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Thursday 31 May 2012

Crazy cleaning, crazy skin recipe

So I am late night blogging while I should be working on sleeping, simply because I am wired from 

I believe I am high on the fumes and cleaning for 3 hours straight makes me all busy, I will organize absolutely EVERYTHING and end up organizing makeup and scrubbing the floors by hand.

This makes me sound like a total neat freak, but I'm not, I border on slob at times but I never have anything that can rot in my home for more than... a couple days....

I have improved over the years, if you knew me as a teenager, boy was I ever a little pigpen.

My room, sometimes hard to enter because of a pile of clothes behind the door or some other random junk clothes strewn about schoolwork and cd's, violin sheet music, stuff I found in the alley, books and even plates and cups, towels and lucifer knows what. Just everything, and messy as hell.

I'd mess up my room so bad then I'd take a Friday night to stay caffeinated all night long and clean up my hell hole and re-organize EVERYTHING. I'd clean allll night to the sounds of Smashing Pumpkins and Nirvana and in the morning once my parents were awake I'd vacuum and that room would be sparkling.

This was my way of cleaning, and though I clean wayyyyy more than I did then, I still go on these long cleaning marathons. I am very good at messing things up, but I have discovered that when I clean I am a very good cleaner. I am systematic and focused, and capable of multi-tasking!

Wow, potential new career for me maybe?

So maybe my place isn't the most immaculate apartment you've ever seen, but somehow I manage to keep it under control, kinda, but when I clean it's no joke.

I get into a weird zone and just give'r.

So I am slowly losing the urge to get up and organize all the loose wedding photos, only thing not done, but given that I just made watermelon jello and did a strange and natural moisturizing regimen, which I will share in a moment, I am now couch bound and think I did enough for one night.

Oh yes, the dry skin regimen.

If you have any breakouts this isn't for you.

If your skin is dry, red, irritated and or sore, try this concotion I came up with in my kitchen!


-Olive oil, virgin or no virgin
-Vitamin E capsules (if you got 'em)
-Aloe Vera- best straight from the plant
-A mashing tool- if you have a mortar and pestal you are set.

First mash up the oatmeal with a little water, don't add too much at first, just play 'er by ear. 
You wanna make it into a paste.

Once that oatmeal is as pasty as me, squirt a few Aloe pieces in it, enough so you can see it's snottiness in there. It looks like snot. This is what will take down the redness, it's snot is soothing to burns, bug bite ect. 

Then bust open those Vitamin E capsules and squeeze em in there too, I'd say 4-6 of these babies.

I pour a little olive oil in there, not too much or it won't stay on your face, it'll drip everywhere and make you look like a melty face.

Mix it up nice and slap it on your face, eyes and lips included. It is gentle enough to put all over your eyes, even raw skin.

Let it sit a good hour so all the good oils can soak in.

Remove by patting gently off using a soft cloth and follow immediately with a moisturizer, I use something that is scentless and super gentle, since the skin on my face is like a babies ass.

This is saving me right now and my rashness has gone down. So now I am making it in bigger batches and using it on my body as well!

So there you go, try it out, if you do, let me know how it works for you.

Better find my way into bed, it's half past the witching hour.

Tomorrow is Friday, and I am not sure what is going to happen- Matt is going to fish and have guy time out in Pembina, and I may just shut myself in alone with my cats and sake and some chick movie Matt would never want to watch.

I may even blog. Heheheheheheheheh!

Love y'allzzzz!!!!



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