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Monday 19 November 2012

Whispers and screams

Hello world, I am sorry for not being a good blogger.
I have been slacking on my duties as an over-sharer, and for that I am sorry.

Thing is lately I have been in the day-to-day and doing the auto pilot thing.
It's easy to slip into that, but for me writing is my creative RELEASE and I start to feel like a big ball of crazy if I am not writing everyday.

I have to write to you, write to myself, write to others, I am better at expressing myself through writing and though I can type a million words a minute I can't always talk a million words a minute. 
With me it's more like I talk your ear off for two hours to the point where you are putting on your coat and leaving, smiling but thinking, God will this bitch ever shut up?

It's most likely we either smoked a doobie or had a few beers, so then my dialogue just flows. At work I use routine words and methods of discussion because the company I work for silent shops the chains and if you aren't saying what you are supposed to when you are supposed to you can get a really bad mark and get fired.

Shit! I don't wanna get fired, especially by my dad!

So I just operate like a robot, and it works for me.

Then there's life and the fly by the seat of your pants using your instincts and best judgement, which can be clouded at times. I know this now, but have found my instincts to be true in 99.9% of situations or people or even food.

Like you know when you smell some food and you're like, hmmmmmm this is kinddddaaaa offffff.... but then you take a second smell and decide to EAT THAT YOGURT....

Six hours later your stomach is doing flips or knots and you feel ill, or you might even puke to get it out, you know, and you're like,


Well, the same rings true with your instinct on just about everything else, don't ignore it.

My instincts have guided me away from a few really messy situations, let me not have to name them because I don't want to implicate people or sound like the asshole I really am, but seriously I believe in the power of your own intuition.
Well, at least I believe in my own.

The problem with life is that it has the power to block intuition and instinct.
Being "normal" and not "weird" means we have to turn that off from time to time to adapt, whether that means in a workplace, school, or in certain relationships even.

There's always that girl that's with a jerk that is blinded by her insecurities or his looks or something, whatever that be, that keeps her with the jerk, same with men and turbo bitches, who put their balls in their woman's purses and everywhere you go you can hear the sound:


Like a slap!

Because they are MEOW whipped.
I won't say the word but you can insert it where the meow is!
These meow whipped men and foolish women are all blinded by something, even knowing this person can't be good for them they keep on with the relationship.

I think it can be a challenge at first, but if you try and live by your instincts and what your heart tells you, you will never be wrong.

I don't usually get all inspirational on this trashy blog but there you go, I impart my wisdom of "the voices" on you so that your life can be better.

I'd say that's fucking inspiration enough.

Just listen to those voices sometimes.
It doesn't make you a schizo or psychopathic, it makes you human, and if we were given any gifts naturally it would be our basic instinct.

There's a movie called that I think but I am not exactly sure what it has to do with what I'm saying, but really, I can't believe looking back what I let blind me to my first impression or intuition about someone.

I'd like to say never again but because of the social situation we live with it is possible for anyone at anytime to fall prey to some jerk/bitch because of our need to be normal.

Well I speak for all the people that are crazy and they know it, listen to those voices.

Then come tell me how they serve you.


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