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Sunday 17 February 2013

Sunday Brain

YES! Another hangover Sunday is upon me.

This time it is due to birthday celebrations for my friend Jess or Jessor as I like to call her, beer and shots and darts and shots and beer, and some of E-towns very finest folks.

Was too involved in Beer to take pictures, which is probably a good thing, seeing as how when I got home last night I looked like yesterdays hooker.

I am now trying to study but finding myself too lazy to read properly so I put the books down. Today is the Black Sabbath and it is to be spent cuddling my kitties and being a lazy slag, watching stupid youtube vids and eating everything I can get my greasy mitts on.

This is my brain at the moment:

Homer Simpson and I have a few things in common- we both sold our souls for a donut, we both say D'OH a few times a day and both have that same dumb monkey banging cymbals in our heads.

Well that is of course when I don't have a million things in and out of my brain in a few seconds time, the brilliant thoughts I have that disappear as quickly as they come, the distracting voices that tell me to burn things, the over analyzing of near everything, the music that is playing somewhere in there and the inner dialogue I have going constantly- that isn't me today.

Oops, ignore the part about the voices... and the burning of things....

So from time to time I like to let that monkey bang away.


So I have realized lately I haven't been too active in the melanoma/anti-tanning community, but the other day I got a call from my oncologist and as you can imagine I am like- ummmm why was he calling me......

I listen to the message- didn't get it until the next day after working all night V-day, and he got a request for an interview on Breakfast TV on City TV from the head of the Canadian Cancer society with a melanoma survivor who used tanning beds- so he called me up, and then I spoke with the head cancer lady and I am to be interviewed Thursday morning about my experience with cancer and tanning, and the horrid disease melanoma that followed my use of tanning beds and not protecting my skin in the sun.

I am pretty excited about it, and looking forward to getting a chance to get my message out once again.

So I've decided I am the cancer rock star of western canada, yup, cancer made me famous! 
Well that's a little fucked up isn't it?
Laugh out loud.
 OK back to that cymbal banging monkey, I gots to shove something meaty and starchy in my mouth.

Love y'all, see ya on TV!


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