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Wednesday 9 May 2012

Solo party and My Beauty Queen

So this evening ended up being somewhat of a party, more for me than anyone else.
A bit of a solo party.

So I worked my 10-5, come home to go FISHING with my HoneyBot, and he's fast asleep. 
For a couple hours. 

I bought mango cider to drink on the river, but I couldn't wait anymore knowing it was there, so I cracked two and a half by the time he woke up all cranky, crabby, crabappley, bleary eyed and definitely annoyed by my screeching about the grooming I did on my long haired beauty Sabbath, I am fawning drunkenly over her and he looked- not so in the mood for that.

Or Fishing.

BUT JUST LOOK AT HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sabbath, aka Sabbie looking a little rumpled and not quite ready for her brushing/de-matting.

I got Miss Sabs on a warm blanket and got her purry, then brushed the shit out of her, and she was great, let me take out the couple knots on her tummy and groom the rest of her, including her fluffy tail and wonderful mane.

My beauty queen after her mane-ing.

Who wouldn't fawn over this???

I guess I tried to quiet down but tonight my man was extra tired, and there was no waking him up. 
Around ten thirty he crashed and I realized I was hungry so I started making Tortellini with four cheese sauce.
 Matt woke up in a panic thinking there was a fire in the house, haha oh man. Greasy burners or something like that.

I don't think that tortellini at 1030pm is normal for me, that's how I know I am still out of whack in a big way.  But whatever, it's delicious, and I got some watermelon too for dessert.

Had to have it.

Now you're saying- are you pregnant Erin?

I don't think so, but if I was I would be quite happy with that.

Either way, I'm not in sync in any way. Really, it's not that bad, it's just getting used to a new normal, and adjusting- slowly.

So other than that, I am powering through another work week, which is starting to actually feel more work-y, being there full time and all, which is cool, my bank account likes it.

So tomorrow I will be getting extra gay and probably flabotaged by Jeremiah, and who knows what'll happen at that gay house. Gay church, balls, yes, balls, so many dogs, me getting stoned and putting on a show of some kind, and just good times with the best best best friends a girl could ever ask for.

Fruit fly FO LIFE. <3



alicia said...

first of all, MANGO CIDER. want. second, sabbath looks so fancy! third, tortellini at 10:30 followed by watermelon IS my normal... that might be a problem. oh well!

love youuuu! <3

Eris Ember said...

So fun though right? Love that late night banquet. Yum yum. Sabby loves you, and so do I !!!!!!