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Sunday 27 May 2012

10 days without blogging makes Erin Something Something

Hey Y'all!!! 

I've been so busy my tail has been on fire.

I haven't had a chance to blog it up for days!!!!

So last weekend was the May long I was so excited about.
We had a blast but it was definitely colllllllld away from the fire!

So I planned on documenting all activities that happened that weekend, and managed to get a few, but most pics were taken on Slims camera and I keep harassing him to send them to me and that hasn't happened- but it's cool I won't hold it against ya Slimbo.

So here are a few of the pics that I got before my camera decided it was too cold and stopped working.


Me and my bestest friend in the whole wide world

The Campbells- Slimbo and Elaine

A few strange ghostly pics

Good n' drunk.

Boys drinking beer

My husband-not posing for pics since '80

All up in Elaines face

Two of my wonderful friends who rule

Here I am filling up a watermelon with vodka- later added whisky and Redbull too!
We called it the may long melon and it got you googly eyed.

There will be more pics of people with the melon once Slim sends me the pics he got!

Party people

Mitch and Me, if you look down you'll see the May long melon soaking up all the boozy juices.


Drunken stupidity


Really, May long is just another excuse to get shitfaced, and we did, but definitely suffered in the cold- a little more than ever. We all felt like we must be getting old cause we froze our asses off at night, well worth it though.

So this week has been a flurry of work, appointments, teeth pulling, clients, herb gardening, tomato planting, kale planting, a few margaritas, and tonight- Sunday dinner at the Dixon farm and a 
haircut/ colour by Danette!

A little darker, a little purpley-er, with a couple feathers hiding in there too!!!

A beautiful Persiian rag doll beauty kitty at the farm <3

My flirty little man Seth- 5 and this pretty kitty!


This week I found aviators that actually work on my face, without looking too small for my big face.
I also like my hair that day, and out of sheer vanity I couldn't resist snapping a few selfies at red lights.

Yesterday pure gardening look.
My mom and I took a trip to get some fun stuff to plant on my balcony.

My herbs for the year! May buy more in a couple weeks!

Left to right- Cilantro, Rosemary, Basil, Chives, Parsley, Lavender. 

Sweet sugar snack tomatoes, I am hoping for more than 12 like last year!!!

My laser eyed pussy cats last night!


More selfie shots on my new 4G! You can be so vain and pose for the cam, and it'll always be a good pic!  Freeekin' LOVE IT!

Again with the selfie, AND the aviators- damn I am loving these cheap ass glasses!

Hopefully 10 days of not blogging didn't bore all my readers away, but to all those out there in cyber space, outer space, or your moms place much love to y'all and 




alicia said...

i missed youuuuuu!

you're so rustic in those camping photos! if anyone ever asked me to go camping i'd run away.

glad you're back! <3

my prove you're not a robot word is "stylings" how apropos.

Eris Ember said...

i am such a camper. Total tomboy when i hit the bush.
i think it's alberta girl thing!

I smelled really bad though by sunday, like really bad.

I MISSED YOU TOO!!!!!!!!!!!
