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Tuesday 8 May 2012

Sorta random, little rambles, blood red, crazy tent

Well, I am bored and feel like sharing the few photos of my bro's wedding I have.

AWWWWWZZZ. Of course I was thinking of my nuptials. That's Andy in the background, My cuz KiKi's BF! He's looking' all... what's up???

Love this one, Fab Grandma Fran, my wonderful father and awesome mum, and me and my hubs. With a flash of Kirsten in there. (Kiki)

I used my tissue given to my for "my tears of joy".

I was like, DAMN! Should have done that at my wedding!

After many a Chardonnay, my Brother The Groom with a flash of Cory The Best Man laughing in the background. Ahhh gooooood fun, perfect wedding.

One funny yet awkward moment during the reception, this very conservative woman came up to me and Alicia if you are reading this I had never seen her before... but she had curly dark grey hair, shorter, anyways, she walks up to me after blatentedly staring at my hair for quite some time, and says:

Now, what would you call that colour?
Actually I was completely honest and said with a smile:
It's called blood red.
She seemed taken aback like that had to be a joke, but no siree, that there is the colour, special effects hair dye in BLOOOOOODDDD REEDDDDDDDD

Yup, blood red baby. Just in case you are wondering how I got my hair so fucking red, this is how.
I started with bleach blonde, that's how you can get it so bright.

Anywho, I am feeling strange from my steroids, these have built up in my system and I am becoming more and more powerful. I need about 6 hours of sleep to work, and somehow not tired... like ever.

It's a blessing and a curse.

Suddenly I got the taste for fine Champagne, and it's midnight. Wow, I am really not getting into the groove of RELAXING at night. When I took intron a I felt weird and wired with my home injections, and then I'd crash- late. That was almost the best because I was more likely to sleep through the side effects that hit by 4 am, so staying up till 2 made sense.

(I would seriously pop that Moet and Chandon I got from mom and dad, but I think Matthew would be mad at me for drinking it without him heh heh heh.... won't do that, tomorrow is a school day!)

 Anyways with the cancer drugs I developed a couple habits.

I'd drink tea and water constantly and have strange snacks, such as a pile of goat cheese with olive oil on it, pancakes with butter and brown sugar, gummies and kale salads.
Lots of peanut butter and grapes.

Or sweet apples. 
All night.

I'd feel so hungry then when I'd wake up I was never hungry, but forced  brekky on myself.

So blah blabby blab, I am OVER that shit, and going out to St. Paul area for some camping and straight up partying MAY LONG, oh snap.

Gonna be fun.

Hilarious but functional bed someone used backpacking in Europe... hey, gotta do whatcha gotta do I suppose. I'm setting up my 6 man tent whoopty whoop!


May I suggest you put HOBNOBS Milk or Dark Chocolate Digestive cookies on your grocery list RIGHT NOW?????

I'm pigging out on them right as I type and there are crumbs all over me and chocolate on my face these are soooooo goooooooood!!!

I took a picture, but I look too disgusting in it to post.

I curse my penchant for chocolate, but it is natural, me and chocolate.

Ok, so no goat cheese or pancakes at midnight, but I still must have some HobNob deliciousness.

I know I  am slowly returning to some kind of normal cause a little bit of a midnight snack is normal for me, not the buffet I'd prepare after my shot. In bits.

Anywhoozles, going to bed, gotta work, hit the post office, grab various items then fish with my husband.


We betta get a fish this time, mama needs some dinner!


1 comment:

alicia said...

awww davey! remember when i didn't see him for like 14 years and he went from being a little boy to a giant man? that was ridiculous.

i wish we all lived in the same country/province/city/street so we could hang out more! because who else has awesome cousins??? no one!

love youuu and davey too! <3

also, there is absolutely NO family resemblance between you, your mom, and grandma frannie!!! holy crap.