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Tuesday 21 August 2012

Today is Tuesday and Tomorrow is Wednesday

It's Tuesday.
Tuesday sucks. It's not Thursday, TV sucks, you can't do anything too exciting because it's a school night and tomorrow is only Wednesday, Tuesdays after work are for being domestic , cleaning, cooking, folding clothes, because I'll be too busy on the more prime days of the week- Wednesday through Saturday, to worry about the landfill's worth of laundry or taking out the garbage and washing dishes.

In a way it's good that at this point of my life I have some sort of structure and am perfectly capable of taking care of myself, though having Matt wash me with a rag on a stick sounds like a luxury right now.

Speaking of Matt and washing, since he's been gone I do less of that.

Ok, I'm not totally disgusting, but I worry less about smelling like a bag of onions because my husband isn't around.
No need for mascara on a lazy Sunday or running a brush through my hair from time to time, no, that becomes something I must do for work, and home alone my cats won't care if I don't shave my legs.

I know what you are thinking now, Erin! You've let yourself go now that you are married?!

Now now, I am just embracing a more European approach to grooming, ex., shaving, showering, hair washing...

Or I've just been too hot and lazy to care because makeup melts right off my face in this sweaty apartment. 

Thank the SuperDevil it is cooling off now with a little wind and rain, a thunderstorm coming through town, if it was still like a vegetable steamer in here I wouldn't be blogging, pshh, trust me, I was barely surviving this evening, just cleaning I became sweat soaked then cooking was foolish,  because it got hot as Hades balls in here for a couple more hours.

So why am I blogging today?
I guess because I have a sick need to share my thoughts with whoever wants to read, and I like to believe they all laugh and think I'm as fucking hilarious as I think I am.

Also to show you some pics!
I did promise Metallica pics for Sunday but I was much too hungover to pretend to be witty or interesting, I was too busy hating myself and a little something called Sour puss.

Cheeky pre-Metallica cab selfie, I'm like, yup, going to METALLICAAAAAAA

Found my friends, John, Seth, Chelsey, Amanda and her friend Lise, obligatory pre show photos


The quality of these photos of terrible.
I was too excited to take a proper picture.

Plus we were pretty much watching the show in outer space- last row in the house biiiiiiiaatch!

Me and Seth getting sweaty

Another poor quality pic of the stage. I can't remember what songs went with each crazy set, I guess you really just had to be there.

Amanda and I bonding over And Nothing Else Matters

How the night ended.

That sour puss got destroyed, but then it destroyed me.
When will I EVER learn my lesson with that stuff???

So there you go.

I plan on photo bombing again next week after I recover from:

It's going to be a blast, sushi then gay bar, as usual.
It's kinda a birthday tradition in my friend family.

I have a sweet dress I bought in MTL and I haven't worn it yet, I'll have lots of friends around me showering me with gifts of shots.

I promise to thoroughly humiliate myself for your entertainment!

(Well, at least make fun of myself being drunk and silly.)

The good news is:

And I like Hump day better than Tuesday.
It's the middle of the week and two days from the weekend.
I am usually in a dandy mood on Wednesdays, and into the full swing of work, plus there is always good TV on Wednesday nights.

Tomorrow is special because I get to see my Skin-Creeper Dr. Salopek, which is always a treat, and then dinner at my parents after, YAY! I don't have to cook.

So things are looking up already.

Now it's thundering, and that is the perfect way for me to fall asleep, 
so I've gotta hit the hay my shiny darlings. 
Thank you for reading.


1 comment:

alicia said...

WHY have we wasted our lives not living in the same province??? OR country??? jeeeeez. my lifestyle is puuuuure european stink/hair. you can save a lot of money on shampoo and razors that you can spend on snacks/booze. we are so smart. S-M-R-T.

also, let's let ourselves go now that we're married!

happy early birthdaaaaay!

love cuz