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Thursday 21 March 2013

Life Stew

This week has been one of those weeks where some scary stuff has happened and some wonderful stuff has happened, mixed emotions, like LIFE STEW MMMMM, all kinds happening all at once.

I will start with the wonderful stuff, because I need to get on the horn about this:

My lovely cousin Francesca and her husband Ryan have birthed their bun, his name is Finn and LORD KNOWS how he was created, he is so cute and precious 

SO CONGRATS to my RAD cuz Francesca, or Checky as we used to call her, I feel that she is a natural nurturer and will love motherhood. 


Ok, and now for the scary shit...

My daddy's blood pressure went through the roof yesterday, landing him in the hospital for a few hours and me being a sufferer of high blood pressure- but never that high- freaked out and I suppose that didn't help me much...

He's ok now but these things are like little creepy crawlers that happen upon you when you aren't even expecting it- high blood pressure is so so scary.

I doubt my constant and twisted motherly words to him are any consolation like, 
"just relax"
"tell the doctor you need Xanax"

I am truly that whacked out of daughter that has been through the medical system and tries to take advantage of it, by asking for Xanax.

I'm just kidding mum.

Anyways, I am still a little worried about him and just as he looked out for me while I was ill, I can't help but do the same.

After my ordeal and uncommon and frightening amount of biological knowledge- I should get a goddamm doctorate for all the shit I have read, I've deciphered medical jargon since high school to get the real unfiltered facts about my ailments over the years, I could practically be an open heart or brain surgeon I tells ya!

Screw Psych, it's twin separation surgery, my "major".

Maybe Harvard will give me an honorary cancer survivor degree...
Hmmm... emails?

Anyways, I need my dad to be healthy, I want him around a long time because I will be pushing 40 some once I finally get some of my shit together, and I want him there to be proud of me.

To me, there is nothing better than making my daddy proud.

Ok now I am tearing up, getting too emotional here, hmmmm, look at this:

I bet he could smell ya from 2k away and swing accross branches to get ya, and rip your eyes out while dancing around you.

I would rather be eaten by a bear than killed by some kind of fucked up monkey.

Ok so that's it for today... plus I was wrong I don't leave for Ontario till TUESDAY. Geez Erin, geez.

Keep on sparklin' shiny loves!



Unknown said...

This is so wierd...that ugly monkey was on a David Attenborough (The Life Series) DVD Brian just got. They are in the trees down by the river of Borneo. We shall show you when you come! Looking forward to your arrival. Soon now!
Take good care!
love Kathy

alicia said...

since i live in america i have a drawer FULL of xanex. like, literally a drawer. and i didn't even have to ask for it! they just dispense drugs like candy here. it's pretty sweet.

i hope your dad is ok - i love him!

it totally blows that we won't be in ontario at the same time. you should leave me a love note for when i come in april. :)

love youuuuuuuuuuuuu!