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Monday 6 August 2012

Pussy Shavin', sticky legs, GERRRRD

That title was filthy, I apologize if anyone was offended!

GERRRRRDD this HEAT is stifling, I've decided for the millionth time this summer that I hate hot summer days. They suck, make me lazy, sticky, smelly, cranky, bitchy, lazy, my makeup melts, I lose all drive to care, I get LAY-ZEEEEEE, did I mention I am sooooo lazy?

So lazy. 

My car is a toaster oven and the steering wheel is fire from Hades, my hands are hot and clammy and my legs stick together. YUCK.

This may not be a popular opinion, but hot sunny days can GTFO.

I much prefer a 15 degree day with a minor breeze over the horrid desert weather we have been having, I will be very happy when it cools down.

I am not the only one who gets annoyed when they are hot, Miss Sabbie cat does too! 

She has been miserable and SO LAZY with her hot coat on, and it was matting really badly so she got a little shaven' from her Uncle John, and she is so happy!


It's hard to get a good picture of her right now because she is moving around a lot and grooming constantly. She is just tiny without all that mountain of fur, and I am pretty sure she is relieved!

It's a lion cut with a skunk tail.
I love her boots!

So my little puss in boots in running around playing and rolling around and Salem is lying down watching her, just keeping an eye on what she's doing, 

Matt is blowing bubbles for them.

I think I am going to have to get Sabbath shaved every summer, that coat is too much for her.



There isn't much actually.
I am slowly raising a gun to my head at work simply because there are NO banquets, very little work to do there- 
(Though I'm sure if my father reads this he could give me something to do-
heh heh)
I spent the day organizing cupboards and throwing away junk, checking email and nothing was there, all day, the phone rang maybe 10 times and time crawls along.
I have to remind myself ERIN YOU ARE MAKING MONEY, if you have nothing to work on, find something. When I was managing full time I would tell my staff

You have time to lean you have time to clean
(This looks much nicer than how I say it.)
That is always in my head at work and never want anyone to see me not working, so I can't be a hypocrite.

Lame I know.

I love when I am busy with lots of banquets, because that means that we are all making money. I am wishing for Christmas right now, but I know once I get there I may curse myself for wishing for that madness, but it is the time we wait for in the service industry.

I will of course work all week but am trying to keep my evening activities to a minimum basically because I am all lazy from the hot, and would rather not move too much if I don't need to.
Reserve at least an hour every night for cool showers and spend the rest near a fan.


I can't imagine living in a sweltering hot country- first of all you would need air conditioning, which makes me freezing cold after being in it for a while, and then I wouldn't want to go outside and turn in the heat on a spit roast.

I used to worship the sun and enjoy being hot.

Fuck that, not anymore, like I said my legs stick together.

Gross and probably too much information.

So I am really a whiney winnie right now, and can hardly think of anything else to complain about, which is actually great because being overheated really isn't a big problem.

I can think of much worse times, so I'll try and remember I could have waaaayyyy bigger problems.

Some people have no problems, or so it seems this guy doesn't.

I'd say this guy probably smokes so much weed and that mass of dread locks are probably better than a hard hat, he probably have very few problems, but a bitch might be one.


1 comment:

alicia said...

i also hate HOT summer days. it's so humid here - which makes it even more disgusting. all i want to do is go outside and then i get out there and it's like "NOPE".

bear's parents had their cat shaved like sabbath last summer, but she was so traumatized that she's full fur this year. i like the little boots - so stylish!

my manager (who was gone for seven weeks on vacation and then to recover from a broken ankle she sustained on said vacation) is coming back in two weeks so my hours will be cut from almost 40 to 15. i want to throw up and am also wishing for christmas even though it makes me hate life SO MUCH. why can't people just pay us to be awesome?

love youuuuuuu! <3