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Thursday 8 November 2012

Nobody's Dirty Business


I love Thursdays for these reasons:

1- It's the day before Friday

2-An end to the week is in sight!

3- You can always have a "THIRSTY THURSDAY" party and get the weekend started early

4- I usually leave Thursdays open in the evening so I can do whatever the fuck I want.

5- It's a day for me to catch up on my laziness

6-Sometimes it's a day to clean, cause Saturday-Wednesday is too busy to bother, which isn't an awesome thing, but it gets the place all ready to mess up again on the weekend, that's a plus!

7-FRIENDS is on all night on channel 62!

8-It's the day before FRIDAY did I already say that?
Once more for emphasis.

For real now!

10-FRIENDS ALL NIGHT! Here's a reason to watch Friends all night on a Thursday.
Phoebe from the episode "The one with the sharks"

"If you hadn't just had a baby with my best friend, I swear to Lucifer a rabid dog would be feasting on your danglers right now."

Phoebe helped shape the woman I am today, and I aspire to be as hilarious as her.

Many years back in High School I took Television Arts all the way through.
Our first year we made an Episode of Friends, not sure of the title but Rachel was deciding what to wear for a date with Ross.

Guess who I was?
Phoebe of course!
Silly bohemian blonde, that was me in grade 10.

A guy I know that went through that program with me has a copy and I keep bugging him to get it to CD format so I can see it, it's a fucking VHS tape that's how old it is.

Probably covered in dust and who the fuck knows where.

I will persist trying with this guy to get it up here for the world to see.
It is hilarious.
I remember cry laughing when we watched the final product.

So I am in an upbeat mood considering I almost totalled my car multiple times in the last few days of blizzard.

Come out Tuesday to go to work and of course there was a blizzard and my car was under a mountain of snow.

Now it took work to wrench the door open, get in it, slip slid out of the parking lot I'm like uh oh.

Long story short, I slide into the back of this woman's car because she was taking a left turn into a parking lot of a CAR REPAIR place and JUST STOPPED.

She said all the dents in the back were from before.

So onwards to take a left on 104th slowly, and slide directly under a Semi that wasn't moving or I wouldn't be writing this blog.

He noticed and when I tried to reverse and got stuck he jumped out and pushed my little car out, onwards to more sliding and and getting stuck, an hour and 15 minutes later I am finally at work.

I get there and realize I'm shaking, not because I'm cold but because that was a very scary experience!
Snow tires next week, that's it.
Shitbox needs em.

I could call today ADD Thursday cause I can't seem to concentrate on one thing for very long, my music choices tonight have been The Devil Makes Three, Stevie Nicks, Dr. Dre The Chronic 2001 and of course my favourite pioneers of Swedish death metal Dissection and THE MIGHTY AT THE GATES!

Doing the dishes, changing kitty litter and mopping, then remembering I am writing this blog entry!

Hehehe whatever, Attention Deficit Thursday it is.

So I've been so busy that I totally forgot about my 4 month oncology check up, totally blow them off without even realizing it, getting rebooked for the end of the month.


I'm crazy so I have a head doctor, I had cancer so I have a whole bunch of doctors for that garbage, a skin creeper aka dermatologist, a family doctor and could soon have some kind of joint doctor.


Well whatever, I feel fine, I am fine.

December 11th of this year I get a little 'cancerversery" present from my docs-

It shows how everything is working, doing, growing or fucked up or just cool.
I will demand to get a photo emailed to me, demand it, DEMAND!


Best thing about that is tomorrow is lets get fucked up friday!

If you wanna know why I titled this entry what I did then you'd better listen to this song.



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