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Sunday 25 November 2012

The burning heart


We are here in each others lives for a reason.
Once we forget that then we end up taking those for granted.
If we go about life without gratitude we do not deserve it, or those around that are grateful for us.

Once you step over some lines it cannot be undone.
What will be will be and what is designed for us is a puzzle, a challenge, a maze.
It is to be navigated by the heart, like a sail boat in the wind, protecting the boat with sails opposing dark winds and harrowing legs of the journey.

I believe we are our own keepers.
The keepers of our heart and soul and the keepers of our minds, why would anyone else have the reigns on our lives, or how could we be saved by any outside force?

How is any outside force even created?
Through the imagination and the emotions of all around us, and primarily our own spirits.
Through those we intrust our hearts to, we let those we love take our hearts and that is a huge responsibility, to keep someones heart.

These winds of humanity can be dangerous, and where do we go if not home, to where our hearts were born, where do we go? 
The home of our deepest morals and survival instincts, our intuition about self and heart.

So if this is how it is, do we even have a choice where we go?

Yes, I believe we all do.

We sail against the storm.

We take ourselves home, stand up and protect our spirits, let our hearts be our guide.

If not for the power of self and heart where would any external forces come from?
All of us have the power to change the world, change love, change life and how we value it.

If you forget why you are alive, how can you go on?


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