supermodels.
She likes her sauce!

Apparently this is a mix of Clark Gable's Granddaughter and some other drunk socialite, like helloooo, that dress was a bad choice!

The Great Lindsay Lohan!
More famous for her drunk driving and drug use than her shitty movies!

Who could forget this classy shot?

One of my very favourite drunk celebs, COURTNEY FUCKING LOVE!
She is the Queen of Alternative, she's gotta be a drunk mess.


I love you, Courtney.

The classiest socialite and best role model for any young woman aspiring to be rich trash!

Falling out of those size 11 shoes are we?

Oh, and she can sing too.

I don't know who this is but I laughed cause she's falling.

Not sure if lady gaga is drunk here but you wouldn't have to be drunk to fall off those platforms.

Again, not sure who the fuck this drunk ass is but she is clearly drunk and falling, love it.

She makes me piss myself with laughter.

Faded baby, faded.



AHAHAHA Kathy Griffin, my favourite comedian, taking an ugly spill out of her car.
Pour this bitch out of the car, someone must have said.

It's the weekend!
May you be captured drunk by paparazzi and end up on my blog!
